1,503 research outputs found

    Understanding memorable enogastronomic experiences: A qualitative approach

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    The objectives of this chapter are to: - Introduce those factors that make a memorable enogastronomic experience for tourists visiting a destination; - Present qualitative findings that reveal that gastronomy and wines play a major role in the way that visitors experience a destination and indicate that some travellers would return to the same destination to savour its unique gastronomy.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Verification for Everyone? An Overview of Dynamic Logic

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    This note, reporting the homonym keynote presented in the International Symposium on Molecular Logic and Computational Synthetic Biology 2018, traces an informal roadmap on Dynamic Logic (DL) field, focusing on its versatility and resilience to be adjusted and adopted in a wide class of application domains and computational paradigms. The exposition argues the room for developments on tagging DL to the analysis of synthetic biologic domain.publishe

    A new modified Wilson equation for the calculation of vapor–liquid equilibrium of aqueous polymer solutions

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    A local composition model based on the lattice theory and two-fluid theory, considering the excess heat capacity, which is a modified Wilson equation, is developed for the excess Gibbs energy of aqueous polymer solutions. The model represents a synergistic combination of the excess entropy for mixing molecules of different sizes and the temperature dependent residual contribution, which combines the attractive interactions between solvent molecules and the segments with the contribution of the excess heat capacity. The results of the extrapolation with respect to molecular weight of phase equilibrium in aqueous polymer solutions with this model are very satisfactory, with only two adjustable parameters.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – postdoctoral fellowship, Programa Operacional “Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação” POCTI/1999/EQU/33185

    Catalytic Steam Reforming of Biomass-Derived Oxygenates for H2 Production: A Review on Ni-Based Catalysts

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    The steam reforming of ethanol, methanol, and other oxygenates (e.g., bio-oil and olive mill wastewater) using Ni-based catalysts have been studied by the scientific community in the last few years. This process is already well studied over the last years, being the critical point, at this moment, the choice of a suitable catalyst. The utilization of these oxygenates for the production of green H2 is an interesting alternative to fuel fossils. For this application, Ni-based catalysts have been extensively studied since they are highly active and cheaper than noble metal-based materials. In this review, a comparison of several Ni-based catalysts reported in the literature for the different above-mentioned reactions is carried out. This study aims to understand if such catalysts demonstrate enough catalytic activity/stability for application in steam reforming of the oxygenated compounds and which preparation methods are most adequate to obtain these materials. In summary, it aims to provide insights into the performances reached and point out the best way to get better and improved catalysts for such applications (which depends on the feedstock used)

    Spectral (MIR) determination of kaolinite and gibbsite contents in lateritic soils

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    Kaolinite et gibbsite sont, avec les oxyhydroxydes de fer et le quartz, les constituants de base des sols latéritiques. Les proportions relatives de ces deux minéraux sont des témoins du degré d'évolution de ces sols, d'où l'intérêt de leur détermination quantitative, généralement réalisée par des analyses chimiques ou par diffraction des rayons X, techniques longues et coûteuses. Une procédure nouvelle est proposée; elle est fondée sur la spectroscopie optique en réflectance diffuse et permet une estimation satisfaisante de la teneur en gibbsite et en kaolinite dans les sols étudiés. Pour cette dernière, l'estimation concerne la teneur en kaolinite dans la seule fraction argileuse de la terre fine. En outre, un indice basé sur les intensités d'absorption de la kaolinite et de la gibbsite a été trouvé pour estimer d'une façon précise le rapport Ki = SiO2/Al2O3 dans les sols latéritiques. Ces déterminations peuvent être effectuées directement sur le terrain à l'aide d'un spectromètre portable. (Résumé d'auteur

