330 research outputs found

    Drastic effects of damping mechanisms on the third-order optical nonlinearity

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    We have investigated the optical response of superradiant atoms, which undergoes three different damping mechanisms: radiative dissipation (γr\gamma_r), dephasing (γd\gamma_d), and nonradiative dissipation (γn\gamma_n). Whereas the roles of γd\gamma_d and γn\gamma_n are equivalent in the linear susceptibility, the third-order nonlinear susceptibility drastically depends on the ratio of γd\gamma_d and γn\gamma_n: When γdγn\gamma_d \ll \gamma_n, the third-order susceptibility is essentially that of a single atom. Contrarily, in the opposite case of γdγn\gamma_d \gg \gamma_n, the third-order susceptibility suffers the size-enhancement effect and becomes proportional to the system size.Comment: 5pages, 2figure

    Dwarfism with joint laxity in Friesian horses is associated with a splice site mutation in B4GALT7

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    Background: Inbreeding and population bottlenecks in the ancestry of Friesian horses has led to health issues such as dwarfism. The limbs of dwarfs are short and the ribs are protruding inwards at the costochondral junction, while the head and back appear normal. A striking feature of the condition is the flexor tendon laxity that leads to hyperextension of the fetlock joints. The growth plates of dwarfs display disorganized and thickened chondrocyte columns. The aim of this study was to identify the gene defect that causes the recessively inherited trait in Friesian horses to understand the disease process at the molecular level. Results: We have localized the genetic cause of the dwarfism phenotype by a genome wide approach to a 3 Mb region on the p-arm of equine chromosome 14. The DNA of two dwarfs and one control Friesian horse was sequenced completely and we identified the missense mutation ECA14:g.4535550C> T that cosegregated with the phenotype in all Friesians analyzed. The mutation leads to the amino acid substitution p.(Arg17Lys) of xylosylprotein beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase 7 encoded by B4GALT7. The protein is one of the enzymes that synthesize the tetrasaccharide linker between protein and glycosaminoglycan moieties of proteoglycans of the extracellular matrix. The mutation not only affects a conserved arginine codon but also the last nucleotide of the first exon of the gene and we show that it impedes splicing of the primary transcript in cultured fibroblasts from a heterozygous horse. As a result, the level of B4GALT7 mRNA in fibroblasts from a dwarf is only 2 % compared to normal levels. Mutations in B4GALT7 in humans are associated with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome progeroid type 1 and Larsen of Reunion Island syndrome. Growth retardation and ligamentous laxity are common manifestations of these syndromes. Conclusions: We suggest that the identified mutation of equine B4GALT7 leads to the typical dwarfism phenotype in Friesian horses due to deficient splicing of transcripts of the gene. The mutated gene implicates the extracellular matrix in the regular organization of chrondrocyte columns of the growth plate. Conservation of individual amino acids may not be necessary at the protein level but instead may reflect underlying conservation of nucleotide sequence that are required for efficient splicing

    Чверть століття на ниві освіти

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    Наталія Купріянівна Місяць – відомий український вчений-мовознавець, викладач та організатор освіти на Житомирщині. Чверть століття, починаючи вже з далекого 1975 року, життя та діяльність Наталії Куприянівні тісно пов’язані з філологічним факультетом Житомирського едуніверситету імені Івана Франка

    Temperature dependent fluorescence in disordered Frenkel chains: interplay of equilibration and local band-edge level structure

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    We model the optical dynamics in linear Frenkel exciton systems governed by scattering on static disorder and lattice vibrations, and calculate the temperature dependent fluorescence spectrum and lifetime. The fluorescence Stokes shift shows a nonmonotonic behavior with temperature, which derives from the interplay of the local band-edge level structure and thermal equilibration. The model yields excellent fits to experiments performed on linear dye aggregates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Canine NAPEPLD-associated models of human myelin disorders

