5,032 research outputs found

    Cosmological perturbations in coherent oscillating scalar field models

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    The fact that fast oscillating homogeneous scalar fields behave as perfect fluids in average and their intrinsic isotropy have made these models very fruitful in cosmology. In this work we will analyse the perturbations dynamics in these theories assuming general power law potentials V(ϕ)=Î»âˆŁÏ•âˆŁn/nV(\phi)=\lambda \vert\phi\vert^{n}/n. At leading order in the wavenumber expansion, a simple expression for the effective sound speed of perturbations is obtained ceff2=ω=(n−2)/(n+2)c_{\text{eff}}^2 = \omega=(n-2)/(n+2) with ω\omega the effective equation of state. We also obtain the first order correction in k2/ωeff2k^2/\omega_{\text{eff}}^2, when the wavenumber kk of the perturbations is much smaller than the background oscillation frequency, ωeff\omega_{\text{eff}}. For the standard massive case we have also analysed general anharmonic contributions to the effective sound speed. These results are reached through a perturbed version of the generalized virial theorem and also studying the exact system both in the super-Hubble limit, deriving the natural ansatz for ÎŽÏ•\delta\phi; and for sub-Hubble modes, exploiting Floquet's theorem.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Published on JHE

    Isotropy theorem for cosmological Yang-Mills theories

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    We consider homogeneous non-abelian vector fields with general potential terms in an expanding universe. We find a mechanical analogy with a system of N interacting particles (with N the dimension of the gauge group) moving in three dimensions under the action of a central potential. In the case of bounded and rapid evolution compared to the rate of expansion, we show by making use of a generalization of the virial theorem that for arbitrary potential and polarization pattern, the average energy-momentum tensor is always diagonal and isotropic despite the intrinsic anisotropic evolution of the vector field. We consider also the case in which a gauge-fixing term is introduced in the action and show that the average equation of state does not depend on such a term. Finally, we extend the results to arbitrary background geometries and show that the average energy-momentum tensor of a rapidly evolving Yang-Mills fields is always isotropic and has the perfect fluid form for any locally inertial observer.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Isotropy theorem for arbitrary-spin cosmological fields

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    We show that the energy-momentum tensor of homogeneous fields of arbitrary spin in an expanding universe is always isotropic in average provided the fields remain bounded and evolve rapidly compared to the rate of expansion. An analytic expression for the average equation of state is obtained for Lagrangians with generic power-law kinetic and potential terms. As an example we consider the behavior of a spin-two field in the standard Fierz-Pauli theory of massive gravity. The results can be extended to general space-time geometries for locally inertial observers.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figures. Published on JCA

    Some results on the eigenfunctions of the quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model related to the Lie algebra E6

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    The quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland models related to Lie algebras admit a parametrization in which the dynamical variables are the characters of the fundamental representations of the algebra. We develop here this approach for the case of the exceptional Lie algebra E6.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    On the collapse in fourth order gravities

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    The gravitational collapse in fourth order theories of gravity defined by an arbitrary action of the scalar curvature shows significant deviations with General Relativity. The presence of a new scalar mode produces a higher initial contraction that favors the reduction of the collapsing time. However, depending on the particular model, there are fundamental differences when the modifications to the General Relativity collapse leave the linear regime. These analyses can be used to exclude an important region of the parameter space associated with alternative gravitational models.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE2011, Madrid 201

    Optical spin transfer in ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    Circularly polarized laser pulses that excite electron-hole pairs across the band gap of (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors can be used to manipulate and to study collective magnetization dynamics. The initial spin orientation of a photocarrier in a (III,V) semiconductors is determined by the polarization state of the laser. We show that the photocarrier spin can be irreversibly transferred to the collective magnetization, whose dynamics can consequently be flexibly controlled by suitably chosen laser pulses. As illustrations we demonstrate the feasibility of all optical ferromagnetic resonance and optical magnetization reorientation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    High pressure effects in fluorinated HgBa2Ca2Cu3O(8+d)

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    We have measured the pressure sensitivity of Tc in fluorinated HgBa2Ca2Cu3O(8+d) (Hg-1223) ceramic samples with different F contents, applying pressures up to 30 GPa. We obtained that Tc increases with increasing pressure, reaching different maximum values, depending on the F doping level, and decreases for a further increase of pressure. A new high Tc record (166 K +/- 1 K) was achieved by applying pressure (23 GPa) in a fluorinated Hg-1223 sample near the optimum doping level. Our results show that all our samples are at the optimal doping, and that fluorine incorporation decreases the crystallographic aa-parameter concomitantly increasing the maximum attainable Tc. This effect reveals that the compression of the aa axes is one of the keys that controls the Tc of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
