375 research outputs found

    Elevated formation of pyridinoline cross-links by profibrotic cytokines is associated with enhanced lysyl hydroxylase 2b levels

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    AbstractThe hallmark of fibrosis is the excessive accumulation of collagen. The deposited collagen contains increased pyridinoline cross-link levels due to an overhydroxylation of lysine residues within the collagen telopeptides. Lysyl hydroxylase 2b (LH2b) is the only lysyl hydroxylase consistently up-regulated in several forms of fibrosis, suggesting that an enhanced LH2b level is responsible for the overhydroxylation of collagen telopeptides. The present paper reports the effect of profibrotic cytokines on the expression of collagen, lysyl hydroxylases and lysyl oxidase in normal human skin fibroblasts, as well as the effect on pyridinoline formation in the deposited matrix. All three isoforms of TGF-β induce a substantial increase in LH2b mRNA levels, also when expressed relatively to the mRNA levels of collagen type I α2 (COL1A2). The TGF-β isoforms also clearly influence the collagen cross-linking pathway, since higher levels of pyridinoline cross-links were measured. Similar stimulatory effects on LH2b/COL1A2 mRNA expression and pyridinoline formation were observed for IL-4, activin A, and TNF-α. An exception was BMP-2, which has no effect on LH2b/COL1A2 mRNA levels nor on pyridinoline formation. Our data show for the first time that two processes, i.e., up-regulation of LH2b mRNA levels and increased formation of pyridinoline cross-links, previously recognized to be inherent to fibrotic processes, are induced by various profibrotic cytokines

    Low thermal conductivity in La-filled cobalt antimonide skutterudites with an inhomogeneous filling factor prepared under high-pressure conditions

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    La-filled skutterudites LaxCo4Sb12 (x : 0.25 and 0.5) have been synthesized and sintered in one step under high-pressure conditions at 3.5 GPa in a piston-cylinder hydrostatic press. The structural properties of the reaction products were characterized by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, clearly showing an uneven filling factor of the skutterudite phases, confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. The non-homogeneous distribution of La filling atoms is adequate to produce a significant decrease in lattice thermal conductivity, mainly due to strain field scattering of high-energy phonons. Furthermore, the lanthanum filler primarily acts as an Einstein-like vibrational mode having a strong impact on the phonon scattering. Extra-low thermal conductivity values of 2.39 W/mK and 1.30 W/mK are measured for La0.25Co4Sb12 and La0.5Co4Sb12 nominal compositions at 780 K, respectively. Besides this, lanthanum atoms have contributed to increase the charge carrier concentration in the samples. In the case of La0.25Co4Sb12, there is an enhancement of the power factor and an improvement of the thermoelectric properties

    Nanostructured Thermoelectric Chalcogenides

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    Thermoelectric materials are outstanding to transform temperature differences directly and reversibly into electrical voltage. Exploiting waste heat recovery as a source of power generation could help towards energy sustainability. Recently, the SnSe semiconductor was identified, in single-crystal form, as a mid-temperature thermoelectric material with record high figure of merit, high power factor and surprisingly low thermal conductivity. We describe the preparation of polycrystals of alloys of SnSe obtained by arc-melting; a rapid synthesis that results in strongly nanostructured samples with low thermal conductivity, advantageous for thermoelectricity, approaching the amorphous limit, around 0.3–0.5 W/mK. An initial screening of novel samples Sn1−xMxSe, by alloying with 3d and 4d transition metals such as M = Mn, Y, Ag, Mo, Cd or Au, provides for a means to optimize the power factor. M=Mo, Ag, with excellent values, are described in detail with characterization by x-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electronic and thermal transport measurements. Rietveld analysis of XRD data demonstrates near-perfect stoichiometries of the above-mentioned alloys. SEM analysis shows stacking of nanosized sheets, with large surfaces parallel to layered slabs. An apparatus was developed for the simultaneous measurement of the Seebeck coefficient and electric conductivity at elevated temperatures

    Nanostructured State-of-the-Art Thermoelectric Materials Prepared by Straight-Forward Arc-Melting Method

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    Thermoelectric materials constitute an alternative to harvest sustainable energy from waste heat. Among the most commonly utilized thermoelectric materials, we can mention Bi2Te3 (hole and electron conductivity type), PbTe and recently reported SnSe intermetallic alloys. We review recent results showing that all of them can be readily prepared in nanostructured form by arc-melting synthesis, yielding mechanically robust pellets of highly oriented polycrystals. These materials have been characterized by neutron powder diffraction (NPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electronic and thermal transport measurements. Analysis of NPD patterns demonstrates near-perfect stoichiometry of above-mentioned alloys and fair amount of anharmonicity of chemical bonds. SEM analysis shows stacking of nanosized sheets, each of them presumably single-crystalline, with large surfaces parallel to layered slabs. This nanostructuration affects notably thermoelectric properties, involving many surface boundaries (interfaces), which are responsible for large phonon scattering factors, yielding low thermal conductivity. Additionally, we describe homemade apparatus developed for the simultaneous measurement of Seebeck coefficient and electric conductivity at elevated temperatures

