232 research outputs found

    New bands of deuterated nitrous acid (DONO) in the near-infrared using FT-IBBCEAS

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    The first measurements of near-infrared bands of deuterated nitrous acid (DONO) are presented. The measurements were made using Fourier-Transform Incoherent Broad-Band Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (FT-IBBCEAS) in the 5800–7800 cm−1^{-1} region. Two bands of trans-DONO centred at 6212.029 and 7692.496 cm−1^{-1} were observed and assigned to the 2ν1_{1}+ν3_{3} combination and 3ν1_{1} overtone vibrations, respectively. Their rotational band structure was satisfactorily reproduced using PGOPHER. For cis-DONO the 3ν1_{1} band was observed at ~7302.5 cm−1^{-1}. In addition, new bands centred at 6142.5 cm−1^{-1} and 7607.6 cm−1^{-1} were quite confidently assigned to the 2ν1_{1}+ν3_{3} and 3ν1_{1} vibrations of deuterated nitric acid, DNO3_{3}, respectively

    Experimental observation of the ν2_{2}+4ν3_{3} bands of HD16^{16}O and HD18^{18}O between 14975 and 15275 cm−1^{-1}

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    The ν2_{2}+4ν3_{3} combination bands of HD16^{16}O and HD18^{18}O were measured using Fourier transform-incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (FT-IBBCEAS) with a spectral resolution of 0.08 cm−1^{-1}. The ro-vibrational lines of these bands were assigned through comparison with ab-initio molecular lines from the Tomsk variational calculation database (http://spectra.iao.ru/). For HD18^{18}O and HD16^{16}O in total 114 and 141 strong lines were assigned in the region between 14975.3 cm−1^{-1} and 15243.3 cm−1^{-1} and between 14998.5 cm−1^{-1} and 15274.7 cm−1^{-1}, respectively. While the very satisfactory agreement of line intensities was used for line assignments, a systematic average discrepancy of ~0.305 cm−1^{-1} in line positions was identified between the measured lines of HD18^{18}O and the theoretically predicted lines from the Tomsk database. Similarly for HD16^{16}O, an approximate wavenumber difference of ~0.361 cm−1^{-1} was observed. The wavenumber accuracy of the Fourier transform cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer was confirmed on basis of concurrently measured H2_{2}16^{16}O spectra in the region between 15254.2 cm−1^{-1} and 15376.9 cm−1^{-1} and corroborated the systematic shifts of the ab initio data. A few lines of the ν1_{1}+4ν2_{2}+2ν3_{3} bands of HD16^{16}O and HD18^{18}O were also identified. The data are compared and discussed on basis of existing literature data

    Technical Note: Trend estimation from irregularly sampled, correlated data

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    Estimation of a trend of an atmospheric state variable is often performed by fitting a linear regression line to a set of data of this variable sampled at different times. Often these data are irregularly sampled in space and time and clustered in a sense that 5 error correlations among data points cause a similar error of data points sampled at similar times. Since this can affect the estimated trend, we suggest to take the full error covariance matrix of the data into account. Superimposed periodic variations can be jointly fitted in a straight forward manner, even if the shape of the periodic function is not known. Global data sets, particularly satellite data, can form the basis to estimate 10 the error correlations

    Technical Note: Trend estimation from irregularly sampled, correlated data

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    Estimation of a trend of an atmospheric state variable is usually performed by fitting a linear regression line to a set of data of this variable sampled at different times. Often these data are irregularly sampled in space and time and clustered in a sense that error correlations among data points cause a similar error of data points sampled at similar times. Since this can affect the estimated trend, we suggest to take the full error covariance matrix of the data into account. Superimposed periodic variations can be jointly fitted in a straightforward manner, even if the shape of the periodic function is not known. Global data sets, particularly satellite data, can form the basis to estimate the error correlations. State-dependent amplitudes of superimposed periodic corrections result in a non-linear optimization problem which is solved iteratively

    Local impact of solar variation on NO2 in the lower mesosphere and upper stratosphere from 2007 to 2012

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    MIPAS/ENVISAT data of nighttime NO2 volume mixing ratios (VMR) from 2007 until 2012 between 40 km and 62 km altitude are compared with the geomagnetic Ap index and solar Lyman-α radiation. The local impact of variations in geomagnetic activity and solar radiation on the VMR of NO 2 in the lower mesosphere and upper stratosphere in the Northern Hemisphere is investigated by means of superposed epoch analysis. Observations in the Northern Hemisphere show a clear 27-day period of the NO2 VMR. This is positively correlated with the geomagnetic Ap index at 60-70° N geomagnetic latitude but also partially correlated with the solar Lyman-α radiation. However, the dependency of NO2 VMR on geomagnetic activity can be distinguished from the impact of solar radiation. This indicates a direct response of NOx (NO + NO2) to geomagnetic activity, probably due to precipitating particles. The response is detected in the range between 46 km and 52 km altitude. The NO2 VMR epoch maxima due to geomagnetic activity is altitude-dependent and can reach up to 0.4 ppb, leading to mean production rates of 0.029 ppb (Ap d)-1. Observations in the Southern Hemisphere do not have the same significance due to a worse sampling of geomagnetic storm occurances. Variabilities due to solar variation occur at the same altitudes at 60-70° S geomagnetic latitude but cannot be analyzed as in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the first study showing the direct impact of electron precipitation on NOx at those altitudes in the spring/summer/autumn hemisphere. © 2014 Author(s).F. Friederich and M. Sinnhuber gratefully acknowledge funding by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF), grant VH-NG-624Peer Reviewe

