50 research outputs found

    The methodological analysis of sediment phosphate research on the coast of Indonesia: a short review

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    The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method (AAS) and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer method are often used in analyzing elements and compounds in water and sediment. The comparative method of AAS and UV-Vis analysis in sediments in this article is studied to see the accuracy of the equipment used and the efficiency of the resulting analysis. Analysis of the comparative method of phosphate analysis in coastal sediments shows differences and similarities in the use of the two instruments used even though the methods used based on the results of the review do not show significant differences. Methodologically, various types of methods can be carried out to analyze coastal sediment phosphates. The UV-Vis spectrophotometric method is generally more widely used than the AAS method. For a small number of sediment samples, the ASS method is more efficient than the UV-Vis method; however, UV-Vis is more accurate for dissolved samples because less phosphate is released when identified than the AAS method. Based on this, the AAS method is more effective in analyzing phosphate sediments in coastal areas than the UV-Vis method, but the UV-Vis method for wet samples is more accurate.Keywords:Coastal SedimentPhosphateSpectrophotometerUV-VisAA

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    Avec cet ouvrage prend corps, lentement mais sûrement, la publication d’ensemble des fouilles marseillaises récentes que nous annoncions dans le premier volume, n° 7 de cette même collection. Les objets du quotidien, devenus mobilier archéologique du fait de leur enfouissement dans les couches sédimentaires ou de leur insertion dans des maçonneries, font partie intégrante des données que les archéologues utilisent pour la compréhension d’un site archéologique. Ainsi, après avoir donné dans le..

    Pemetaan Sebaran Tutupan Makroalga Kaitannya dengan Kualitas Lingkungan Di Kepulauan Spermonde, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Pertumbuhan alga ataupun makroalga di perairan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas lingkungan perairan khususnya tingkat kesuburan perairan. Pada perairan yang subur selalu diikuti oleh pertumbuhan alga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati sebaran tutupan alga dan hubungannya dengan kualitas lingkungan di Kepulauan Spermonde. Metode yang digunakan adalah penilaian tutupan alga dengan menggunakan transek kuadran dan pengambilan sampel kualitas air (nitrat, fosfat, klorofil-a dan sedimen tersuspensi). Data sebaran diplot dengan teknik pemetaan sedangkan keterkaian antara tutupan alga dengan kualitas perairan dianalisis dengan teknik Principple Component Analysis (PCA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran tutupan alga bervariasi berdasarkan pulau dengan kisaran rata-rata 20,75 ??? 68,75 %. Tutupan yang tinggi ditemukan Pulau Lae-lae (68,75 %), Tambakulu (53,21 %) dan Barranglompo (51,7 %) sedangkan terendah ditemukan di Pulau Samatellu Lompo (20,75 %), Reang-reang (29,17 %) dan Pulau Saranti (30,90 %). Tingginya tutupan alga di Pulau Baranglompo terkait dengan konsenterasi nitrat yang tinggi, sedangkan di Pulau Lae-lae dan Tambakulu terkait dengan konsenterasi fosfat yang tinggi. Adapun rendahnya tutupan alga di Saranti, Reang-reang dan Samatellulompo terkait dengan rendahnya nitrat dan fosfat serta tingginya kecepatan arus dan kosenterasi klorofil-a

