2,578 research outputs found

    Optimizing ISOCAM data processing using spatial redundancy

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    We present new data processing techniques that allow to correct the main instrumental effects that degrade the images obtained by ISOCAM, the camera on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Our techniques take advantage of the fact that a position on the sky has been observed by several pixels at different times. We use this information (1) to correct the long term variation of the detector response, (2) to correct memory effects after glitches and point sources, and (3) to refine the deglitching process. Our new method allows the detection of faint extended emission with contrast smaller than 1% of the zodiacal background. The data reduction corrects instrumental effects to the point where the noise in the final map is dominated by the readout and the photon noises. All raster ISOCAM observations can benefit from the data processing described here. These techniques could also be applied to other raster type observations (e.g. ISOPHOT or IRAC on SIRTF).Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Serie

    The Dust Properties of Eight Debris Disk Candidates as Determined by Submillimeter Photometry

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    The nature of far-infrared dust emission toward main sequence stars, whether interstellar or circumstellar, can be deduced from submillimeter photometry. We present JCMT/SCUBA flux measurements at 850 microns toward 8 stars with large photospheric excesses at 60-100 microns. 5 sources were detected at 3-sigma or greater significance and one was marginally detected at 2.5-sigma. The inferred dust masses and temperatures range from 0.033 to 0.24 Earth masses and 43-65 K respectively. The frequency behavior of the opacity, tau_nu ~ nu^beta, is relatively shallow, beta < 1. These dust properties are characteristic of circumstellar material, most likely the debris from planetesimal collisions. The 2 non-detections have lower temperatures, 35-38 K and steeper opacity indices, beta > 1.5, that are more typical of interstellar cirrus. The confirmed disks all have inferred diameters > 2'', most lie near the upper envelope of the debris disk mass distribution, and 4 are bright enough to be feasible for high resolution imaging.Comment: accepted by Ap

    Photoelectric effect on dust grains across the L1721 cloud in the rho Ophiuchi molecular complex

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    We present ISO-LWS measurements of the main gas cooling lines, C+ 158 mum and O 63 mum towards a moderate opacity molecular cloud (Av=3), L1721, illuminated by the B2 star nu Sco (X = 5-10). These data are combined with an extinction map and IRAS dust emission images to test our understanding of gas heating and cooling in photo-dissociation regions (PDRs). This nearby PDR is spatially resolved in the IRAS images; variations in the IRAS colors across the cloud indicate an enhanced abundance of small dust grains within the PDR. A spatial correlation between the gas cooling lines and the infrared emission from small dust grains illustrates the dominant role of small dust grains in the gas heating through the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric efficiency, determined from the observations by ratioing the power radiated by gas and small dust grains, is in the range 2 to 3% in close agreement with recent theoretical estimates. The brightness profiles across the PDR in the C+ 158 mum and O 63 mum lines are compared with model calculations where the density profile is constrained by the extinction data and where the gas chemical and thermal balances are solved at each position. We show that abundance variations of small dust grains across the PDR must be considered to account for the LWS observations.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure

    Extrapolation of Galactic Dust Emission at 100 Microns to CMBR Frequencies Using FIRAS

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    We present predicted full-sky maps of submillimeter and microwave emission from the diffuse interstellar dust in the Galaxy. These maps are extrapolated from the 100 micron emission and 100/240 micron flux ratio maps that Schlegel, Finkbeiner, & Davis (1998; SFD98) generated from IRAS and COBE/DIRBE data. Results are presented for a number of physically plausible emissivity models. We find that no power law emissivity function fits the FIRAS data from 200 - 2100 GHz. In this paper we provide a formalism for a multi-component model for the dust emission. A two-component model with a mixture of silicate and carbon-dominated grains (motivated by Pollack et al., 1994}) provides a fit to an accuracy of about 15% to all the FIRAS data over the entire high-latitude sky. Small systematic differences are found between the atomic and molecular phases of the ISM. Our predictions for the thermal (vibrational) emission from Galactic dust at \nu < 3000 GHz are available for general use. These full-sky predictions can be made at the DIRBE resolution of 40' or at the higher resolution of 6.1 arcmin from the SFD98 DIRBE-corrected IRAS maps.Comment: 48 pages, AAS LaTeX, 6 figures, ApJ (accepted). Data described in the text, as well as 4 additional figures, are available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/dus

    Powerful H2_2 Line-cooling in Stephan's Quintet : I - Mapping the Significant Cooling Pathways in Group-wide Shocks

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    We present results from the mid-infrared spectral mapping of Stephan's Quintet using the Spitzer Space Telescope. A 1000 km/s collision has produced a group-wide shock and for the first time the large-scale distribution of warm molecular hydrogen emission is revealed, as well as its close association with known shock structures. In the main shock region alone we find 5.0 ×108\times10^{8} M_{\odot} of warm H2_2 spread over \sim 480 kpc2^2 and additionally report the discovery of a second major shock-excited H2_2 feature. This brings the total H2_2 line luminosity of the group in excess of 1042^42 erg/s. In the main shock, the H2_2 line luminosity exceeds, by a factor of three, the X-ray luminosity from the hot shocked gas, confirming that the H2_2-cooling pathway dominates over the X-ray. [Si II]34.82μ\mum emission, detected at a luminosity of 1/10th of that of the H2_2, appears to trace the group-wide shock closely and in addition, we detect weak [FeII]25.99μ\mum emission from the most X-ray luminous part of the shock. Comparison with shock models reveals that this emission is consistent with regions of fast shocks (100 < VsV_{s} < 300 km/s) experiencing depletion of iron and silicon onto dust grains. Star formation in the shock (as traced via ionic lines, PAH and dust emission) appears in the intruder galaxy, but most strikingly at either end of the radio shock. The shock ridge itself shows little star formation, consistent with a model in which the tremendous H2_{2} power is driven by turbulent energy transfer from motions in a post-shocked layer. The significance of the molecular hydrogen lines over other measured sources of cooling in fast galaxy-scale shocks may have crucial implications for the cooling of gas in the assembly of the first galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, Accepted to Ap

