1,569 research outputs found

    Global atmospheric sampling program

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    Automated instruments were installed on a commercial B-747 aircraft, during the program, to obtain baseline data and to monitor key atmospheric constituents associated with emissions of aircraft engines in order to determine if aircraft are contributing to pollution of the upper atmosphere. Data thus acquired on a global basis over the commercial air routes for 5 to 10 years will be analyzed. Ozone measurements in the 29,000 to 45,000 foot altitude were expanded over what has been available from ozonesondes. Limited aerosol composition measurements from filter samples show low levels of sulfates and nitrates in the upper troposphere. Recently installed instruments for measurement of carbon monoxide and condensation nuclei are beginning to return data

    A Look Into Producers\u27 Decisions to Retain Ownership of Cattle; Risk Management

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    P02.185. The effects of tactile massage (TM) on blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose in a sample of women suffering from primary insomnia

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    The overall objective of this pilot study was to study the direct effects of tactile massage (TM) on blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose in a sample of women suffering from primary insomniaThe study had an experimental prospective design, with a total of 10 women (mean age; 53 years, ±5.4). The participants underwent TM twice a week for six weeks resulting in a total of 120 treatments. For short term effects, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heartrate and blood glucoses were assessed by the therapist before and after each treatment. Long term assessments were made at baseline, at week 7, and at week 13.As a short term result after the treatment with TM, the participants reached a statistically significant reduction of; systolic blood pressure (-5.5 mmHg, ± 5.0), diastolic blood pressure (-2.0 mmHg, ± 4.4), Heartrate (-5.1 beats per minute, ± 3.4) and blood glucose (-0.2 mmol, ± 0.5). No long term effects with respect to the studied variables can be observed.In summary, we have shown in a normotensive but highly stressed sample of women, that TM has beneficiary effects on parameters of stress and cardiovascular function. In total, 120 TM treatments was analyzed with respect to the objective of the study, but in order to more understand the practical effects, and to more deeply evaluate TM’s place in the modalities of stress reduction, we recommend further studies with larger samples

    A bright nanowire single photon source based on SiV centers in diamond

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    The practical implementation of many quantum technologies relies on the development of robust and bright single photon sources that operate at room temperature. The negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV-) color center in diamond is a possible candidate for such a single photon source. However, due to the high refraction index mismatch to air, color centers in diamond typically exhibit low photon out-coupling. An additional shortcoming is due to the random localization of native defects in the diamond sample. Here we demonstrate deterministic implantation of Si ions with high conversion efficiency to single SiV- centers, targeted to fabricated nanowires. The co-localization of single SiV- centers with the nanostructures yields a ten times higher light coupling efficiency than for single SiV- centers in bulk diamond. This enhanced photon out-coupling, together with the intrinsic scalability of the SiV- creation method, enables a new class of devices for integrated photonics and quantum science.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Microcavity controlled coupling of excitonic qubits

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    Controlled non-local energy and coherence transfer enables light harvesting in photosynthesis and non-local logical operations in quantum computing. The most relevant mechanism of coherent coupling of distant qubits is coupling via the electromagnetic field. Here, we demonstrate the controlled coherent coupling of spatially separated excitonic qubits via the photon mode of a solid state microresonator. This is revealed by two-dimensional spectroscopy of the sample's coherent response, a sensitive and selective probe of the coherent coupling. The experimental results are quantitatively described by a rigorous theory of the cavity mediated coupling within a cluster of quantum dots excitons. Having demonstrated this mechanism, it can be used in extended coupling channels - sculptured, for instance, in photonic crystal cavities - to enable a long-range, non-local wiring up of individual emitters in solids

    Myonuclear Domain Flexibility Challenges Rigid Assumptions on Satellite Cell Contribution to Skeletal Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy

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    Satellite cell-mediated myonuclear accretion is thought to be required for skeletal muscle fiber hypertrophy, and even drive hypertrophy by preceding growth. Recent studies in humans and rodents provide evidence that challenge this axiom. Specifically, Type 2 muscle fibers reliably demonstrate a substantial capacity to hypertrophy in the absence of myonuclear accretion, challenging the notion of a tightly regulated myonuclear domain (i.e., area that each myonucleus transcriptionally governs). In fact, a “myonuclear domain ceiling”, or upper limit of transcriptional output per nucleus to support hypertrophy, has yet to be identified. Satellite cells respond to muscle damage, and also play an important role in extracellular matrix remodeling during loading-induced hypertrophy. We postulate that robust satellite cell activation and proliferation in response to mechanical loading is largely for these purposes. Future work will aim to elucidate the mechanisms by which Type 2 fibers can hypertrophy without additional myonuclei, the extent to which Type 1 fibers can grow without myonuclear accretion, and whether a true myonuclear domain ceiling exists

    The global development project contested: the local politics of the PRSP process in Malawi

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    Development, in an age of globalizations, has indeed become a global project. However, this project remains contested and contestable. While much attention has been given to this contestation at a macro-policy level, the dynamics of such contestations on the ground remain less studied. Noting that development projects, policies and programs are themselves products of power relations and social struggles, this paper focuses on the dynamics of these relations and struggles in relation to the dissemination of the global development project in Malawi. Drawing from the experiences and fractious journey from 2000 to 2006 of the broad-based civil society network involved in Malawi’s ongoing PRSP process, the paper shows how local actors draw creatively on globalized discourses of participation and representation to contest and confound the objectives of the elites, thereby complicating the channels through which the global development project is promulgated

    Revision 1 Size and position of the healthy meniscus, and its Correlation with sex, height, weight, and bone area- a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Meniscus extrusion or hypertrophy may occur in knee osteoarthritis (OA). However, currently no data are available on the position and size of the meniscus in asymptomatic men and women with normal meniscus integrity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three-dimensional coronal DESSwe MRIs were used to segment and quantitatively measure the size and position of the medial and lateral menisci, and their correlation with sex, height, weight, and tibial plateau area. 102 knees (40 male and 62 female) were drawn from the Osteoarthritis Initiative "non-exposed" reference cohort, including subjects without symptoms, radiographic signs, or risk factors for knee OA. Knees with MRI signs of meniscus lesions were excluded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The tibial plateau area was significantly larger (p < 0.001) in male knees than in female ones (+23% medially; +28% laterally), as was total meniscus surface area (p < 0.001, +20% medially; +26% laterally). Ipsi-compartimental tibial plateau area was more strongly correlated with total meniscus surface area in men (r = .72 medially; r = .62 laterally) and women (r = .67; r = .75) than contra-compartimental or total tibial plateau area, body height or weight. The ratio of meniscus versus tibial plateau area was similar between men and women (p = 0.22 medially; p = 0.72 laterally). Tibial coverage by the meniscus was similar between men and women (50% medially; 58% laterally), but "physiological" medial meniscal extrusion was greater in women (1.83 ± 1.06mm) than in men (1.24mm ± 1.18mm; p = 0.011).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data suggest that meniscus surface area strongly scales with (ipsilateral) tibial plateau area across both sexes, and that tibial coverage by the meniscus is similar between men and women.</p