    Local impact of solar variation on NO2 in the lower mesosphere and upper stratosphere from 2007 to 2012

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    MIPAS/ENVISAT data of nighttime NO2 volume mixing ratios (VMR) from 2007 until 2012 between 40 km and 62 km altitude are compared with the geomagnetic Ap index and solar Lyman-α radiation. The local impact of variations in geomagnetic activity and solar radiation on the VMR of NO 2 in the lower mesosphere and upper stratosphere in the Northern Hemisphere is investigated by means of superposed epoch analysis. Observations in the Northern Hemisphere show a clear 27-day period of the NO2 VMR. This is positively correlated with the geomagnetic Ap index at 60-70° N geomagnetic latitude but also partially correlated with the solar Lyman-α radiation. However, the dependency of NO2 VMR on geomagnetic activity can be distinguished from the impact of solar radiation. This indicates a direct response of NOx (NO + NO2) to geomagnetic activity, probably due to precipitating particles. The response is detected in the range between 46 km and 52 km altitude. The NO2 VMR epoch maxima due to geomagnetic activity is altitude-dependent and can reach up to 0.4 ppb, leading to mean production rates of 0.029 ppb (Ap d)-1. Observations in the Southern Hemisphere do not have the same significance due to a worse sampling of geomagnetic storm occurances. Variabilities due to solar variation occur at the same altitudes at 60-70° S geomagnetic latitude but cannot be analyzed as in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the first study showing the direct impact of electron precipitation on NOx at those altitudes in the spring/summer/autumn hemisphere. © 2014 Author(s).F. Friederich and M. Sinnhuber gratefully acknowledge funding by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF), grant VH-NG-624Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of an 18O and D enhanced water spectrum and new assignments for HD18O and D218O in the near-infrared region (6000–7000 cm−1) using newly calculated variational line lists

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    An experimental infrared spectrum due to Orphal and Ruth (2008) [10] recorded using isotopically enriched water in the 6000–7000 cm−1 region is analysed and assigned. The assignment procedure is based on the use of known transition frequencies for H216O and H218O, existing variational line lists for HD16O and D216O, and newly calculated variational line lists for HD18O and D218O. These new variational line lists are presented herein. The main absorption comes from HD16O and HD18O, for which there are few previous assignments in the region. Assignments to 426 new HD18O lines are presented. In all 3254 of the 4768 lines observed in the spectrum are assigned, resulting in a number of newly determined energy levels. These assignments are in agreement with the recent work of Mikhailenko et al. (2012) [41]

    Lifetime and production rate of NOx in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere in the polar spring/summer after the solar proton event in October–November 2003

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    We present altitude-dependent lifetimes of NOx, determined with MIPAS/ENVISAT (the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding/the European Environment Satellite), for the Southern polar region after the solar proton event in October-November 2003. Between 50° S and 90° S and decreasing in altitude they range from about two days at 64 km to about 20 days at 44 km. The lifetimes are controlled by transport, mixing and photochemistry. We infer estimates of dynamical lifetimes by comparison of the observed decay to photochemical lifetimes calculated with the SLIMCAT 3-D Model. Photochemical loss contributes to the observed NOx depletion by 0.1% at 44 km, increasing with altitude to 45% at 64 km. In addition, we show the correlation of modelled ionization rates and observed NOx densities under consideration of the determined lifetimes of NOx, and calculate altitude-dependent effective production rates of NOx due to ionization. For that we compare ionization rates of the AIMOS data base with the MIPAS measurements from 15 October-31 December 2003. We derive effective NOx-production rates to be applied to the AIMOS ionization rates which range from about 0.2 NOx-molecules per ion pair at 44 km to 0.7 NOx-molecules per ion pair at 62 km. These effective production rates are considerably lower than predicted by box model simulations which could hint at an overestimation of the modelled ionization rates. © Author(s) 2013.F. Friederich, H. Nieder, and M. Sinnhuber gratefully acknowledge funding by the Helmholtz society, grant VH-NG-624.Peer Reviewe

    Calibration and instrumental line shape characterization of a set of portable FTIR spectrometers for detecting greenhouse gas emissions

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    A comprehensive calibration procedure for mobile, low-resolution, solar-absorption FTIR spectrometers, used for greenhouse gases observations, is developed. These instruments commend themselves for campaign use and deployment at remote sites. The instrumental line shape (ILS) of each spectrometer has been thoroughly characterized by analyzing the shape of H2O signatures in open path spectra. A setup for the external source is suggested and the invariance of derived ILS parameters with regard to chosen path length is demonstrated. The instrumental line shape characteristics of all spectrometers were found to be close to nominal. Side-by-side solar observations before and after a campaign, which involved shipping of all spectrometers to a selected target site and back, are applied for verifying the temporal invariability of instrumental characteristics and for deriving intercalibration factors for XCO2 and XCH4, which take into account residual differences of instrumental characteristics. An excellent level of agreement and stability was found between the different spectrometers: the uncorrected biases in XCO2 and XCH4 are smaller than 0.01 and 0.15 %, respectively, and the drifts are smaller than 0.005 and 0.035 %. As an additional sensitive demonstration of the instrumental performance we show the excellent agreement of ground pressure values obtained from the total column measurements of O2 and barometric records. We find a calibration factor of 0.9700 for the spectroscopic measurements in comparison to the barometric records and a very small scatter between the individual spectrometers (0.02 %). As a final calibration step, using a co-located TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observation Network) spectrometer as a reference, a common scaling factor has been derived for the XCO2 and XCH4 products, which ensures that the records are traceable to the WMO in situ scale. © Author(s) 2015
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