11,087 research outputs found

    Accuracy of pulse interval timing in ambulatory blood pressure measurement

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    Blood pressure (BP) monitors rely on pulse detection. Some blood pressure monitors use pulse timings to analyse pulse interval variability for arrhythmia screening, but this assumes that the pulse interval timings detected from BP cuffs are accurate compared with RR intervals derived from ECG. In this study we compared the accuracy of pulse intervals detected using an ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM) with single lead ECG. Twenty participants wore an ABPM for three hours and a data logger which synchronously measured cuff pressure and ECG. RR intervals were compared with corresponding intervals derived from the cuff pressure tracings using three different pulse landmarks. Linear mixed effects models were used to assess differences between ECG and cuff pressure timings and to investigate the effect of potential covariates. In addition, the maximum number of successive oscillometric beats detectable in a measurement was assessed. From 243 BP measurements, the foot landmark of the oscillometric pulse was found to be associated with fewest covariates and had a random error of 9.5 ms. 99% of the cuff pressure recordings had more than 10 successive detectable oscillometric beats. RR intervals can be accurately estimated using an ABPM

    Opportunistic detection of atrial fibrillation using blood pressure monitors: a systematic review

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    Background: Atrial Fibrillation (AF) affects around 2% of the population and early detection is beneficial, allowing patients to begin potentially life-saving anticoagulant therapies. Blood pressure (BP) monitors may offer an opportunity to screen for AF. Aim: To identify and appraise studies which report the diagnostic accuracy of automated BP monitors used for opportunistic AF detection. Methods: A systematic search was performed of the Medline, Medline-in-process and Embase literature databases. Papers were eligible if they described primary studies of the evaluation of a BP device for AF detection, were published in a peer reviewed journal and reported values for the sensitivity and specificity. Included studies were appraised using the QUADAS-2 tool to assess their risk of bias and applicability to opportunistic AF detection. Values for the sensitivity and specificity of AF detection were extracted from each paper and compared. Results and Conclusion: We identified seven papers evaluating six devices from two manufacturers. Only one study scored low risk in all of the QUADAS-2 domains. All studies reported specificity greater than 85% and six reported sensitivity greater than 90%. The studies showed that blood pressure devices with embedded algorithms for detecting arrhythmias show promise as screening tools for AF, comparing favourably with manual pulse palpation. But the studies used different methodologies and many were subject to potential bias. More studies are needed to more precisely define the sensitivity and specificity of opportunistic screening for AF during blood pressure measurement before its clinical utility in the population of interest can be assessed fully

    The Sodium Channel B4-Subunits are Dysregulated in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Drug-Resistant Patients

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    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common type of partial epilepsy referred for surgery due to antiepileptic drug (AED) resistance. A common molecular target for many of these drugs is the voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC). The VGSC consists of four domains of pore-forming α-subunits and two auxiliary β-subunits, several of which have been well studied in epileptic conditions. However, despite the β4-subunits’ role having been reported in some neurological conditions, there is little research investigating its potential significance in epilepsy. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to assess the role of SCN4β in epilepsy by using a combination of molecular and bioinformatics approaches. We first demonstrated that there was a reduction in the relative expression of SCN4B in the drug-resistant TLE patients compared to non-epileptic control specimens, both at the mRNA and protein levels. By analyzing a co-expression network in the neighborhood of SCN4B we then discovered a linkage between the expression of this gene and K+ channels activated by Ca2+, or K+ two-pore domain channels. Our approach also inferred several potential effector functions linked to variation in the expression of SCN4B. These observations support the hypothesis that SCN4B is a key factor in AED-resistant TLE, which could help direct both the drug selection of TLE treatments and the development of future AED

    Clinician educators’ conceptions of assessment in medical education

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    In pursuing assessment excellence, clinician-educators who design and implement assessment are pivotal. The influence of their assessment practice in university-run licensure exams on student learning has direct implications for future patient care. While teaching practice has been shown to parallel conceptions of teaching, we know too little about conceptions of assessment in medical education to know if this is the case for assessment practice and conceptions of assessment. To explore clinician-educators’ conceptions of assessment, a phenomenographic study was undertaken. Phenomenography explores conceptions, the qualitatively different ways of understanding a phenomenon. Data analysis identifies a range of hierarchically inclusive categories of understanding, from simple to more complex, and the dimensions that distinguish each category or conception. Thirty-one clerkship convenors in three diverse Southern settings were interviewed in three cycles of iterative data collection and analysis. Four conceptions of assessment were identified: passive operator, awakening enquirer, active owner and scholarly assessor. Six dimensions were elucidated to describe and distinguish each conception: purpose of assessment; temporal perspective; role and responsibility; accountability; reflexivity and emotional valence. Additionally, three characteristics that appeared to track the progressive nature of the conceptions were identified: professional identity, assessment literacy and self-efficacy. These conceptions encompass and extend previously described conceptions across different educational levels, disciplines and contexts, suggesting applicability to other settings. There is some evidence of a relationship between conceptions and practice, suggesting, together with the hierarchical nature of these conceptions, that targeting conceptions during faculty development may be an effective approach to enhance assessment practice

    Teacher autonomy: Good for pupils? Good for teachers?

