155 research outputs found

    Plasma and Sol-Gel Technology for Creating Nanostructured Surfaces of Fibrous Polymers

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    For a modification of natural and synthetic fibrous polymers low-pressure ICRF plasma and liquid repellent sol-gel fluoroalkyl-functional siloxane precursor were used. Plasma induced surface chemical and morphological changes on fluorinated poly(ethylene terephthalate) and cellulose were analysed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Wettability properties of sol-gel functionalized polymers were determined by the goniometric water contact angles and water sliding angle measurements. After plasma treatment the oxygen content on the surface of both polymers increased (increase of O/C ratio) and a nanostructured surface roughness appeared. Plasma ablation caused partially defluorinated nanostructured surface of fluorinated poly(ethylene terephthalate) polymer and increased its hydrophilicity. Plasma activation and etching of cellulose polymer contributed to the creation of highly adhesive and wash resistant sol-gel coating with superhydrophobic, oleophobic and self-cleaning properties. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3539

    ZnTiO3 Ceramic Nanopowder Microstructure Changes During Compaction

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    ZnTiO3 nanopowder as a constitutive component in compact production was primarily characterised. Scanning electron micrographs of as received powder were recorded. Mercury porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption were also performed on loose powder. Particle size distribution in a water powder suspension was determined with a laser particle size analyser. Compaction was performed on different pressures in a range from 100 to 400 MPa using the uniaxial double sided compaction technique without binder and lubricant. Micrographs of compacted specimens were obtained using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Pore size distribution was also determined by mercury porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption. Results revealed that with increasing pressure during compaction interagglomerate pores diminish in size until they reach some critical diameter related to the intra-agglomerate pore size

    Synthesis of Bile Acid Amines Via Microwave Irradiation

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    Herein, we present microwave-assisted reductive amination of oxo derivative of deoxycholic acid with morpholine in the presence of sodium-cyanoborohydride. These chemical transformation produces a majority of the 3β-amino isomer 5 as a new compound after five minutes of irradiation. In addition, formylated bile acid have been proved as excellent starting material for the synthesis of bile acid`s N-morpholino amine. Microwave-assisted reactions of formylation in the absence of catalyst, selective deformylation, as well as further oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide gained 3-oxo derivatives of deoxycholic acid acid in high yield. Compared to the conventional protocol a remarkable reduction in overall processing time from hours to a few minutes was achieved.26th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems : Proceedings; November 23-24, 2020; Szeged, Hungary

    Efekat biouglja na morfološka svojstva kukuruza i soje

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    This paper analyses the effects of the biochar application morphological traits in maize and soybean under semi-controlled conditions. During the study, the increasing doses of biochar (0%, 0.5%, 1, 3, and 5%) were incorporated in three soil types: Alluvium, Humogley and Chernozem to determine plant height and shoot weight. The experiment was set up as fully randomized design with three repetitions. The plants were grown in pots of 5 l with controlled watering and N fertilization. The research results have shown that there are differences in terms of biochar effects on soils. The greatest effect on plant height and shoot weight was obtained when the biochar was applied to Humogley soil and lower effects were found on the Alluvium soil. The increase in aboveground mass of maize and soybeans was significantly conditioned by adding different doses of biochar. Based on these results, it can be concluded that adding biochar can significantly affect the growth of plants. This is a consequence of the changes it causes in soil, which requires further tests to complement the current findings.U radu je ispitivan uticaj primene biouglja na morfološka svojstva kukuruza i soje u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Primenjene su rastuće doze biouglja na tri tipa zemljišta: aluvijum, černozem i humoglej i praćena je visina biljaka i masa nadzemnog dela. Ogled je postavljen po randomiziranom rasporedu sa tri ponavljanja u sudove zapremine 5 litara, a setva je izvršena u mesecu maju. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da postoje razlike u pogledu ispitivanih zemljišta i primenjenih doza biouglja. Najbolji efekat je dobijen kada je biougalj primenjen na zemljište humoglej a najmanji uticaj primene biouglja je utvrđen na aluvijalnom zemljištu. Porast nadzemne mase kukuruza i soje bio je u značajnoj meri uslovljen dodavanjem različitih doza biouglja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da dodavanje biouglja može značajno uticati na porast biljaka koji je posledica promene koje on izaziva u svojstvima zemljišta, ali da je neophodno nastaviti dalja ispitivanja kako bi se upotpunila dosadašnja saznanja. Utvrđeno je da su ispitivana svojstva kod soje ispoljila veću reakciju na primenu biouglja u odnosu na kukuruz

    The isolation, analytical characterization by HPLC-UV and NMR spectroscopy, cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of baeomycesic acid from Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis

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    The aim of this work was the analytical characterization of the β-orcinol depside, baeomycesic acid in lichens extracts. The extract of Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis was analyzed by the two different methods, namely HPLC-UV and 1H NMR analysis. The results showed that baeomycesic acid was the most abundant depside in the lichens. These results could be of use for rapid identification of this metabolite in other lichen species. Besides baeomycesic acid, three depsides and one monocyclic phenolic compound were isolated from the lichen extract on the chromatographic column. The structure of baeomycesic acid was confirmed by HPLC-UV and spectroscopic methods. In addition, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of baeomycesic acid were determined. The result of the testing showed that baeomycesic acid exhibited a moderate radical scavenging activity (IC50 = 602.10 ± 0.54 μg/mL) and good cytotoxic activity. This is the first report of detailed analytical characterization, isolation, as well as antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of baeomycesic acid from Thamnolia vermicularis. These results may be helpful in future industrial production of herbal medicines that include this important natural product

    Effect of a Mycotoxin Binder (MMDA) on the Growth Performance, Blood and Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Ochratoxin A and T-2 Mycotoxin Contaminated Diets

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    The contamination of feed with mycotoxins is a global concern, resulting in adverse effects on productivity and animal health and, therefore, a great economic loss. Ochratoxin A and T-2 mycotoxins are among the mycotoxins that contaminate animal feed. These mycotoxins could adversely affect the health of broilers, and the most effective method to mitigate the toxic effects of mycotoxins is the use of detoxifying agents. In the present experiment, broiler chickens were allotted into five groups. Group 1 received a non-contaminated diet; group 2 received a non-contaminated diet + 3 g/kg of a mycotoxin binder (MMDA); group 3 received a non-contaminated diet + 0.5 mg/kg OTA + 1 mg/kg T-2 toxin; group 4 received a non-contaminated diet + 0.5 mg/kg OTA + 1 mg/kg T-2 toxin + 1 g/kg MMDA; and group 5 received a non-contaminated diet + 0.5 mg/kg OTA + 1 mg/kg T-2 toxin + 3 g/kg MMDA for 35 days. The results revealed that OTA and T-2 toxin negatively affected the productive parameters and some blood and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. The addition of the detoxifying agent (MMDA at 1 or 3 g/kg feed) to contaminated diets alleviated the adverse effects observed on productivity and the broilers heath related parameters.This research was funded by Patent Co., Vlade Ćetkovića 1A, 24 211 Mišićevo, Serbia

    Selective Anticancer Activity of Hydroxyapatite/Chitosan-poly(d,l)-lactide-co-glycolide Particles Loaded with an Androstane-Based Cancer Inhibitor

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    In an earlier study we demonstrated that hydroxyapatite nanoparticles coated with chitosan-poly(d,l)-lactide-co-glycolide (HAp/Ch-PLGA) target lungs following their intravenous injection into mice. In this study we utilize an emulsification process and freeze drying to load the composite HAp/Ch-PLGA particles with 17β-hydroxy-17α-picolyl-androst-5-en-3β-yl-acetate (A), a chemotherapeutic derivative of androstane and a novel compound with a selective anticancer activity against lung cancer cells. 1H NMR and 13C NMR techniques confirmed the intact structure of the derivative A following its entrapment within HAp/Ch-PLGA particles. The thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses coupled with mass spectrometry were used to assess the thermal degradation products and properties of A-loaded HAp/Ch-PLGA. The loading efficiency, as indicated by the comparison of enthalpies of phase transitions in pure A and A-loaded HAp/Ch-PLGA, equaled 7.47 wt.%. The release of A from HAp/Ch-PLGA was sustained, neither exhibiting a burst release nor plateauing after three weeks. Atomic force microscopy and particle size distribution analyses were used to confirm that the particles were spherical with a uniform size distribution of d50 = 168 nm. In vitro cytotoxicity testing of A-loaded HAp/Ch-PLGA using MTT and trypan blue dye exclusion assays demonstrated that the particles were cytotoxic to the A549 human lung carcinoma cell line (46 ± 2%), while simultaneously preserving high viability (83 ± 3%) of regular MRC5 human lung fibroblasts and causing no harm to primary mouse lung fibroblasts. In conclusion, composite A-loaded HAp/Ch-PLGA particles could be seen as promising drug delivery platforms for selective cancer therapies, targeting malignant cells for destruction, while having a significantly lesser cytotoxic effect on the healthy cells

    Effects of the toluene and methanol extract of Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl) on viability and proliferation HeLa cells

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    Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) is used in food and pharmaceutical technologies as officinal drugs and natural laxative. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of toluene and methanol Senna extracts on the viability and proliferation of HeLa cells. The senna leaves were extracted in Soxhlet's extractor and obtained toluene and methanolic extracts were used for determination of effects on viability and proliferation. Cytotoxic effect of different concentrations (0.1%, 0.01%, 0.001% and 0.0001%) extracts was investigated in HeLa cells in vitro. MTT test showed significant cytotoxic activity for toluene extract, especially the concentration of 0.1%, while the tested concentrations metanolic extract did not show cytotoxic activity