383 research outputs found

    Detection of a new, low-brightness supernova remnant possibly associated with EGRET sources

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    We report on the discovery of a shell-type supernova remnant in the southern sky. It is a large (8*8), low-brightness source with a nonthermal radio spectrum, which requires background filtering to isolate it from the diffuse background emission of the Galaxy. Three 3EG gamma-ray sources are spatially correlated with the radio structure. We have made 21-cm line observations of the region and found that two of these sources are coincident with HI clouds. We propose that the gamma-ray emission is the result of hadronic interactions between high-energy protons locally accelerated at the remnant shock front and atomic nuclei in the ambient clouds.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Extreme intranight variability in the BL Lacertae object AO 0235+164

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    We present results of two-colour photometry with high time resolution of the violently variable BL Lac object AO 0235+164. We have found extreme intranight variability with amplitudes of ~ 100 % over time scales of 24 hours. Changes of 0.5 magnitudes in both R and V bands were measured within a single night, and variations up to 1.2 magnitudes occurred from night to night. A complete outburst with an amplitude ~ 30 % was observed during one of the nights, while the spectrum remained unchanged. This seems to support an origin based on a thin relativistic shock propagating in such a way that it changes the viewing angle, as recently suggested by Kraus et al. (1999) and Qian et al. (2000).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Letters

    Discovery of a deep Seyfert-2 galaxy at z = 0.222 behind NGC 300

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    We report on the unveiling of the nature of the unidentified X-ray source 3XMM J005450.3-373849 as a Seyfert-2 galaxy located behind the spiral galaxy NGC 300 using Hubble Space Telescope data, new spectroscopic Gemini observations and available XMM-Newton and Chandra data. We show that the X-ray source is positionally coincident with an extended optical source, composed by a marginally resolved nucleus/bulge, surrounded by an elliptical disc-like feature and two symmetrical outer rings. The optical spectrum is typical of a Seyfert-2 galaxy redshifted to z=0.222 +/- 0.001, which confirms that the source is not physically related to NGC 300. At this redshift the source would be located at 909+/-4 Mpc (comoving distance in the standard model). The X-ray spectra of the source are well-fitted by an absorbed power-law model. By tying NHN_\mathrm{H} between the six available spectra, we found a variable index Γ\Gamma running from ~2 in 2000-2001 years, to 1.4-1.6 in the 2005-2014 period. Alternatively, by tying Γ\Gamma, we found variable absorption columns of N_H ~ 0.34 x 102210^{-22} cm2^{-2} in 2000-2001 years, and 0.54-0.75 x 102210^{-22} cm2^{-2} in the 2005-2014 period. Although we cannot distinguish between an spectral or absorption origin, from the derived unabsorbed X-ray fluxes, we are able to assure the presence of long-term X-ray variability. Furthermore, the unabsorbed X-ray luminosities of 0.8-2 x 1043^{43} erg s1^{-1} derived in the X-ray band are in agreement with a weakly obscured Seyfert-2 AGN at z0.22z \approx 0.22.Comment: MNRAS, accepte

    A variability analysis of low-latitude unidentified gamma-ray sources

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    We present a study of 40 low-latitude unidentified 3EG gamma-ray sources which were found to be not positionally coincident with any known class of potential gamma-ray emitters in the Galaxy (Romero, Benaglia & Torres, 1999). We have performed a variability analysis which reveals that many of these 40 sources are variable. These sources have, in addition, a steep mean value of the gamma-ray spectral index, =2.41±0.2 = 2.41 \pm 0.2, which, combined with the high level of variability seems to rule out a pulsar origin. The positional coincidences with uncatalogued candidates to supernova remnants were also studied. Only 7 sources in the sample are spatially coincident with these candidates, a result that is shown to be consistent with the expected level of pure chance association. A complementary search for weak radio counterparts was also conducted and the results are presented as an extensive table containing all significant point-like radio sources within the 40 EGRET fields. We argue that in order to produce the high variability, steep gamma-ray spectra, and absence of strong radio counterparts observed in some of the gamma-ray sources of our sample a new class of objects should be postulated, and we analyze a viable candidate.Comment: Paper updated to match the accepted version to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001. Tables 5,6,7 and 8 are in ascii format and need to be printed separately. they can also be obtained from http://www.iar.unlp.edu.ar/garra Table 5 is 62 pages long. Download the source to obtain the table

    An inquiry into the nature of the gamma-ray source 3EG J1828+0142

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    The unidentified, low-latitude, γ\gamma-ray source 3EG J1828+0142 presents high levels of variability and a steep spectral index Γ2.7\Gamma\sim2.7. Here we propose a model for this source where the high-energy emission is produced by a galactic Kerr-Newman black hole. The model takes into account electron-positron annihilation losses in the calculation of the expected spectral energy distribution and can reproduce the observational features, including the absence of a strong radio counterpart. We also report the discovery of a nearby supernova remnant that could be associated with the original supernova explosion that created the black hole. Several faint radio sources were also detected in the radio field within the inner γ\gamma-ray confidence contour and their spectral index estimated. Some of these sources could be the expected weak radio counterpart.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Discovery of a new radio galaxy within the error box of the unidentified gamma-ray source 3EG J1735-1500

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    We report the discovery of a new radio galaxy within the location error box of the gamma-ray source 3EG J1735-1500. The galaxy is a double-sided jet source forming a large angle with the line of sight. Optical observations reveal a V ~ 18 magnitude galaxy at the position of the radio core. Although the association with the EGRET source is not confirmed at the present stage, because there is a competing, alternative gamma-ray candidate within the location error contours which is also studied here, the case deserves further attention. The new radio galaxy can be used to test the recently proposed possibility of gamma-ray emitting radio galaxies beyond the already known case of Centaurus A.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    An Extended Radio Counterpart of TeV J2032+4130?

