23 research outputs found

    Insights into Minor Group Rhinovirus Uncoating: The X-ray Structure of the HRV2 Empty Capsid

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    Upon attachment to their respective receptor, human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are internalized into the host cell via different pathways but undergo similar structural changes. This ultimately results in the delivery of the viral RNA into the cytoplasm for replication. To improve our understanding of the conformational modifications associated with the release of the viral genome, we have determined the X-ray structure at 3.0 Å resolution of the end-stage of HRV2 uncoating, the empty capsid. The structure shows important conformational changes in the capsid protomer. In particular, a hinge movement around the hydrophobic pocket of VP1 allows a coordinated shift of VP2 and VP3. This overall displacement forces a reorganization of the inter-protomer interfaces, resulting in a particle expansion and in the opening of new channels in the capsid core. These new breaches in the capsid, opening one at the base of the canyon and the second at the particle two-fold axes, might act as gates for the externalization of the VP1 N-terminus and the extrusion of the viral RNA, respectively. The structural comparison between native and empty HRV2 particles unveils a number of pH-sensitive amino acid residues, conserved in rhinoviruses, which participate in the structural rearrangements involved in the uncoating process

    Wege des Viruseintritts: am Beispiel der Erkältungsviren

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    Numerical Quality Control for DFT-based Materials Databases

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    Electronic-structure theory is a strong pillar of materials science. Many different computer codes that employ different approaches are used by the community to solve various scientific problems. Still, the precision of different packages has only recently been scrutinized thoroughly, focusing on a specific task, namely selecting a popular density functional, and using unusually high, extremely precise numerical settings for investigating 71 monoatomic crystals. Little is known, however, about method- and code-specific uncertainties that arise under numerical settings that are commonly used in practice. We shed light on this issue by investigating the deviations in total and relative energies as a function of computational parameters. Using typical settings for basis sets and k-grids, we compare results for 71 elemental and 63 binary solids obtained by three different electronic-structure codes that employ fundamentally different strategies. On the basis of the observed trends, we propose a simple, analytical model for the estimation of the errors associated with the basis-set incompleteness. We cross-validate this model using ternary systems obtained from the NOMAD Repository and discuss how our approach enables the comparison of the heterogeneous data present in computational materials databases

    Temperature Dependent Electronic Ground State Charge Transfer in van der Waals Heterostructures

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    Electronic charge rearrangement between components of a heterostructure is the fundamental principle to reach the electronic ground state. It is acknowledged that the density of state distribution of the components governs the amount of charge transfer, but a notable dependence on temperature is not yet considered, particularly for weakly interacting systems. Here, it is experimentally observed that the amount of ground state charge transfer in a van der Waals heterostructure formed by monolayer MoS2 sandwiched between graphite and a molecular electron acceptor layer increases by a factor of 3 when going from 7 K to room temperature. State of the art electronic structure calculations of the full heterostructure that accounts for nuclear thermal fluctuations reveal intracomponent electron phonon coupling and intercomponent electronic coupling as the key factors determining the amount of charge transfer. This conclusion is rationalized by a model applicable to multicomponent van der Waals heterostructure