339,828 research outputs found

    The maximal acceleration, Extended Relativistic Dynamics and Doppler type shift for an accelerated source

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    Based on the generalized principle of relativity and the ensuing symmetry, we have shown that there are only two possible types of transformations between uniformly accelerated systems. The first allowable type of transformation holds if and only if the Clock Hypothesis is true. If the Clock Hypothesis is not true, the transformation is of Lorentz-type and implies the existence of a universal maximal acceleration ama_m. We present an extension of relativistic dynamics for which all admissible solutions will have have a speed bounded by the speed of light cc and the acceleration bounded by ama_m. An additional Doppler type shift for an accelerated source is predicted. The formulas for such shift are the same as for the usual Doppler shift with v/cv/c replaced by a/ama/a_m. The W. K\"{u}ndig experiment of measurement of the transverse Doppler shift in an accelerated system was also exposed to a longtitudal shift due to the acceleration. This experiment, as reanalyzed by Kholmetskii et al, shows that the Clock Hypothesis is not valid. Based on the results of this experiment, we predict that the value of the maximal acceleration ama_m is of the order 1019m/s210^{19}m/s^2. Moreover, our analysis provides a way to measure experimentally the maximal acceleration with existing technology.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Comment on ``Effective Mass and g-Factor of Four Flux Quanta Composite Fermions"

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    In a recent Letter, Yeh et al.[Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 592 (1999)] have shown beautiful experimental results which indicate that the composite fermions with four flux quanta (4^4CF) behave as fermions with mass and spin just like those with two flux quanta. They observed the collapse of the fractional quantum Hall gaps when the following condition is satisfied with some integer jj, gμBBtot=jωcg^*\mu_{\rm B}B_{\rm tot} = j \hbar \omega_{\rm c}^*, where gg^* and ωc\omega_{\rm c}^* are the g-factor and the cyclotron frequency of the 4^4CF, respectively. However, in their picture the gap at the Fermi energy remains always finite even if the above condition is satisfied, thus the reason of the collapse was left as a mystery. In this comment it is shown that part of the mystery is resolved by considering the electron-hole symmetry properly.Comment: 2 pages, RevTeX. Minor chang

    Stochastic population dynamics under regime switching II

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    This is a continuation of our paper [Q. Luo, X. Mao, Stochastic population dynamics under regime switching, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 334 (2007) 69-84] on stochastic population dynamics under regime switching. In this paper we still take both white and color environmental noise into account. We show that a sufficient large white noise may make the underlying population extinct while for a relatively small noise we give both asymptotically upper and lower bound for the underlying population. In some special but important situations we precisely describe the limit of the average in time of the population

    Comment on "Novel Convective Instabilities in a Magnetic Fluid"

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    Comment on the paper "Novel Convective Instabilities in a Magnetic Fluid" by W. Luo, T. Du, and J. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett., v.82, p.4134 (1999).Comment: 1 page, 1 figure, To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2001

    Complete Monotonicity of classical theta functions and applications

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    We produce trigonometric expansions for Jacobi theta functions\\ θj(u,τ),j=1,2,3,4\theta_j(u,\tau), j=1,2,3,4\ where τ=iπt,t>0\tau=i\pi t, t > 0. This permits us to prove that\ logθj(u,t)θj(0,t),j=2,3,4\log \frac{\theta_j(u, t)}{\theta_j(0, t)}, j=2,3,4 and logθ1(u,t)πθ1(0,t)\log \frac{\theta_1(u, t)}{\pi \theta'_1(0, t)} as well as δθjδuθj\frac{\frac{\delta\theta_j}{\delta u}}{\theta_j} as functions of tt are completely monotonic. We also interested in the quotients Sj(u,v,t)=θj(u/2,iπt)θj(u/2,iπt)S_j(u,v,t) = \frac{\theta_j(u/2,i\pi t)}{\theta_j(u/2,i\pi t)}. For fixed u,vu,v such that 0u<v<10\leq u < v < 1 we prove that the functions (δδtSj)Sj\frac{(\frac{\delta}{\delta t}S_j)}{S_j} for j=1,4j=1,4 as well as the functions (δδtSj)Sj-\frac{(\frac{\delta}{\delta t}S_j)}{S_j} for j=2,3j=2,3 are completely monotonic for t]0,[t \in ]0,\infty[.\\ {\it Key words and phrases} : theta functions, elliptic functions, complete monotonicity.Comment: 19 page

    An extension theorem for separately holomorphic functions with pluripolar singularities

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    Let DjCnjD_j\subset\Bbb C^{n_j} be a pseudoconvex domain and let AjDjA_j\subset D_j be a locally pluriregular set, j=1,...,Nj=1,...,N. Put X:=j=1NA1×...×Aj1×Dj×Aj+1×...×ANCn1×...×CnN=Cn. X:=\bigcup_{j=1}^N A_1\times...\times A_{j-1}\times D_j\times A_{j+1}\times ...\times A_N\subset\Bbb C^{n_1}\times...\times\Bbb C^{n_N}=\Bbb C^n. Let UCnU\subset\Bbb C^n be an open neighborhood of XX and let MUM\subset U be a relatively closed subset of UU. For j{1,...,N}j\in\{1,...,N\} let Σj\Sigma_j be the set of all (z,z)(A1×...×Aj1)×(Aj+1×...×AN)(z',z'')\in(A_1\times...\times A_{j-1}) \times(A_{j+1}\times...\times A_N) for which the fiber M(z,,z):={zjCnj(z,zj,z)M}M_{(z',\cdot,z'')}:=\{z_j\in\Bbb C^{n_j}\: (z',z_j,z'')\in M\} is not pluripolar. Assume that Σ1,...,ΣN\Sigma_1,...,\Sigma_N are pluripolar. Put X:=j=1N{(z,zj,z)(A1×...×Aj1)×Dj×(Aj+1×...×AN)(z,z)Σj}. X':=\bigcup_{j=1}^N\{(z',z_j,z'')\in(A_1\times...\times A_{j-1})\times D_j \times(A_{j+1}\times...\times A_N)\: (z',z'')\notin\Sigma_j\}. Then there exists a relatively closed pluripolar subset M^X^\hat M\subset\hat X of the `envelope of holomorphy' X^Cn\hat X\subset\Bbb C^n of XX such that: M^XM\hat M\cap X'\subset M, for every function ff separately holomorphic on XMX\setminus M there exists exactly one function f^\hat f holomorphic on X^M^\hat X\setminus\hat M with f^=f\hat f=f on XMX'\setminus M, and M^\hat M is singular with respect to the family of all functions f^\hat f. Some special cases were previously studied in \cite{Jar-Pfl 2001c}.Comment: 19 page