17,484 research outputs found

    Collide and Conquer: Constraints on Simplified Dark Matter Models using Mono-X Collider Searches

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    The use of simplified models as a tool for interpreting dark matter collider searches has become increasingly prevalent, and while early Run II results are beginning to appear, we look to see what further information can be extracted from the Run I dataset. We consider three `standard' simplified models that couple quarks to fermionic singlet dark matter: an ss-channel vector mediator with vector or axial-vector couplings, and a tt-channel scalar mediator. Upper limits on the couplings are calculated and compared across three alternate channels, namely mono-jet, mono-ZZ (leptonic) and mono-W/ZW/Z (hadronic). The strongest limits are observed in the mono-jet channel, however the computational simplicity and absence of significant tt-channel model width effects in the mono-boson channels make these a straightforward and competitive alternative. We also include a comparison with relic density and direct detection constraints.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures; v2: minor changes, conclusion unchanged, matches published versio

    Particle Production of Vector Fields: Scale Invariance is Attractive

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    In a model of an Abelian vector boson with a Maxwell kinetic term and non-negative mass-squared it is demonstrated that, under fairly general conditions during inflation, a scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations for the components of a vector field, massive or not, whose kinetic function (and mass) is modulated by the inflaton field is an attractor solution. If the field is massless, or if it remains light until the end of inflation, this attractor solution also generates anisotropic stress, which can render inflation weakly anisotropic. The above two characteristics of the attractor solution can source (independently or combined together) significant statistical anisotropy in the curvature perturbation, which may well be observable in the near future

    High resolution spectroscopy of single NV defects coupled with nearby 13^{13}C nuclear spins in diamond

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    We report a systematic study of the hyperfine interaction between the electron spin of a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond and nearby 13^{13}C nuclear spins, by using pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy. We isolate a set of discrete values of the hyperfine coupling strength ranging from 14 MHz to 400 kHz and corresponding to 13^{13}C nuclear spins placed at different lattice sites of the diamond matrix. For each lattice site, the hyperfine interaction is further investigated through nuclear spin polarization measurements and by studying the magnetic field dependence of the hyperfine splitting. This work provides informations that are relevant for the development of nuclear-spin based quantum register in diamond.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic imaging with an ensemble of Nitrogen Vacancy centers in diamond

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    The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center in diamond is an atom-like system in the solid-state which specific spin properties can be efficiently used as a sensitive magnetic sensor. An external magnetic field induces Zeeman shifts of the NV center levels which can be measured using Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR). In this work, we exploit the ODMR signal of an ensemble of NV centers in order to quantitatively map the vectorial structure of a magnetic field produced by a sample close to the surface of a CVD diamond hosting a thin layer of NV centers. The reconstruction of the magnetic field is based on a maximum-likelihood technique which exploits the response of the four intrinsic orientations of the NV center inside the diamond lattice. The sensitivity associated to a 1 {\mu}m^2 area of the doped layer, equivalent to a sensor consisting of approximately 10^4 NV centers, is of the order of 2 {\mu}T/sqrt{Hz}. The spatial resolution of the imaging device is 400 nm, limited by the numerical aperture of the optical microscope which is used to collect the photoluminescence of the NV layer. The versatility of the sensor is illustrated by the accurate reconstruction of the magnetic field created by a DC current inside a copper wire deposited on the diamond sample.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, figure 4 added, results unchange

    Gamma-ray emission from dark matter wakes of recoiled black holes

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    A new scenario for the emission of high-energy gamma-rays from dark matter annihilation around massive black holes is presented. A black hole can leave its parent halo, by means of gravitational radiation recoil, in a merger event or in the asymmetric collapse of its progenitor star. A recoiled black hole which moves on an almost-radial orbit outside the virial radius of its central halo, in the cold dark matter background, reaches its apapsis in a finite time. Near or at the apapsis passage, a high-density wake extending over a large radius of influence, forms around the black hole. It is shown that significant gamma-ray emission can result from the enhancement of neutralino annihilation in these wakes. At its apapsis passage, a black hole is shown to produce a flash of high-energy gamma-rays whose duration is determined by the mass of the black hole and the redshift at which it is ejected. The ensemble of such black holes in the Hubble volume is shown to produce a diffuse high-energy gamma-ray background whose magnitude is compared to the diffuse emission from dark matter haloes alone.Comment: version to appear in Astrophysical Journal letters (labels on Fig. 3 corrected

    Magnetic-field-dependent photodynamics of single NV defects in diamond: Application to qualitative all-optical magnetic imaging

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    Magnetometry and magnetic imaging with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond rely on the optical detection of electron spin resonance (ESR). However, this technique is inherently limited to magnetic fields that are weak enough to avoid electron spin mixing. Here we focus on the high off-axis magnetic field regime for which spin mixing alters the NV defect spin dynamics. We first study in a quantitative manner the dependence of the NV defect optical properties on the magnetic field vector B. Magnetic-field-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements are compared to a seven-level model of the NV defect that accounts for field-induced spin mixing. The model reproduces the decreases in (i) ESR contrast, (ii) PL intensity and (iii) excited level lifetime with an increasing off-axis magnetic field. We next demonstrate that those effects can be used to perform all-optical magnetic imaging in the high off-axis magnetic field regime. Using a scanning NV defect microscope, we map the stray field of a magnetic hard disk through both PL and fluorescence lifetime imaging. This all-optical method for high magnetic field imaging at the nanoscale might be of interest in the field of nanomagnetism, where samples producing fields in excess of several tens of milliteslas are typical

    Perfect preferential orientation of nitrogen-vacancy defects in a synthetic diamond sample

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    We show that the orientation of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond can be efficiently controlled through chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth on a (111)-oriented diamond substrate. More precisely, we demonstrate that spontaneously generated NV defects are oriented with a ~ 97 % probability along the [111] axis, corresponding to the most appealing orientation among the four possible crystallographic axes. Such a nearly perfect preferential orientation is explained by analyzing the diamond growth mechanism on a (111)-oriented substrate and could be extended to other types of defects. This work is a significant step towards the design of optimized diamond samples for quantum information and sensing applications.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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