212 research outputs found

    COOD: Combined out-of-distribution detection using multiple measures for anomaly & novel class detection in large-scale hierarchical classification

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    High-performing out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, both anomaly and novel class, is an important prerequisite for the practical use of classification models. In this paper, we focus on the species recognition task in images concerned with large databases, a large number of fine-grained hierarchical classes, severe class imbalance, and varying image quality. We propose a framework for combining individual OOD measures into one combined OOD (COOD) measure using a supervised model. The individual measures are several existing state-of-the-art measures and several novel OOD measures developed with novel class detection and hierarchical class structure in mind. COOD was extensively evaluated on three large-scale (500k+ images) biodiversity datasets in the context of anomaly and novel class detection. We show that COOD outperforms individual, including state-of-the-art, OOD measures by a large margin in terms of TPR@1% FPR in the majority of experiments, e.g., improving detecting ImageNet images (OOD) from 54.3% to 85.4% for the iNaturalist 2018 dataset. SHAP (feature contribution) analysis shows that different individual OOD measures are essential for various tasks, indicating that multiple OOD measures and combinations are needed to generalize. Additionally, we show that explicitly considering ID images that are incorrectly classified for the original (species) recognition task is important for constructing high-performing OOD detection methods and for practical applicability. The framework can easily be extended or adapted to other tasks and media modalities

    Orchestrating a smart circular economy: Guiding principles for digital product passports

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    In order for firms to implement the Circular Economy, and close all material and energy cycles, connections are needed not only within but also between multiple Industrial Ecosystems. To enable such complex interconnections, the European Union is preparing legislation to enforce the use of digital product passports (DPPs). These are verifiable collections of data about products’ composition, environmental footprint and opportunities for preventing waste. The notion of the DPP relies heavily on a suitable digital infrastructure, and it opens the possibility of using the power of artificial intelligence (AI), to optimize circular production within and between Industrial Ecosystems. The benefits of DPPs will only be attained if their design, knowledge engineering, and implementation is well-orchestrated. The purpose of this paper is to develop a set of guiding principles for the orchestration of DPPs, based upon a trans-disciplinary analysis, that form a theoretical basis upon which future research can build

    Type specimens of non-passerines in Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Animalia, Aves)

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    The non-passerine type specimens in Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden are listed as an update to Van den Hoek Ostende et al. (1997) ‘Type-specimens of birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, Part 1. Non-Passerines’ and Roselaar and Prins (2000) ‘List of type specimens of birds in the Zoological Museum of the University of Amsterdam (ZMA), including taxa described by ZMA staff but without types in the ZMA’. All new names published by Temminck and Schlegel are listed, even when types are not in Naturalis but in other collections. We have added 380 new names and deleted 13 names originally listed in Van den Hoek Ostende et al. (1997)

    NGO Legitimacy: Four Models

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    The aim of this paper is to examine NGOs’ legitimacy in the context of global politics. In order to yield a better understanding of NGOs’ legitimacy at the international level it is important to examine how their legitimacy claims are evaluated. This paper proposes dividing the literature into four models based on the theoretical and analytical approaches to their legitimacy claims: the market model, social change model, new institutionalism model and the critical model. The legitimacy criteria generated by the models are significantly different in their analytical scope of how one is to assess the role of NGOs operating as political actors contributing to democracy. The paper argues that the models present incomplete, and sometimes conflicting, views of NGOs’ legitimacy and that this poses a legitimacy dilemma for those assessing the political agency of NGOs in world politics. The paper concludes that only by approaching their legitimacy holistically can the democratic role of NGOs be explored and analysed in the context of world politics

    Caregiver education in Parkinson’s disease: formative evaluation of a standardized program in seven European countries

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    The formative evaluation of a standardized psychosocial education program for patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and their caregivers. The results of the participation of the caregivers are presented next to the data of the patients. Caregivers (n = 137) and patients with PD (n = 151) participated in the 8-week program in separate groups. Measurements were performed on psychosocial problems (BELA-P/A-k), health state (EQ-5D VAS), quality of life (PDQ-39) and depression (SDS) 1 week before and 1 week after the program. Participants rated their mood on a visual analogue scale before and after each session, and they filled in an evaluation questionnaire after the last session. Scores on the BELA-P/A-k improved significantly on the 'bothered by scale' as well as the 'need for help scale'. No improvements were found on EQ-5D VAS, PDQ-39 and SDS. Mood ratings improved significantly after each session. Most participants evaluated the program as positive. Feedback led to improvements in the program, which are incorporated in a final manual. The program was feasible to run in the different countries. This exploratory study led to improvements in the program and recommendations for further research. A study on the effectiveness of the program is the next step.Pathophysiology of paroxysmal and chronic degenerative progressive disorder of the central and periferal nervous syste

    Low-frequency components in harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) clicks : communication signal, by-products, or artifacts?

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124 (2008): 4059-4068, doi:10.1121/1.2945154.Underwater sound signals for biosonar and communication normally have different source properties to serve the purposes of generating efficient acoustic backscatter from small objects or conveying information to conspecifics. Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are nonwhistling toothed whales that produce directional, narrowband, high-frequency (HF) echolocation clicks. This study tests the hypothesis that their 130 kHz HF clicks also contain a low-frequency (LF) component more suited for communication. Clicks from three captive porpoises were analyzed to quantify the LF and HF source properties. The LF component is 59 (S.E.M=1.45 dB) dB lower than the HF component recorded on axis, and even at extreme off-axis angles of up to 135°, the HF component is 9 dB higher than the LF component. Consequently, the active space of the HF component will always be larger than that of the LF component. It is concluded that the LF component is a by-product of the sound generator rather than a dedicated pulse produced to serve communication purposes. It is demonstrated that distortion and clipping in analog tape recorders can explain some of the prominent LF components reported in earlier studies, emphasizing the risk of erroneous classification of sound types based on recording artifacts.This work was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation and Oticon, and via a Steno Scholarship from the Danish Natural Science Research Council to PTM

    HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder in Australia: a case of a high-functioning and optimally treated cohort and implications for international neuroHIV research

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    Abstract The Australian HIV-infected (HIV+) population is largely comprised of high-functioning men who have sex with men (MSM). Like other English-speaking countries, Australia mostly relies on US neuropsychological normative standards to detect and determine the prevalence of neurological disorders. Whether the US neuropsychological (NP) normative standards are appropriate in Australian HIV+ MSM has not been established. Ninety virally suppressed HIV+ and 49 HIV-uninfected (HIV−) men (respectively 86 and 85 % self-reported MSM; mean age 54 and 56 years, mean premorbid verbal IQ estimate 110 and 111) undertook standard NP testing. The raw neuropsychological data were transformed using the following: (1) US standards as uncorrected scaled scores and demographically corrected T scores (US norms); and (2) z scores (without demographic corrections) derived from Australian comparison group scaled scores (local norms). To determine HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder prevalence, we used a standard definition of impairment based upon a battery-wide summary score: the global deficit score (GDS). Impairment classification (GDS≥0.5) based on the local norms was best at discriminating between the two groups (HIV− = 14.3 % vs. HIV+ = 53.3 %; p<0.0001). This definition was significantly associated with age. Impairment classification based on the US norms yielded much lower impairment rate regardless of the HIV status (HIV−=4.1 % vs. HIV+=14.7 %; p= 0.05), but was associated with historical AIDS, and not age. Both types of summary scores were associated with reduced independence in activities of daily living (p≤ 0.03). Accurate neuropsychological classifications of high (or low) functioning individuals may need country-specific norms that correct for performancebased (e.g., reading) estimates of premorbid cognition in addition to the traditional demographic factors