    The Spitzer Space Telescope First-Look Survey: Neutral Hydrogen Emission

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope (formerly SIRTF) extragalactic First-Look Survey covered about 5 square degrees centered on J2000 17:18 +59:30 in order to characterize the infrared sky with high sensitivity. We used the 100-m Green Bank Telescope to image the 21cm Galactic HI emission over a 3x3 degree field covering this position with an effective angular resolution of 9.8 arcmin and a velocity resolution of 0.62 km/s. In the central square degree of the image the average column density is N(HI) = 2.5 x 10^{20} cm-2 with an rms fluctuation of 0.3 x 10^{20}. The Galactic HI in this region has a very interesting structure. There is a high-velocity cloud, several intermediate-velocity clouds (one of which is probably part of the Draco nebula), and narrow-line low velocity filaments. The HI emission shows a strong and detailed correlation with dust. Except for the high-velocity cloud, all features in the HI map have counterparts in an E(B-V) map derived from infrared data. Relatively high E(B-V)/N(HI) ratios in some directions suggest the presence of molecular gas. The best diagnostic of such regions is the peak HI line brightness temperature, not the total N(HI): directions where Tb > 12 K have E(B-V)/N(HI) significantly above the average value. The data corrected for stray radiation have been released via the Web.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, April 2005. 25 pages includes 11 figures. The data and higher resolution figures are available from http::/www.cv.nrao.edu/fls_gb

    The Galactic dust as a foreground to Cosmic Microwave Background maps

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    We present results obtained with the PRONAOS balloon-borne experiment on interstellar dust. In particular, the submillimeter / millimeter spectral index is found to vary between roughly 1 and 2.5 on small scales (3.5' resolution). This could have implications for component separation in Cosmic Microwave Background maps.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, proceeding of the Multi-Wavelength Cosmology conference held in Mykonos, Greece, June 2003, ed. Kluwe

    Spatially Resolved Spitzer-IRS Spectral Maps of the Superwind in M82

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    We have mapped the superwind/halo region of the nearby starburst galaxy M82 in the mid-infrared with SpitzerIRSSpitzer-IRS. The spectral regions covered include the H2S(1)S(3)_2 S(1)-S(3), [NeII], [NeIII] emission lines and PAH features. We estimate the total warm H2_2 mass and the kinetic energy of the outflowing warm molecular gas to be between Mwarm517×106M_{warm}\sim5-17\times10^6 M_{\odot} and EK620×1053E_{K}\sim6-20\times10^{53} erg. Using the ratios of the 6.2, 7.7 and 11.3 micron PAH features in the IRS spectra, we are able to estimate the average size and ionization state of the small grains in the superwind. There are large variations in the PAH flux ratios throughout the outflow. The 11.3/7.7 and the 6.2/7.7 PAH ratios both vary by more than a factor of five across the wind region. The Northern part of the wind has a significant population of PAH's with smaller 6.2/7.7 ratios than either the starburst disk or the Southern wind, indicating that on average, PAH emitters are larger and more ionized. The warm molecular gas to PAH flux ratios (H2/PAH_2/PAH) are enhanced in the outflow by factors of 10-100 as compared to the starburst disk. This enhancement in the H2/PAH_2/PAH ratio does not seem to follow the ionization of the atomic gas (as measured with the [NeIII]/[NeII] line flux ratio) in the outflow. This suggests that much of the warm H2_2 in the outflow is excited by shocks. The observed H2_2 line intensities can be reproduced with low velocity shocks (v<40v < 40 km s1^{-1}) driven into moderately dense molecular gas (102<nH<10410^2 <n_H < 10^4 cm3^{-3}) entrained in the outflow.Comment: 19 pages and 12 figures; accepted in MNRA

    Magnetic field morphology in nearby molecular clouds as revealed by starlight and submillimetre polarization

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    Within four nearby (d < 160 pc) molecular clouds, we statistically evaluate the structure of the interstellar magnetic field, projected on the plane of the sky and integrated along the line of sight, as inferred from the polarized thermal emission of Galactic dust observed by Planck at 353 GHz and from the optical and NIR polarization of background starlight. We compare the dispersion of the field orientation directly in vicinities with an area equivalent to that subtended by the Planck effective beam at 353 GHz (10') and using the second-order structure functions of the field orientation angles. We find that the average dispersion of the starlight-inferred field orientations within 10'-diameter vicinities is less than 20 deg, and that at these scales the mean field orientation is on average within 5 deg of that inferred from the submillimetre polarization observations in the considered regions. We also find that the dispersion of starlight polarization orientations and the polarization fractions within these vicinities are well reproduced by a Gaussian model of the turbulent structure of the magnetic field, in agreement with the findings reported by the Planck collaboration at scales greater than 10' and for comparable column densities. At scales greater than 10', we find differences of up to 14.7 deg between the second-order structure functions obtained from starlight and submillimetre polarization observations in the same positions in the plane of the sky, but comparison with a Gaussian model of the turbulent structure of the magnetic field indicates that these differences are small and are consistent with the difference in angular resolution between both techniques.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to A&