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    Should teachers have complete autonomy over teaching methods and practices, or should some aspects of their practice be determined by school or government policy? We address this question using repeated (value-added) maths test scores linked to rich survey data from the TALIS video study. With the possible exception of inexperienced teachers, we generally find no relationship between teacher autonomy and pupil outcomes (test scores, maths self-efficacy or interest in maths). In partial contrast with our findings for pupil outcomes, teachers with very low levels of autonomy are more likely to report reduced job satisfaction. It may hence be that some level of restriction on teacher autonomy is justified, especially among inexperienced teachers, particularly when it represents only partial control of teachers’ approaches in the classroom and is done to introduce evidence-based methods

    Contamination in complex healthcare trials:the falls in care homes (FinCH) study experience

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    BACKGROUND: Trials are at risk of contamination bias which can occur when participants in the control group are inadvertently exposed to the intervention. This is a particular risk in rehabilitation studies where it is easy for trial interventions to be either intentionally or inadvertently adopted in control settings. The Falls in Care Homes (FinCH) trial is used in this paper as an example of a large randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to explore the potential risks of contamination bias. We outline the FinCH trial design, present the potential risks from contamination bias, and the strategies used in the design of the trial to minimise or mitigate against this. The FinCH trial was a multi-centre randomised controlled trial, with embedded process evaluation, which evaluated whether systematic training in the use of the Guide to Action Tool for Care Homes reduced falls in care home residents. Data were collected from a number of sources to explore contamination in the FinCH trial. Where specific procedures were adopted to reduce risk of, or mitigate against, contamination, this was recorded. Data were collected from study e-mails, meetings with clinicians, research assistant and clinician network communications, and an embedded process evaluation in six intervention care homes. During the FinCH trial, there were six new falls prevention initiatives implemented outside the study which could have contaminated our intervention and findings. Methods used to minimise contamination were: cluster randomisation at the level of care home; engagement with the clinical community to highlight the risks of early adoption; establishing local collaborators in each site familiar with the local context; signing agreements with NHS falls specialists that they would maintain confidentiality regarding details of the intervention; opening additional research sites; and by raising awareness about the importance of contamination in research among participants. CONCLUSION: Complex rehabilitation trials are at risk of contamination bias. The potential for contamination bias in studies can be minimized by strengthening collaboration and dialogue with the clinical community. Researchers should recognise that clinicians may contaminate a study through lack of research expertise

    A national scale inventory of resource provision for biodiversity within domestic gardens

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    The human population is increasingly disconnected from nature due to urbanisation. To counteract this phenomenon, the UK government has been actively promoting wildlife gardening. However, the extent to which such activities are conducted and the level of resource provision for biodiversity (e.g., food and nesting sites) within domestic gardens remains poorly documented. Here we generate estimates for a selection of key resources provided within gardens at a national scale, using 12 survey datasets gathered across the UK. We estimate that 22.7 million households (87% of homes) have access to a garden. Average garden SiZe is 190 m(2), extrapolating to a total area of 432,924 ha. Although substantial, this coverage is still an order of magnitude less than that of statutory protected areas. Approximately 12.6 million (48%) households provide supplementary food for birds, 7.4 million of which specifically use bird feeders. Similarly, there are a minimum of 4.7 million nest boxes within gardens. These figures equate to one bird feeder for every nine potentially feeder-using birds in the UK, and at least one nest box for every six breeding pairs of cavity nesting birds. Gardens also contain 2.5-3.5 million ponds and 28.7 million trees, which is just under a quarter of all trees occurring outside woodlands. Ongoing urbanisation, characterised by increased housing densities, is inevitable throughout the UK and elsewhere. The important contribution domestic gardens make to the green space infrastructure in residential areas must be acknowledged, as their reduction will impact biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and the well-being of the human population

    Automated verification of shape and size properties via separation logic.

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    Despite their popularity and importance, pointer-based programs remain a major challenge for program verification. In this paper, we propose an automated verification system that is concise, precise and expressive for ensuring the safety of pointer-based programs. Our approach uses user-definable shape predicates to allow programmers to describe a wide range of data structures with their associated size properties. To support automatic verification, we design a new entailment checking procedure that can handle well-founded inductive predicates using unfold/fold reasoning. We have proven the soundness and termination of our verification system, and have built a prototype system

    Cartan subalgebras in C*-algebras of Hausdorff etale groupoids

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    The reduced CC^*-algebra of the interior of the isotropy in any Hausdorff \'etale groupoid GG embeds as a CC^*-subalgebra MM of the reduced CC^*-algebra of GG. We prove that the set of pure states of MM with unique extension is dense, and deduce that any representation of the reduced CC^*-algebra of GG that is injective on MM is faithful. We prove that there is a conditional expectation from the reduced CC^*-algebra of GG onto MM if and only if the interior of the isotropy in GG is closed. Using this, we prove that when the interior of the isotropy is abelian and closed, MM is a Cartan subalgebra. We prove that for a large class of groupoids GG with abelian isotropy---including all Deaconu--Renault groupoids associated to discrete abelian groups---MM is a maximal abelian subalgebra. In the specific case of kk-graph groupoids, we deduce that MM is always maximal abelian, but show by example that it is not always Cartan.Comment: 14 pages. v2: Theorem 3.1 in v1 incorrect (thanks to A. Kumjain for pointing out the error); v2 shows there is a conditional expectation onto MM iff the interior of the isotropy is closed. v3: Material (including some theorem statements) rearranged and shortened. Lemma~3.5 of v2 removed. This version published in Integral Equations and Operator Theor