290 research outputs found

    Local Versus Centralized Control of Flexbile Loads in Power Grid

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    Ptch2 is a Potential Regulator of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Ptch receptors 1 and 2 mediate Hedgehog signaling pivotal for organ development and homeostasis. In contrast to embryonic lethal Ptch1(-/-) phenotype, Ptch2(-/-) mice display no effect on gross phenotype. In this brief report, we provide evidence of changes in the putative incisor mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) niches that contribute to accelerated incisor growth, as well as intriguing changes in the bones and skin which suggest a role for Ptch2 in the regulation of MSCs and their regenerative potential. We employed histological, immunostaining, and computed tomography (mu CT) analyses to analyze morphological differences between Ptch2(-/-) and wild-type incisors, long bones, and skins. In vitro CFU and differentiation assays were used to demonstrate the MSC content and differentiation potential of Ptch2(-/-) bone marrow stromal cells. Wound healing assay was performed in vivo and in vitro on 8-week-old mice to assess the effect of Ptch2 on the wound closure. Loss of Ptch2 causes increases in the number of putative MSCs in the continuously growing incisor, associated with increased vascularization observed in the tooth mesenchyme and the neurovascular bundle. Increased length and volume of Ptch2(-/-) bones is linked with the increased number and augmented in vitro differentiation potential of MSCs in the bone marrow. Dynamic changes in the Ptch2(-/-) skin thickness relate to changes in the mesenchymal compartment and impact the wound closure potential. The effects of Ptch2 abrogation on the postnatal MSCs suggest a crucial role for Ptch2 in Hedgehog signaling regulation of the organ regenerative potential.Peer reviewe

    Piiloitävyyteen liittyvän entsyymitoiminnan vaikutuksista ohran laatuominaisuuksiin

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    Suoritetuissa tutkimuksissa verrattiin toisiinsa kahta täysin erilaista vuoden 1962 satoa olevaa ohranäytettä, nimittäin kunnoltaan moitteetonta hyvälaatuista ohraa (Proctor) ja erittäin kosteissa olosuhteissa korjattua heikkolaatuista ohraseosta (Pirkka ja Balder). Ohranäytteitä idätettiin laboratoriossa joko normaalisesti tai kahteen kertaan, jolloin mahdollisesti esiintyneet juuri-idut välillä poistettiin. Normaalin idätyksen aikana amylolyyttisten entsyymien aktiivisuus lisääntyi hyvälaatuisessa ohrassa jyrkemmin kuin huonolaatuisessa ohraseoksessa. Viimeksi mainitun α-amylaasiaktiivisuus oli jo ennen idätystä n. 3 diastaattista yksikköä; vastaavan aktiivisuuden hyvälaatuinen ohra saavutti vasta 2 vrk:n idätyksen jälkeen. Hyvälaatuisen ohran diastaattisen aktivisuuden lähtöarvo oli n. 20 % pienempi kuin huonolaatuisen ohraseoksen, mutta ensiksi mainitun diastaattinen aktiivisuus lisääntyi jyrkemmin ollen 4 vrk:n idätyksen jälkeen samaa suuruusluokkaa kuin huonolaatuisessa ohraseoksessa. Amylografitutkimuksissa amylolyyttisten entsyymien aiheuttama tärkkelyksen pilkkoutuminen tuli havaittavaksi n. 12 t liotuksen jälkeen. Idättämättömässä huonolaatuisessa ohraseoksessa todettiin paperikromatografisesti maltoosia enemmän kuin hyvälaatuisessa ohrassa. Maltoosin määrässä todettiin huomattava lisääntyminen 3 vrk:n ja glukoosin määrässä 4 vrk:n idätyksen jälkeen. Hyvälaatuisen idättämättömän ohran proteolyyttinen aktiivisuus oli vajaa puolet huonolaatuisen ohraseoksen aktiivisuudesta, ja idätyksen aikana molempien ohranäytteiden aktiivisuus lisääntyi jokseenkin samalla nopeudella. Vapaiden aminohappojen määrä lisääntyi idätyksen aikana suhteessa proteolyyttisen aktiivisuuden kasvuun. Molempien ohranäytteiden amylolyyttisten ja proteolyyttisten entsyymien aktiivisuudessa todettiin itämisen alussa liotuksen aikana alenemista; amylografinen tutkimus vahvisti amylolyyttisten entsyymien aktiivisuuden alenemisen. Kaksoisidätyskokeissa huonolaatuisen ohraseoken diastaattisen aktiivisuuden todettiin lisääntyneen toisella idätyskerralla jyrkemmin kuin ensimmäisellä ja molemmilla kerroilla nopeammin kuin hyvälaatuisen ohran. Aktiivisuuden lisääntyminen toisessa idätyksessä oli sitä voimakkaampaa mitä lyhyempää idätystä ensimmäisessä vaiheessa oli käytetty. Molempien näytteiden amylolyyttisten entsyymien aktiivisuudet olivat toisessa idätyksessä 3 vrk:n kuluttua noin kaksinkertaiset ensimmäiseen idätykseen verrattuna. Hyvälaatuisen ohran proteolyyttisen aktiivisuuden kasvu oli toisella idätyskerralla erityisen nopeaa huonolaatuiseen ohraseokseen verrattuna. Epäedullisissa kosteusoloissa alkuunpäässeellä entsyymitoiminnalla on selvästi todettava vaikutus ulkonaisesti moitteettoman ohranjyvän koostumukseen