    Dados y fichas de la Edad del Hierro en la Península Ibérica

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    En este trabajo presentamos una compilación de los dados encontrados en el sur y este peninsular entre los siglos VI-I a.C. Se ha incidido en los contextos, en las diversas materias primas en las que se han realizado, en sus características físicas y en las piezas asociadas a los mismos que pueden interpretarse como parte de juegos antiguos. Además, se analiza la orientación de las marcas en cada una de las caras de los dados y su numeración. Todo ello desde una visión comparativa con otras culturas mediterráneas de la Antigüedad. Asimismo, se recogen una serie de piezas cúbicas y paralelepipédicas similares a los dados, pero que por sus características físicas consideramos distintas a estos y se plantean sus posibles usos. In this essay, we analyse a compilation of dice (VI-I B.C.) found in the south and south east of the Iberian Peninsula. We have paid special attention to the contexts, the different raw materials in which they have been made, their physical characteristics and the artifacts associated to such dice as they can be interpreted as part of ancient games. Furthermore, we have analysed the facing and positions of each numeration and face for every dice. All of this has been done from a comparative perspective with other antique Mediterranean cultures. Additionally, we collect a series of cubic and parallelepipedic pieces similar to the dices, but we consider them different due to their physical characteristics. We propose some uses for these objects too

    Collectif, Artisanat et métiers en Méditerranée médiévale et moderne

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    Sous un titre qu’ils reconnaissent comme « généreux », Sylvain Burri et Mohamed Ouerfelli nous proposent un ouvrage singulier qui engage le lecteur à faire un pas de côté, à bousculer un peu, de manière salutaire, ses habitudes de pensée. Ce volume ne prétend aucunement à la synthèse mais entend constituer, selon ses curateurs, un « espace de rencontre et de réflexion dans lequel se confrontent et se croisent les approches d’historiens, d’archéologues et d’historiens de l’art sur l’artisanat,..

    Questions de regards

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    Initié par la Fondation Lilian Thuram-Éducation contre le racisme en partenariat avec le musée Delacroix, le projet présenté ici montre comment, en s’affranchissant des codes habituels de l’histoire de l’art et de l’esthétique, il est possible d’apprendre à regarder des œuvres d’une autre façon et sans préjugés grâce à de nouvelles clés d’entrée et en mobilisant de nouvelles formes de médiation


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    Lisa Fauchereau : Pourquoi avoir accepté de vous séparer d’une partie de vos archives auprès de la BnF ? Sébastien Blanquet : Je connaissais l’institution et je sais qu’elle conserve certains de mes livres, avec d’autres publications dans la même veine comme Elles sont de sortie, une série de graphzines ayant débuté en 1976 et issue de la collaboration de Pascal Doury et Bruno Richard. Maintenant que j’ai largement diversifié mes champs de création, il m’a semblé important d’enrichir de mes l..

    An Acculturation Program for Foreign-Born Workers at Multinational Companies Transferred to Offices in the United States

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    The purpose of this study is to create an acculturation program that multinational companies can use to ease the transition of foreign-born employees who are transferred to the United States. There are a number of challenges for these employees, from navigating the logistics of finding a place to live, setting up a bank account and filling out taxes to the social emotional issues of trying to adapt to another culture, build community and be successful in a new work environment. Through interviews with foreign-born employees, Human Resources professionals, and intercultural trainers, qualitative and quantitative data was collected to understand current gaps and best practices in acculturation programs at multinational companies. The findings show that some companies have no formal acculturation programs and while others have well-developed processes, they only address practical aspects of living in the United States, and ignore social emotional needs. Using the data collected, the study contains a proposed acculturation program framework which multinational companies can adapt to their organizational culture in helping to implement clearly defined processes and procedures to ease the foreign-born employee’s transition to the United States

    Extremal decomposition for random Gibbs measures: from general metastates to metastates on extremal random Gibbs measures

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    The concept of metastate measures on the states of a random spin system was introduced to be able to treat the large-volume asymptotics for complex quenched random systems, like spin glasses, which may exhibit chaotic volume dependence in the strong-coupling regime. We consider the general issue of the extremal decomposition for Gibbsian specifications which depend measurably on a parameter that may describe a whole random environment in the infinite volume. Given a random Gibbs measure, as a measurable map from the environment space, we prove measurability of its decomposition measure on pure states at fixed environment, with respect to the environment. As a general corollary we obtain that, for any metastate, there is an associated decomposition metastate, which is supported on the extremes for almost all environments, and which has the same barycenter