1,412 research outputs found

    Caveolin-1 Modulates Mechanotransduction Responses to Substrate Stiffness through Actin-Dependent Control of YAP

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    The transcriptional regulator YAP orchestrates many cellular functions, including tissue homeostasis, organ growth control, and tumorigenesis. Mechanical stimuli are a key input to YAP activity, but the mechanisms controlling this regulation remain largely uncharacterized. We show that CAV1 positively modulates the YAP mechanoresponse to substrate stiffness through actin-cytoskeleton-dependent and Hippo-kinase-independent mechanisms. RHO activity is necessary, but not sufficient, for CAV1-dependent mechanoregulation of YAP activity. Systematic quantitative interactomic studies and image-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) screens provide evidence that this actin-dependent regulation is determined by YAP interaction with the 14-3-3 protein YWHAH. Constitutive YAP activation rescued phenotypes associated with CAV1 loss, including defective extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. CAV1-mediated control of YAP activity was validated in vivo in a model of pancreatitis-driven acinar-to-ductal metaplasia. We propose that this CAV1-YAP mechanotransduction system controls a significant share of cell programs linked to these two pivotal regulators, with potentially broad physiological and pathological implications. Moreno-Vicente et al. report that CAV1, a key component of PM mechanosensing caveolae, mediates adaptation to ECM rigidity by modulating YAP activity through the control of actin dynamics and phosphorylation-dependent interaction of YAP with the 14-3-3-domain protein YWHAH. Cav1-dependent YAP regulation drives two pathophysiological processes: ECM remodeling and pancreatic ADM. © 2018 The Author

    Supporting autonomy in physical education: Perception versus reality.

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    Esta investigación se centró, por una parte en la percepción de apoyo a la autonomía en las clases de Educación física, que tienen tanto el alumnado como el profesorado, y por otra, en la coherencia entre percepción y la realidad observada en las clases. Se aplicaron dos escalas al profesorado y al alumnado con el objeto de conocer con qué frecuencia se producen comportamientos instructivos favorables al desarrollo de la autonomía, y se observaron y grabaron en video clases impartidas por el profesorado. Los resultados muestran que la frecuencia de los comportamientos instructivos de apoyo a la autonomía durante la intervención de enseñanza es significativamente menor que la percibida por el alumnado y el profesorado. La realidad observada muestra un perfil de profesorado con gran margen de mejora en comportamientos como: calidad de la comunicación, funcionalidad de las tareas, fomento del pensamiento del alumnado, situaciones en las que el alumnado pueda expresar su opinión sobre las tareas y motivación intrínsecaThis investigation, on the one hand it focuses on students´ and teachers´ perception about autonomy support during Physical Education instruction, and on the other hand, in the coherence between perception and reality observed in the classes. Two scales were administered to determine the frequency of instructional behaviors favoring the development of autonomy, and teacher´s classes were observed and videotaped. The results show that the observed frequency of instructional behavior favoring autonomy support during classes is significantly lower than that perceived by students and teachers. The observed reality reveals a teacher profile with room for improvement in behaviors such as: communication quality, task functionality, promotion of students’ thinking, creation of situations in which students can express their opinions of the tasks, and increasing intrinsic motivationEl presente artículo forma parte del estudio realizado con la financiación del proyecto SEJ2007-672687/EDU del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Complicaciones torácicas en un paciente con luxación subclavicular del hombro

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    Se presenta una paciente de 88 años de edad con una luxación subclavicular de hombro derecho y un traumatismo torácico asociado que incluía fractura de las tres primeras costillas y hemotórax. El traumatismo torácico parecía estar muy estrechamente relacionado con la luxación glenohumeral. El tratamiento de la luxación se efectuó mediante reducción cerrada e inmovilización con vendaje de Gilchrist. El traumatismo del hemitórax derecho requirió toracocentesis en 2 ocasiones e ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos por insuficiencia respiratoria. La evolución fue satisfactoria, estando la paciente asintomática a los 3 meses del traumatismo, con movilidad del hombro prácticamente completa.The case of a 88-year-old women with a subclavicular right shoulder dislocation and concomitant thoracic trauma involving fracture of the three first ribs and hemothorax is reported. The thoracic trauma appeared to be closely related to the shoulder dislocation. Close reduction and Gilchrist's immovilization was the treatment applied to the shoulder dislocation. Right thoracic trauma required evacuation of the hemothorax in two ocasions and inward in the Intensive Care Unit. Three months after trauma, the outcome was satisfactory with almost complete recovery of the shoulder range of motion