    Comparative study of tributyltin toxicity on two bacteria of the genus Bacillus

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    Tributyltin is a potent biocide mainly used in marine antifouling paints. Owing to its widespread distribution in coast areas and its high toxicity to aquatic organisms, the use of this compound is generally restricted and under government regulation. Despite of that, it persists in the aquatic environment. Organotins used in industry have also been detected in terrestrial environments. The persistence and high lipophilicity explain bioaccumulation. The role of bacteria in recycling organic matter prompted us to study the interaction of tributyltin with two ubiquitous bacilli, B. stearothermophilus and B. subtilis, proposed as biological indicators of pollutants with ecological impact. These bacteria have been used as suitable models for the study of toxicity mechanisms of unselective lipophilic compounds (e.g., DDT and endosulfan). Drug effects on growth parameters, oxygen consumption and membrane organization were assessed. Bacteria growth in a liquid complex medium was disturbed by concentrations of TBT as low as 25 nM (8 [mu]g L-1), close to the concentration in polluted environments. The respiratory activity is affected by TBT in both microorganisms. Membrane organization, assessed by fluorescence polarization of two fluidity probes, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and a propionic acid derivative (DPH-PA), was also perturbed by the xenobiotic. Alterations on growth, oxygen consumption and physical properties of membrane lipids are stronger in B. stearothermophilus as compared to B. subtilis. A putative relationship between growth inhibition and respiratory activity impairment induced by TBT and its effects on the physical behaviour of bacterial membrane lipids is suggested.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TCP-4GSJR3R-9/1/18e0ee5c8ce4e887466d84b850ad8ec

    Toxicity of methoprene as assessed by the use of a model microorganism

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    Methoprene is an insect juvenile growth hormone mimic, commonly used as a pesticide. Although widely used for the control of several pests, toxic effects on organisms of different phyla have been reported. These events triggered studies to clarify the mechanisms of toxicity of this insecticide putatively involved in ecological issues. Here we show the effect of methoprene on the normal cell growth and viability of a strain of the thermophilic eubacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus, previously used as a model for toxicological evaluation of other environment pollutants. Respiration studies were also carried out attempting to identify a putative target for the cytotoxic action of methoprene. Cell growth was affected and a decrease of the number of viable cells was observed as a result of the addition of methoprene to the growth medium, an effect reverted by the presence of Ca2+. Methoprene also inhibited the redox flow of B. stearothermophilus protoplasts before the cytochrome oxidase segment, an effect further studied by individually assessing the enzymatic activities of the respiratory complexes. This study suggests that methoprene membrane interaction and perturbation of cell bioenergetics may underlie the mechanism of toxicity of this compound in non-target organisms.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TCP-4GSJXGW-4/1/788f9fd7d4f3a4f1ae5d498a5674dcc

    The EuroHeart Failure Survey programme—a survey on the quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe Part 2: treatment

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    National surveys suggest that treatment of heart failure in daily practice differs from guidelines and is characterized by underuse of recommended medications. Accordingly, the Euro, Heart Failure Survey was conducted to ascertain how patients hospitalized for heart failure are managed in Europe and if national variations occur in the treatment of this condition. Methods The survey screened discharge summaries of 11 304 patients over a 6-week period in 115 hospitals from 24 countries belonging to the ESC to study their medical treatment. Results Diuretics (mainly loop diuretics) were prescribed in 86.9% followed by ACE inhibitors (61.8%), beta-blockers (36.9%), cardiac glycosides (35.7%), nitrates (32.1%), calcium. channel blockers (21.2%) and spironolactone (20.5%). 44.6% of the population used four or more different drugs. Only 17.2% were under the combination of diuretic, ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. Important local variations were found in the rate of prescription of ACE inhibitors and particularly beta-blockers. Daily dosage of ACE inhibitors and particularly of beta-blockers was on average below the recommended target dose. Modelling-analysis of the prescription of treatments indicated that the aetiology of heart failure, age, co-morbid factors and type of hospital ward influenced the rate of prescription. Age 70 years, in patients with respiratory disease and increased in cardiology wards, in ischaemic heart failure and in mate subjects. Prescription of cardiac glycosides was significantly increased in patients with supraventricular tachycardia/atrial fibrillation. Finally, the rate of prescription of antithrombotic agents was increased in the presence of supraventricular arrhythmia, ischaemic heart disease, mate subjects but was decreased in patients over 70. Conclusion Our results suggest that the prescription of recommended medications including ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers remains limited and that the daily dosage remains tow, particularly for beta-blockers. The survey also identifies several important factors including age, gender, type of hospital ward, co morbid factors which influence the prescription of heart failure medication at discharge