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    Canine leukoencephalomyelopathy (LEMP) is a juvenile-onset neurodegenerative disorder of the CNS white matter currently described in Rottweiler and Leonberger dogs. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) allowed us to map LEMP in a Leonberger cohort to dog chromosome 18. Subsequent whole genome re-sequencing of a Leonberger case enabled the identification of a single private homozygous non-synonymous missense variant located in the highly conserved metallo-beta-lactamase domain of the N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D (NAPEPLD) gene, encoding an enzyme of the endocannabinoid system. We then sequenced this gene in LEMP-affected Rottweilers and identified a different frameshift variant, which is predicted to replace the C-terminal metallo-beta-lactamase domain of the wild type protein. Haplotype analysis of SNP array genotypes revealed that the frameshift variant was present in diverse haplotypes in Rottweilers, and also in Great Danes, indicating an old origin of this second NAPEPLD variant. The identification of different NAPEPLD variants in dog breeds affected by leukoencephalopathies with heterogeneous pathological features, implicates the NAPEPLD enzyme as important in myelin homeostasis, and suggests a novel candidate gene for myelination disorders in people

    Validation of a Chromosome 14 Risk Haplotype for Idiopathic Epilepsy in the Belgian Shepherd Dog Found to Be Associated with an Insertion in the RAPGEF5 Gene

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    An idiopathic epilepsy (IE) risk haplotype on canine chromosome (CFA) 14 has been reported to interact with the CFA37 common risk haplotype in the Belgian shepherd (BS). Additional IE cases and control dogs were genotyped for the risk haplotypes to validate these previous findings. In the new cohort, the interaction between the two regions significantly elevated IE risk. When the haplotypes were analyzed individually, particular haplotypes on both CFA14 (ACTG) and 37 (GG) were associated with elevated IE risk, though only the CFA37 AA was significantly associated (p < 0.003) with reduced risk in the new cohort. However, the CFA14 ACTG risk was statistically significant when the new and previous cohort data were combined. The frequency of the ACTG haplotype was four-fold higher in BS dogs than in other breeds. Whole genome sequence analysis revealed that a 3-base pair predicted disruptive insertion in the RAPGEF5 gene, which is adjacent to the CFA14 risk haplotype. RAPGEF5 is involved in the Wnt-β-catenin signaling pathway that is crucial for normal brain function. Although this risk variant does not fully predict the likelihood of a BS developing IE, the association with a variant in a candidate gene may provide insight into the genetic control of canine IE

    Prevalence of Echocardiographic Evidence of Trace Mitral and Aortic Valve Regurgitation in 50 Clinically Healthy, Young Adult Labrador Retrievers without Heart Murmur

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    Background-Though physiologic regurgitation of the right-sided cardiac valves is well recognized in dogs and other mammals, the prevalence of trace insufficiency of the mitral and aortic valves in clinically healthy, young adult dogs is unknown. Methods-In this observational cross-sectional study, 50 clinically healthy, young adult Labrador retrievers without an audible heart murmur were enrolled. All dogs were bred and owned by a single organization. Cardiac screening was requested for all dogs that were intended for breeding. These dogs underwent a cardiac auscultation and transthoracic echocardiography by a veterinary cardiology specialist. If mitral or aortic valve regurgitation was noticed, the jet size was subjectively assessed on color Doppler echocardiography. Pedigree analysis was performed to reveal a possible hereditary background of mitral valve regurgitation. Results-The prevalence of trivial mitral valve regurgitation was 52% with no significant predisposition to gender ( p = 0.86) or haircoat color ( p = 0.68). The prevalence of aortic valve regurgitation was 4%. Pedigree analysis for mitral valve regurgitation showed familial clustering, suggesting a hereditary background of the trait. Conclusions-The prevalence of silent trace mitral valve regurgitation in young adult Labrador retrievers was high. Because the regurgitant jet was trivial in all dogs, it is probably physiologic

    Role of quantum coherence in chromophoric energy transport

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    The role of quantum coherence and the environment in the dynamics of excitation energy transfer is not fully understood. In this work, we introduce the concept of dynamical contributions of various physical processes to the energy transfer efficiency. We develop two complementary approaches, based on a Green's function method and energy transfer susceptibilities, and quantify the importance of the Hamiltonian evolution, phonon-induced decoherence, and spatial relaxation pathways. We investigate the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein complex, where we find a contribution of coherent dynamics of about 10% and of relaxation of 80%.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, included static disorder, correlated environmen