    Forage allowances offered to pregnant ewes until middle and late gestation: Organ priorities on foetus development

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    Effect of forage allowance before conception and until mid or late gestation was evaluated for effects on foetal and neonatal weights, carcass, nervous systems, metabolic and reproductive organ weights, body dimensions, and variation in intensity of the effects among organs. Effects of two forage allowances, HFA: high forage allowance (2.9 - 3.8 kg of dry matter (DM)/kg bodyweight (BW)) and LFA: low forage allowance (1.4 - 2.6 kg DM/kg BW) were evaluated from 23 days before conception until 70 or 122 days postpartum. On gestation day 70, nine ewes per treatment, each carrying one male foetus, were euthanized and their foetuses were removed. The foetuses were weighed, their carcass and organ weights were recorded, and their external genitalia dimensions were measured. Nine additional lambs per treatment were euthanized 12 hours after birth and the same data were recorded. Hearts from day 70 LFA foetuses were lighter, their external genitalia were smaller, and their foetal weight tended to be less than in HFA. Newborn lambs from LFA ewes had lighter carcasses, livers, kidneys, adrenal glands and testes, shorter penises, but higher brain to liver weight ratios than in HFA. The cerebellum, brain, and heart weights of LFA and HFA newborn lambs did not differ. Low forage allowance until late gestation influenced both foetal and lamb weights and affected organ weights differentially. Thus, the treatments induced differences in prioritization of nutrients, with the central nervous system receiving the highest priority, and carcass and external genitalia the lowest. Keywords: foetal programming, intrauterine growth restriction, lambs, undernutritio

    Pseudoaneurisma de la arteria geniculada superior lateral secundaria a artroplastia de rodilla: Aportación de un caso

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    El pseudoaneurisma es una complicación infrecuente en la cirugía ortopédica de rodilla. Los pocos casos descritos generalmente están en relación con cirugía artroscópica. Presentamos un caso de pseudoaneurisma de la arteria geniculada superolateral secundario a artroplastia de rodilla en un varón de 69 años. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante arteriografía. Se trató con éxito mediante hemostasia y resección química.Pseudoaneurysm is an uncommon complication in knee orthopaedic surgery. There are few cases reported an most of them are secondary to arthroscopic techniques. We report a case of pseudoaneurysm of the superolateral genicular artery after knee arthroplasty in a 69-year-old-man. The diagnosis was made with arteriographay, and treatment was a successful hemostasia and surgical resection

    Fibrohistiocitoma maligno óseo tras degeneración de enfermedad de Paget Caso clínico y revisión de la literatura

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    El fibrohistiocitoma maligno óseo es un tumor de estirpe mesenquimal poco frecuente, pero de alta agresividad. Se suele presentar de forma primaria, aunque a veces lo hace sobre lesiones previas en el hueso. Puede ser difícil de diferenciar histológicamente de otros tumores, pero es una entidad propia desde el punto de vista anatomopatológico. Presentamos un paciente con enfermedad de Paget que desarrolló un fibrohistiocitoma maligno óseo en el fémur sobre el hueso pagético. Fue tratado mediante desarticulación de cadera. No se usó quimioterapia como tratamiento coadyuvante debido a su avanzada edad y situación basal. A los 18 meses se encuentra asintomático y sin signos de recurrencia. Se hace una revisión de la literatura acerca de este tumor.Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone is a rare but highly agressive mesenchimal tumor. It usually arises as a primary tumor but sometimes it can be associated with pre-existing bone abnormalities. Histologically it can be missdiagnosed with other tumors. We report a case of malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone in the femur in a patient with Paget's disease treated by hip desarticulation. We didn't use chemotherapy because his elderly status. At 18 months follow up, the patient is symptom-free and neither local recurrence nor metastasis have been found. A review of the literature has been carried out