30 research outputs found

    Colonization of the Mediterranean Basin by the vector biting midge species Culicoides imicola: an old story

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    Understanding the demographic history and genetic make-up of colonizing species is critical for inferring population sources and colonization routes. This is of main interest for designing accurate control measures in areas newly colonized by vector species of economically important pathogens. The biting midge Culicoides imicola is a major vector of Orbiviruses to livestock. Historically, the distribution of this species was limited to the Afrotropical region. Entomological surveys first revealed the presence of C. imicola in the south of the Mediterranean basin by the 1970's. Following recurrent reports of massive bluetongue outbreaks since the 1990s, the presence of the species was confirmed in northern areas. In this study, we addressed the chronology and processes of C. imicola colonization in the Mediterranean basin. We characterized the genetic structure of its populations across Mediterranean and African regions using both mitochondrial and nuclear markers, and combined phylogeographical analyses with population genetics and approximate Bayesian computation. We found a west/east genetic differentiation between populations, occurring both within Africa and within the Mediterranean basin. We demonstrated that three of these groups had experienced demographic expansions in the Pleistocene, probably because of climate changes during this period. Finally, we showed that C. imicola could have colonized the Mediterranean basin in the late Pleistocene or early Holocene through a single event of introduction; however we cannot exclude the hypothesis involving two routes of colonization. Thus, the recent bluetongue outbreaks are not linked to C. imicola colonization event, but rather to biological changes in the vector or the virus

    Variabilité des caractÚres morphologiques des

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    Les auteurs signalent quelques exemples de variabilités importantes des taches alaires et des sensilles des Culicoides

    Iconographie des caractÚres différentiels des larves de

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    Les auteurs indiquent les caractéristiques des faces ventrale et dorsale des larves de Fannia. Ils précisent sur dessins les caractÚres morphologiques permettant de reconnaßtre les espÚces scalaris, manicata et canicularis

    Écologie des CĂ©ratopogonidĂ©s de la plaine d’Alsace

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    Dans l’Est de la France, Culicoides clastrieri, C. odibilis, C. cubitalis, C. subfascipennis et C. musilator prĂ©sentent 2 gĂ©nĂ©rations par an ; une gĂ©nĂ©ration de printemps et une gĂ©nĂ©ration d’étĂ©. Une partie de la population de l’étĂ© subit une estivo-hibernation qui est levĂ©e vers le mois de dĂ©cembre. La possibilitĂ© d’une diapause hivernale est envisagĂ©e

    Écologie des CĂ©ratopogonidĂ©s de la plaine d’Alsace

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    Le Ried d’Alsace, ensemble de paysages humides de plaine, est prĂ©sentĂ© au point de vue gĂ©omorphologique, pĂ©dologique et botanique. Quatorze espĂšces de Culicoides y sont Ă©tudiĂ©es au point de vue importance numĂ©rique, rĂ©partition topographique, biotope, densitĂ© par unitĂ© de surface et associations spĂ©cifiques. C. clastrieri, odibilis, cubitalis, pictipennis et musilator totalisent 98 % des effectifs. Trois espĂšces halophiles, C. riethi, circumscriptus et salinarius y sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme de bons indicateurs de la pollution chlorurĂ©e de l’Ill