    Stimulus-Related Independent Component and Voxel-Wise Analysis of Human Brain Activity during Free Viewing of a Feature Film

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    Understanding how the brain processes stimuli in a rich natural environment is a fundamental goal of neuroscience. Here, we showed a feature film to 10 healthy volunteers during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of hemodynamic brain activity. We then annotated auditory and visual features of the motion picture to inform analysis of the hemodynamic data. The annotations were fitted to both voxel-wise data and brain network time courses extracted by independent component analysis (ICA). Auditory annotations correlated with two independent components (IC) disclosing two functional networks, one responding to variety of auditory stimulation and another responding preferentially to speech but parts of the network also responding to non-verbal communication. Visual feature annotations correlated with four ICs delineating visual areas according to their sensitivity to different visual stimulus features. In comparison, a separate voxel-wise general linear model based analysis disclosed brain areas preferentially responding to sound energy, speech, music, visual contrast edges, body motion and hand motion which largely overlapped the results revealed by ICA. Differences between the results of IC- and voxel-based analyses demonstrate that thorough analysis of voxel time courses is important for understanding the activity of specific sub-areas of the functional networks, while ICA is a valuable tool for revealing novel information about functional connectivity which need not be explained by the predefined model. Our results encourage the use of naturalistic stimuli and tasks in cognitive neuroimaging to study how the brain processes stimuli in rich natural environments

    Minocycline inhibits glial proliferation in the H-Tx rat model of congenital hydrocephalus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reactive astrocytosis and microgliosis are important features of the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus, and persistent glial "scars" that form could exacerbate neuroinflammation, impair cerebral perfusion, impede neuronal regeneration, and alter biomechanical properties. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of minocycline, an antibiotic known for its anti-inflammatory properties, to reduce gliosis in the H-Tx rat model of congenital hydrocephalus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Minocycline (45 mg/kg/day i.p. in 5% sucrose at a concentration of 5-10 mg/ml) was administered to hydrocephalic H-Tx rats from postnatal day 15 to day 21, when ventriculomegaly had reached moderate to severe stages. Treated animals were compared to age-matched non-hydrocephalic and untreated hydrocephalic littermates. The cerebral cortex (both gray matter laminae and white matter) was processed for immunohistochemistry (glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP, for astrocytes and ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule, Iba-1, for microglia) and analyzed by qualitative and quantitative light microscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean number of GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes was significantly higher in untreated hydrocephalic animals compared to both types of controls (<it>p </it>< 0.001). Minocycline treatment of hydrocephalic animals reduced the number of GFAP immunoreactive cells significantly (<it>p </it>< 0.001). Likewise, the mean number of Iba-1 immunoreactive microglia was significantly higher in untreated hydrocephalic animals compared to both types of controls (<it>p </it>< 0.001). Furthermore, no differences in the numbers of GFAP-positive astrocytes or Iba-1-positive microglia were noted between control animals receiving no minocycline and control animals receiving minocycline, suggesting that minocycline does not produce an effect under non-injury conditions. Additionally, in six out of nine regions sampled, hydrocephalic animals that received minocycline injections had significantly thicker cortices when compared to their untreated hydrocephalic littermates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, these data suggest that minocycline treatment is effective in reducing the gliosis that accompanies hydrocephalus, and thus may provide an added benefit when used as a supplement to ventricular shunting.</p

    Aalto-1, multi-payload CubeSat: In-orbit results and lessons learned

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    The in-orbit results and lessons learned of the first Finnish satellite Aalto-1 are briefly presented in this paper. Aalto-1, a three-unit CubeSat which was launched in June 2017, performed Aalto Spectral Imager (AaSI), Radiation Monitor (RADMON) and Electrostatic Plasma Brake (EPB) missions. The satellite partly fulfilled its mission objectives and allowed to either perform or attempt the experiments. Although attitude control was partially functional, AaSI and RADMON were able to acquire valuable measurements. EPB was successfully commissioned but the tether deployment was not successful.In this paper, we present the intended mission, in-orbit experience in operating and troubleshooting the satellite, an overview of experiment results, as well as lessons learned that will be used in future missions.</div
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