339 research outputs found

    Calibration of the distance scale from galactic Cepheids: I Calibration based on the GFG sample

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    New estimates of the distances of 36 nearby galaxies are presented based on accurate distances of galactic Cepheids obtained by Gieren, Fouque and Gomez (1998) from the geometrical Barnes-Evans method. The concept of 'sosie' is applied to extend the distance determination to extragalactic Cepheids without assuming the linearity of the PL relation. Doing so, the distance moduli are obtained in a straightforward way. The correction for extinction is made using two photometric bands (V and I) according to the principles introduced by Freedman and Madore (1990). Finally, the statistical bias due to the incompleteness of the sample is corrected according to the precepts introduced by Teerikorpi (1987) without introducing any free parameters (except the distance modulus itself in an iterative scheme). The final distance moduli depend on the adopted extinction ratio {R_V}/{R_I} and on the limiting apparent magnitude of the sample. A comparison with the distance moduli recently published by the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project (HSTKP) team reveals a fair agreement when the same ratio {R_V}/{R_I} is used but shows a small discrepancy at large distance. In order to bypass the uncertainty due to the metallicity effect it is suggested to consider only galaxies having nearly the same metallicity as the calibrating Cepheids (i.e. Solar metallicity). The internal uncertainty of the distances is about 0.1 magnitude but the total uncertainty may reach 0.3 magnitude.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, access to a database of extragalactic Cepheids. Astronomy & Astrophysics (in press) 200

    Photoinduced ligand exchange dynamics of a polypyridyl ruthenium complex in aqueous solution

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    The understanding of photoinduced ligand exchange mechanisms in polypyridyl ruthenium(II) complexes operating in aqueous solution is of crucial importance to rationalize their photoreactivity. Herein, we demonstrate that a synergetic use of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and static calculations, both conducted at the DFT level, can provide a full understanding of photosubstitution mechanisms of a monodentate ligand by a solvent water molecule in archetypal ruthenium complexes in explicit water. The simulations show that the photoinduced loss of a monodentate ligand generates an unreactive 16-electron species in a hitherto undescribed pentacoordinated triplet excited state that converts, via an easily accessible crossing point, to a reactive 16-electron singlet ground state, which combines with a solvent water molecule to yield the experimentally observed aqua complex in less than 10 ps. This work paves the way for the rational design of novel photoactive metal complexes relevant for biological applications.Metals in Catalysis, Biomimetics & Inorganic Material

    The costs of scaling up HIV prevention for high risk groups: lessons learned from the Avahan Programme in India.

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    OBJECTIVE: The study objective is to measure, analyse costs of scaling up HIV prevention for high-risk groups in India, in order to assist the design of future HIV prevention programmes in South Asia and beyond. DESIGN: Prospective costing study. METHODS: This study is one of the most comprehensive studies of the costs of HIV prevention for high-risk groups to date in both its scope and size. HIV prevention included outreach, sexually transmitted infections (STI) services, condom provision, expertise enhancement, community mobilisation and enabling environment activities. Economic costs were collected from 138 non-government organisations (NGOs) in 64 districts, four state level lead implementing partners (SLPs), and the national programme level (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)) office over four years using a top down costing approach, presented in US2011.RESULTS:Meantotalunitcosts(2004−08)perpersonreachedatleastonceayearandpermonthlycontactwereUS 2011. RESULTS: Mean total unit costs (2004-08) per person reached at least once a year and per monthly contact were US 235(56-1864) and US82(12−969)respectively.35 82(12-969) respectively. 35% of the cost was incurred by NGOs, 30% at the state level SLP and 35% at the national programme level. The proportion of total costs by activity were 34% for expertise enhancement, 37% for programme management (including support and supervision), 22% for core HIV prevention activities (outreach and STI services) and 7% for community mobilisation and enabling environment activities. Total unit cost per person reached fell sharply as the programme expanded due to declining unit costs above the service level (from US 477 per person reached in 2004 to US145perpersonreachedin2008).AttheservicelevelalsounitcostsdecreasedslightlyovertimefromUS 145 per person reached in 2008). At the service level also unit costs decreased slightly over time from US 68 to US$ 64 per person reached. CONCLUSIONS: Scaling up HIV prevention for high risk groups requires significant investment in expertise enhancement and programme administration. However, unit costs decreased with programme expansion in spite of an increase in the scope of activities

    Credit bureaus between risk-management, creditworthiness assessment and prudential supervision

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    "This text may be downloaded for personal research purposes only. Any additional reproduction for other purposes, whether in hard copy or electronically, requires the consent of the author. If cited or quoted, reference should be made to the full name of the author, the title, the working paper or other series, the year, and the publisher."This paper discusses the role and operations of consumer Credit Bureaus in the European Union in the context of the economic theories, policies and law within which they work. Across Europe there is no common practice of sharing the credit data of consumers which can be used for several purposes. Mostly, they are used by the lending industry as a practice of creditworthiness assessment or as a risk-management tool to underwrite borrowing decisions or price risk. However, the type, breath, and depth of information differ greatly from country to country. In some Member States, consumer data are part of a broader information centralisation system for the prudential supervision of banks and the financial system as a whole. Despite EU rules on credit to consumers for the creation of the internal market, the underlying consumer data infrastructure remains fragmented at national level, failing to achieve univocal, common, or defined policy objectives under a harmonised legal framework. Likewise, the establishment of the Banking Union and the prudential supervision of the Euro area demand standardisation and convergence of the data used to measure debt levels, arrears, and delinquencies. The many functions and usages of credit data suggest that the policy goals to be achieved should inform the legal and institutional framework of Credit Bureaus, as well as the design and use of the databases. This is also because fundamental rights and consumer protection concerns arise from the sharing of credit data and their expanding use
