116 research outputs found

    The cause of metabolic acidosis

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    Calcium Metabolism Indicators in Patients with Generalized Periodontitis and Hypertension

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    The objective of the study is to determine the level of calcium in patients with hypertension of the II degree and generalized periodontitis of the II degree.There were examined 30 patients with hypertension of the II degree with generalized periodontitis of the II degree. Patients’ age ranged from 35 to 54 years.  These patients were in the main group. Treatment of patients included taking the medicine “Ca-D3 NIKOMED”.The control group included 10 patients without general somathic pathology and with healthy periodontitis of the same age.  The results obtained were subject to variational and statistical processing.The analyses were carried out before and 3 months after the treatment. The level of general Ca in patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree before the treatment was 1.66±0.03 mmol/l (p<0.001) (norm 2.15-2.5 mmol/l). In the patients of control group this figure was 2.33±0.04 mmol/l (p<0.001).After 3 months the level of general Ca in patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree was 1.87±0.03 mmol/l (p<0.001).The level of ionized Ca in patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree before the treatment was 0.36± 0.01 mmol/l (p<0.001); after the treatment the level of ionized Ca was 0.41±0.01 mmol/l (p<0.001). The level of ionized Ca in control group patients was 1.03±0.02 mmol/l (p<0.001).We can conclude: according to the analysis of levels of general and ionized calcium in serum of patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree we can conclude that these indexes are lower than normal; patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree have increased levels of general calcium and ionized calcium in serum after taking the drug “Ca-D3 NIKOMED”during 3 months

    Réunions du trimestre

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    Evaluation of WHO’s partogram alert line for prediction of the APGAR score at the first minute after birth

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    Background and aim: The early diagnosis of abnormal progress of labour and prevention of long term delivery are the main keys to reduce fetal mortality rate due to hypoxia and tissue ischemia. One of the WHO’s proposed methods for prevention of abnormal delivery is using partogram. Therefore, this survey was conducted to evaluate WHO’s partogram alert line for APGAR score at the first minute after birth. Methods: This descriptive–analytical study was performed on 140 pregnant women under partogram in Shahrood Fatemieh hospital. Using the partogram alert line, the progress of labour, mother’s and infants condition started to be controled from 3 cm dilation of the cervix. Decision for resuscitation was made based on respiration, heart rate and skin color of the infant 20 to 30 seconds after the birth. Tools of this research were a questionare, inspection form consisted of WHO’s partogram and step by step resuscitation form. χ2, t–test and analytical methods of sensitivity, specificity and negative and positive values were used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that 68.8% of the subjects cervical dilatation remained on or to the left side of the alert line and 28.6% was on the right side and 2.9% was on or to the right side of the active line. According to χ2 test, there was a significant relationship between the first minute APGAR score after delivery and the location of cervical dilation. The value of alert line for surveying of APGAR score at the first minute after birth had a sensitivity of 25%, specificity of 96.87% , negative and positive predictive value of 75.6% and 76.92%, respectively. Conclusion: Our results showed that using WHO’s partogram prevents long term delivery, helps for on time diagnosis of fetal distress and reduction in stillbirth and fetal mortality. So, partogram should be a part and parcel of fetal and maternal health care

    Вплив функціонального стану епіфіза на показники білкового обміну в надниркових залозах щурів за гіпобаричної гіпоксії

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    Проведений аналіз впливу пригнічення мелатонін-продукувальної функції епіфіза на характер реагування показників білкового обміну в тканинах надниркових залоз щурів на тривалу переривчасту гіпобаричну гіпоксію. Виявлено, що напрямок та інтенсивність змін вмісту продуктів окислювальної модифікації білків (ОМБ) та показників протеолізу в тканинах надниркових залоз статевозрілих самців щурів залежить від функціонального стану епіфіза. Так, за умов пригнічення мелатонін-продукувальної функції епіфіза шляхом постійного освітлення вміст продуктів ОМБ знижувався у відповідь на гіпоксичний вплив на тлі суттєвого зростання інтенсивності протеолізу всіх видів білкових молекул, особливо низькомолекулярних білків, тоді як за умов природного освітлення гіпобарична гіпоксія призводила до зростання вмісту ОМБ. При цьому інтенсивність лізису білкових молекул з високою молекулярною масою вірогідно знижувалась, а протеоліз низькомолекулярних білків залишався практично без змін

    Sex related peculiarities of the adrenal tissue response on the hypobaric hypoxia at the altered duration of photoperiod in immature rats

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    This study showed the sex related dependence of the reaction of proteolytic processes in tissues of the adrenal glands of male and female immature rats held in systemic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia and constant lighting. The modelling of hypobaric hypoxia combined with a varying length of the photoperiod (natural duration of photoperiod and constant lighting) causes a different changes of the proteolysis in the tissues of the adrenal glands of the male and female immature rats with varying intensity depending on the sex of animals and duration of photoperiod. Sex differences in the response of tissue proteolysis indicators in the main organ of adaptation process in immature animals indicate a genetic-dependent peculiarities of reactivity of the response mechanisms of the body on the action of environmental factors at their isolated and combined impact

    Las congregaciones francesas educadoras en el siglo XIX en el Uruguay

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    La presencia de educadores franceses, de perfiles tanto liberales o filomasónicos como definidamente religiosos, fue  habitual en el Uruguay desde los comienzos de la vida republicana. A mediados del siglo XIX, comenzaron a arribar a toda América Latina congregaciones católicas europeas, impulsadas por una política de atracción que en el caso uruguayo respondía a la precaria situación de la Iglesia local, con escaso número de sacerdotes, de religiosos y de lugares de culto. Situándose en ese período de cambios, este estudio se ocupa de las congregaciones de origen francés que llegaron al país en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX para dedicarse al quehacer educativo

    Gure prosa zientifikoen lehen urratsak: Albert Constantin jaun medikuaren "Zuhainen eritarzunaz eta haien arraberrikatziaz"

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    Hiru ildotan zehar joan da artikulu honen ekarpena. Batetik, Albert Constantin mediku zuberotarraren idazlan ezezagun bat berrargitaratu dugu, eta bai galdetu ere haren obra idatziaren benetako neurriaz: urria da, iritzi orokorrak dioenez, ala zabala bezain ezezaguna? Bestalde, Gerla Handiaren aurretik Zuberoan ziharduen "Atharratzeko taldea" aurkeztu dugu; gerora erabat itzali da haren oihartzuna. Hirugarrenik, test bat egin diogu Jose Ramon Etxebarriak plazaraturiko euskal prosa zientifikoaren periodizazioari