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    We carried out a 5-pointing mosaic observation of TeV J2032+4130 at 1.4 and 4.8 GHz with the VLA in April of 2003. The analysis of the 4.8GHz data indicate weak wispy shell-like radio structure(s) which are at least partially non-thermal. The radio data is compatible with one or more young supernova remnants or perhaps the signature of large scale cluster shocks in this region induced by the violent action of the many massive stars in Cyg OB2.Comment: Proc. 1st GLAST Symp. Feb 5-8, 2007, Stanford C

    New evidence on the origin of the microquasar GRO J1655-40

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    Aims. Motivated by the new determination of the distance to the microquasar GRO J1655-40 by Foellmi et al. (2006), we conduct a detailed study of the distribution of the atomic and molecular gas, and dust around the open cluster NGC 6242, the possible birth place of the microquasar. The proximity and relative height of the cluster on the galactic disk provides a unique opportunity to study SNR evolution and its possible physical link with microquasar formation. Methods. We search in the interstellar atomic and molecular gas around NGC 6242 for traces that may have been left from a supernova explosion associated to the formation of the black hole in GRO J1655-40. Furthermore, the 60/100 mu IR color is used as a tracer of shocked-heated dust. Results. At the kinematical distance of the cluster the observations have revealed the existence of a HI hole of 1.5*1.5 degrees in diameter and compressed CO material acumulated along the south-eastern internal border of the HI cavity. In this same area, we found extended infrared emission with characteristics of shocked-heated dust. Based on the HI, CO and FIR emissions, we suggest that the cavity in the ISM was produced by a supernova explosion occured within NGC 6242. The lower limit to the kinematic energy transferred by the supernova shock to the surrounding interstellar medium is ~ 10^{49} erg and the atomic and molecular mass displaced to form the cavity of ~ 16.500 solar masses. The lower limit to the time elapsed since the SN explosion is ~ 2.2*10^{5} yr, which is consistent with the time required by GRO J1655-40 to move from the cluster up to its present position. The observations suggest that GRO J1655-40 could have been born inside NGC 6242, being one of the nearest microquasars known so far.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Detailed study of SNR G306.3-0.9 using XMM-Newton and Chandra observations

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    We used combined data from XMM-Newton and Chandra observatories to study the X-ray morphology of SNR G306.3-0.9. A spatially-resolved spectral analysis was used to obtain physical and geometrical parameters of different regions of the remnant. Spitzer infrared observations were also used to constrain the progenitor supernova and study the environment in which the SNR evolved. The X-ray morphology of the remnant displays a non-uniform structure of semi-circular appearance, with a bright southwest region and very weak or almost negligible X-ray emission in its northern part. These results indicate that the remnant is propagating in a non-uniform environment as the shock fronts are encountering a high-density medium, where enhanced infrared emission is detected. The X-ray spectral analysis of the selected regions shows distinct emission-line features of several metal elements, confirming the thermal origin of the emission. The X-ray spectra are well represented by a combination of two absorbed thermal plasma models: one in equilibrium ionization with a mean temperature of ~0.19 keV, and another out of equilibrium ionization at a higher temperature of ~1.1 or 1.6-1.9 keV. For regions located in the northeast, central, and southwest part of the SNR, we found elevated abundances of Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe, typical of ejecta material. The outer regions located northwest and south show values of the abundances above solar but lower than to those found in the central regions. This suggests that the composition of the emitting outer parts of the SNR is a combination of ejecta and shocked material of the interstellar medium. The comparison between the S/Si, Ar/Si, and Ca/Si abundances ratios (1.75, 1.27, and 2.72 in the central region, respectively), favor a Type Ia progenitor for this SNR, a result that is also supported by an independent morphological analysis using X-ray and IR data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Multi-wavelength properties of the high-energy bright Seyfert 1 galaxy IGR J18027-1455

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    A new sample of hard X-ray sources in the Galactic Plane is being revealed by the regular observations performed by the INTEGRAL satellite. The full characterization of these sources is mandatory to understand the hard X-ray sky. Here we report new multifrequency radio, infrared and optical observations of the source IGR J18027-1455, as well as a multi-wavelength study from radio to hard X-rays. The radio counterpart of IGR J18027-1455 is not resolved at any observing frequency. The radio flux density is well fitted by a simple power law with a spectral index alpha=-0.75+/-0.02. This value is typical of optically thin non-thermal synchrotron emission originated in a jet. The NIR and optical spectra show redshifted emission lines with z=0.034, and a broad Halpha line profile with FWHM ~3400 km/s. This suggests an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) of type 1 as the optical counterpart of IGR J18027-1455. We confirm the Seyfert 1 nature of the source, which is intrinsically bright at high energies both in absolute terms and when scaled to a normalized 6 cm luminosity. Finally, comparing its X-ray luminosity with isotropic indicators, we find that the source is Compton thin and AGN dominated. This indicates that INTEGRAL might have just seen the tip of the iceberg, and several tens of such sources should be unveiled during the course of its lifetime.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Minor changes according to referee repor