46 research outputs found
Spatial and temporal evolution of hyperextended rift systems: Implication for the nature, kinematics, and timing of the Iberian-European plate boundary
International audienceWe focus on the Iberian-European plate boundary (IEPB), whose nature, age, and evolution are strongly debated. In contrast to previous interpretations of the IEPB as a major lithospheric-scale left-lateral strike-slip fault, we propose a more complex deformation history. The mapping of rift domains at the transition between Iberia and Europe emphasizes the existence of spatially disconnected rift systems. Based on their restoration, we suggest that the deformation was partitioned between a set of distinct left-lateral transtensional rift systems from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. A plate kinematic reorganization at Aptian-Albian time resulted in the onset of sea-floor spreading in the western Bay of Biscay and extreme crustal and lithosphere thinning in intra-continental rift basins to the east. The formation and reactivation of the IEPB is interpreted as the result of the polyphase evolution of a diffuse transient plate boundary that failed to localize. The results of this work may provide new insights on (1) processes preceding breakup and the initiation of segmented and strongly oblique shear margins, (2) the deformation history of nascent divergent plate boundaries, and (3) the kinematics of the southern North Atlantic and Alpine domain in western Europe
Rift structure and sediment infill of hyperextended continental crust: insights from 3D seismic and well data (Xisha Trough, South China Sea)
Three‐dimensional seismic and well data from the deepwater Xisha Trough are used to investigate the rift structure and sediment infill of a region formed adjacently to the initial oceanic ridge of the South China Sea (SCS). The high‐quality data permitted a detailed analysis of features such as: (1) detachment faults soling out at the Moho, (2) rotated and thinned continental blocks covered by thick sediment, and (3) changes in the location of basin depocenters resulting from detachment faulting. During the continental rifting phase (Eocene to earliest Oligocene), faulting was broadly distributed in Xisha Trough and resulted in the generation of isolated grabens/half‐grabens filled by proximal sediment sources. During continental breakup in the Northwest Ocean Sector of SCS (Oligocene), extension became restricted to a narrow region where highly tilted continental blocks and thin crust were formed. Sediment was, at that time, fed to distal depocenters, which are presently bounded by listric faults rooted in a basal detachment. Later in a second stage (early Miocene), synchronously with continental breakup in the Southwest Ocean Sector of the SCS, the study area was blanketed by thick sediment. During the two continental breakup events, the hyperextended Xisha Trough was affected by closely spaced, small‐scale faults rather than large basement‐related structures. Our study highlights the effect of continental breakup as a way to broaden sediment influx from multiple sources into deepwater basins. As a corollary, this work recognizes two distinct breakup sequences in the Xisha Trough, and concludes on their geodynamic significance to the SCS
Formation and deformation of hyperextended rift systems: Insights from rift domain mapping in the Bay of Biscay-Pyrenees
International audienceThe Bay of Biscay and the Pyrenees correspond to a Lower Cretaceous rift system including both oceanic and hyperextended rift domains. The transition from preserved oceanic and rift domains in the West to their complete inversion in the East enables us to study the progressive reactivation of a hyperextended rift system. We use seismic interpretation, gravity inversion, and field mapping to identify and map former rift domains and their subsequent reactivation. We propose a new map and sections across the system illustrating the progressive integration of the rift domains into the orogen. This study aims to provide insights on the formation of hyperextended rift systems and discuss their role during reactivation. Two spatially and temporally distinct rift systems can be distinguished: the Bay of Biscay-Parentis and the Pyrenean-Basque-Cantabrian rifts. While the offshore Bay of Biscay represent a former mature oceanic domain, the fossil remnants of hyperextended domains preserved onshore in the Pyrenean-Cantabrian orogen record distributed extensional deformation partitioned between strongly segmented rift basins. Reactivation initiated in the exhumed mantle domain before it affected the hyperthinned domain. Both domains accommodated most of the shortening. The final architecture of the orogen is acquired once the conjugate necking domains became involved in collisional processes. The complex 3-D architecture of the initial rift system may partly explain the heterogeneous reactivation of the overall system. These results have important implications for the formation and reactivation of hyperextended rift systems and for the restoration of the Bay of Biscay and Pyrenean domain
Nature and origin of the J-magnetic anomaly offshore Iberia-Newfoundland: implications for plate reconstructions
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Characterizing and identifying structural domains at rifted continental margins: application to the Bay of Biscay margins and its Western Pyrenean fossil remnants: Structural domains at rifted margins
International audienceWe use the Bay of Biscay and Western Pyrenees as a natural laboratory to develop and apply an approach to characterize and identify distinctive rifted margin domains in offshore and onshore settings. The Bay of Biscay and Western Pyrenees offer access to seismically imaged, drilled and exposed parts of one and the same hyperextended rift system. Offshore, we use gravity inversion and flexural backstripping techniques combined with seismic interpretation to provide estimates of accommodation space, crustal thickness and lithosphere thinning. Onshore, we focus on key outcrops of the former rift domain to describe the nature of sediment and basement rocks, and of their interface. This qualitative and quantitative characterization provides diagnostic elements for the identification of five distinct structural domains at magma-poor rifted margins and their fossil analogues (proximal, necking, hyperthinned, exhumed mantle and oceanic domains). This new approach can be used to reconcile offshore and onshore observations, and to aid interpretation when only local observations are available. Onshore remnants can be placed in an offshore rifted-margin context, enabling the prediction of first-order crustal architecture. For the interpretation of offshore seismic reflection sections, geological insights into rift structures and basement nature can be suggested based on onshore analogies
Geology of the Ionian Basin and margins: a key to the East Mediterranean geodynamics
We revisit the nature, structure and evolution of the Ionian Basin and its surrounding passive margins (Apulia, Eastern Sicily/Malta, and Cyrenaica margins). Relying on geological observations (wells, dredges and dives) and seismic calibrations from the surrounding platforms and escarpments, we present age correlations for the deepest sedimentary sequences of the Ionian Basin. Two‐ship deep refraction seismic data combined with reprocessed reflection seismic data enable us to identify, characterize and map these thick sedimentary sequences and to present a consistent seismic stratigraphy across the basin. At a larger scale, we present new geological transects illustrating the tectono‐stratigraphic relationships between the Ionian Basin and its surrounding rifted margins.
On this basis, we suggest that a Late Triassic‐Early Jurassic rifting preceded the late Early Jurassic to Middle Jurassic formation of the Ionian Basin. The combination of geophysical and geological arguments suggests that the entire deep basin is floored with oceanic crust of normal thickness, but with high seismic velocity in the upper part. Upscaling our results in the framework of the Eastern Mediterranean, we propose that the Ionian Basin represents the remnant of a short‐lived oceanic basin resulting from the interaction between two propagating oceans: the Central Atlantic and the Neo‐Tethys
The tectono-sedimentary evolution of a hyper-extended rift basin: the example of the Arzacq–Mauléon rift system (Western Pyrenees, SW France).
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