4 research outputs found

    Social Enterprise Evaluation : Implications for Tourism Development

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    The evaluation of social enterprise projects has focused mainly on devising effective performance measurement methods and processes to justify the investment of resources and time committed to such activities. With increasing demands for accountability, effectiveness, evidence of return on investment and value-added results, evaluation activities have been driven by imperatives of objectivity in assessments and the development of tools that monetize the social outcomes and impacts of social enterprise projects. These traditional approaches to evaluation have also been widely adapted in tourism based social enterprises that seek to attain goals of poverty alleviation, empowerment of local communities, and improved livelihoods for those marginalized from mainstream tourism economic activities. This chapter argues that traditional approaches to evaluation may be limited in supporting social entrepreneurship projects with development objectives of empowerment and societal change. It is proposed that social enterprise projects involving community participation may be better positioned to achieve their developmental objectives by incorporating more of the principles of Participatory Evaluation (PE) and Empowerment Evaluation (EE) in the quest to harness the economic prowess of tourism for human development

    Social Innovation in Tourism: Unleashing The Time-Money Constraint

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    This study aims to explore whether the time-money constraint in tourism can be exerted to foster unconventional social innovation in the tourism industry. This study builds its conceptual framework upon the concept of time banking as an alternative currency in spurring social innovation in the tourism economy. To explore the applicability of the concept in tourism, we investigated the intentions and needs of the supplier and consumer sides through interviews and focus groups. To explore the entrepreneurial perspective, three in-depth interviews were conducted respectively with the co-founder of TimeRepublik, an independent social entrepreneur, and a sharing economy specialist. Three focus groups were also conducted to evaluate and elaborate the practical application of the framework from a user’s point of view. We found that using time as a measure of work shows a potential to reconcile the time-money constraint especially for disadvantaged groups. However, this study has exposed discrepancies between the intentions and the needs of the social entrepreneurs and the users, undermining the feasibility of the concept in the tourism context. Namely, the challenges included the value of time, trust and relationship building, and network effects and scaling. As long as the innovation is unable to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth building upon its social values, the lack of user support will only lead to selected and limited application of the concept in tourism and therefore would fail to generate social benefits on a larger scale

    Measuring social entrepreneurship and social value with leakage. Definition, analysis and policies for the hospitality industry

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    The aim is to analyze, define and examine the connections between social entrepreneurship and the generation of social value, considering the concept of leakage as a measure of social value creation and distribution for the hospitality industry. The paper also proposes an exploratory-theoretical framework of policies to promote social entrepreneurship in hospitality, reduce leakage, and increase the generation of social value. Firstly, the paper concentrates on the figure of the social entrepreneur as a promoter of social value creation. Secondly, it analyzes social value creation in hospitality and its measurement. Then, the article studies and presents leakage as an instrument to monitor social value created by social entrepreneurship in hospitality. Finally, the paper proposes a wide framework of policies to enhance social value creation in hospitality, through the reduction of leakage and reinforcement of social entrepreneurship. Leakage is a useful indicator to monitor social value creation in the hospitality industry. The reduction of leakage can gauge the success of policies promoting social entrepreneurship activities which improve social value creation for the host society. The paper proposes proper and idiosyncratic measures of social value creation in hospitality. It also provides a mechanism to measure the effectiveness of the actions designed to generate social entrepreneurship and social value, at a destination and also at firm or hotel level. A complete framework of actions and policies addressed to increase social entrepreneurship and social value is also proposed.Narangajavana, Y.; Gonzalez-Cruz, T.; Garrigós Simón, FJ.; Cruz-Ros, S. (2016). Measuring social entrepreneurship and social value with leakage. Definition, analysis and policies for the hospitality industry. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 12(3):911-934. doi:10.1007/s11365-016-0396-5S911934123Abu-Saifan, S. 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