    AND/R: Advanced neutron diffractometer/reflectometer for investigation of thin films and multilayers for the life sciences

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    An elastic neutron scattering instrument, the advanced neutron diffractometer/reflectometer (AND/R), has recently been commissioned at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research. The AND/R is the centerpiece of the Cold Neutrons for Biology and Technology partnership, which is dedicated to the structural characterization of thin films and multilayers of biological interest. The instrument is capable of measuring both specular and nonspecular reflectivity, as well as crystalline or semicrystalline diffraction at wave-vector transfers up to approximately 2.20 Ã…(-1). A detailed description of this flexible instrument and its performance characteristics in various operating modes are given.D. J. M. is supported through a NSF NIRT grant Contract No. 0304062

    Morphology of supported polymer electrolyte ultra-thin films: a numerical study

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    Morphology of polymer electrolytes membranes (PEM), e.g., Nafion, inside PEM fuel cell catalyst layers has significant impact on the electrochemical activity and transport phenomena that determine cell performance. In those regions, Nafion can be found as an ultra-thin film, coating the catalyst and the catalyst support surfaces. The impact of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic character of these surfaces on the structural formation of the films has not been sufficiently explored yet. Here, we report about Molecular Dynamics simulation investigation of the substrate effects on the ionomer ultra-thin film morphology at different hydration levels. We use a mean-field-like model we introduced in previous publications for the interaction of the hydrated Nafion ionomer with a substrate, characterized by a tunable degree of hydrophilicity. We show that the affinity of the substrate with water plays a crucial role in the molecular rearrangement of the ionomer film, resulting in completely different morphologies. Detailed structural description in different regions of the film shows evidences of strongly heterogeneous behavior. A qualitative discussion of the implications of our observations on the PEMFC catalyst layer performance is finally proposed

    NetPyNE, a tool for data-driven multiscale modeling of brain circuits

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    Biophysical modeling of neuronal networks helps to integrate and interpret rapidly growing and disparate experimental datasets at multiple scales. The NetPyNE tool (www.netpyne.org) provides both programmatic and graphical interfaces to develop data-driven multiscale network models in NEURON. NetPyNE clearly separates model parameters from implementation code. Users provide specifications at a high level via a standardized declarative language, for example connectivity rules, to create millions of cell-to-cell connections. NetPyNE then enables users to generate the NEURON network, run efficiently parallelized simulations, optimize and explore network parameters through automated batch runs, and use built-in functions for visualization and analysis – connectivity matrices, voltage traces, spike raster plots, local field potentials, and information theoretic measures. NetPyNE also facilitates model sharing by exporting and importing standardized formats (NeuroML and SONATA). NetPyNE is already being used to teach computational neuroscience students and by modelers to investigate brain regions and phenomena

    Spatiotemporally Controlled Cardiac Conduction Block Using High-Frequency Electrical Stimulation

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    Background: Methods for the electrical inhibition of cardiac excitation have long been sought to control excitability and conduction, but to date remain largely impractical. High-amplitude alternating current (AC) stimulation has been known to extend cardiac action potentials (APs), and has been recently exploited to terminate reentrant arrhythmias by producing reversible conduction blocks. Yet, low-amplitude currents at similar frequencies have been shown to entrain cardiac tissues by generation of repetitive APs, leading in some cases to ventricular fibrillation and hemodynamic collapse in vivo. Therefore, an inhibition method that does not lead to entrainment – irrespective of the stimulation amplitude (bound to fluctuate in an in vivo setting) – is highly desirable. Methodology/Principal Findings: We investigated the effects of broader amplitude and frequency ranges on the inhibitory effects of extracellular AC stimulation on HL-1 cardiomyocytes cultured on microelectrode arrays, using both sinusoidal and square waveforms. Our results indicate that, at sufficiently high frequencies, cardiac tissue exhibits a binary response to stimulus amplitude with either prolonged APs or no effect, thereby effectively avoiding the risks of entrainment by repetitive firing observed at lower frequencies. We further demonstrate the ability to precisely define reversible local conduction blocks in beating cultures without influencing the propagation activity in non-blocked areas. The conduction blocks were spatiotemporally controlled by electrode geometry and stimuli duration, respectively, and sustainable for long durations (300 s). Conclusion/Significance: Inhibition of cardiac excitation induced by high-frequency AC stimulation exhibits a binary response to amplitude above a threshold frequency, enabling the generation of reversible conduction blocks without the risks of entrainment. This inhibition method could yield novel approaches for arrhythmia modeling in vitro, as well as safer and more efficacious tools for in vivo cardiac mapping and radio-frequency ablation guidance applications
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