2,207 research outputs found

    Unplugging the Universe: the neglected electromagnetic consequence of decoupling

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    This letter concentrates on the non-equilibrium evolution of magnetic field structures at the onset of recombination, when the charged particle current densities decay as neutrals are formed. We consider the effect that a decaying magnetic flux has on the acceleration of particles via the transient induced electric field. Since the residual charged-particle number density is small as a result of decoupling, we shall consider the magnetic and electric fields essentially to be imposed, neglecting the feedback from any minority accelerated population. We find that the electromagnetic treatment of this phase transition can produce energetic electrons scattered throughout the Universe. Such particles could have a significant effect on cosmic evolution in several ways: (i) their presence could delay the effective end of the recombination era; (ii) they could give rise to plasma concentrations that could enhance early gravitational collapse of matter by opposing cosmic expansion to a greater degree than neutral matter could; (iii) they could continue to be accelerated, and become the seed for reionisation at the later epoch z10z \approx 10.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Analytical and numerical investigation of mixed-type functional differential equations

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of computational and applied mathematics. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 234 (2010), doi: 10.1016/j.cam.2010.01.028This journal article is concerned with the approximate solution of a linear non-autonomous functional differential equation, with both advanced and delayed arguments

    On the changes in the physical properties of the ionized region around the Weigelt structures in Eta Carinae over the 5.54-yr spectroscopic cycle

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    We present HST/STIS observations and analysis of two prominent nebular structures around the central source of Eta Carinae, the knots C and D. The former is brighter than the latter for emission lines from intermediate or high ionization potential ions. The brightness of lines from intermediate and high ionization potential ions significantly decreases at phases around periastron. We do not see conspicuous changes in the brightness of lines from low ionization potential (<13.6 eV) that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AsubV =2/0. that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AV = 2.0. Weigelt C and D are characterized by an electron density of that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AV = 2.0. Weigelt C and D are characterized by an electron density of 10exp6.9 cm-3 that does not significantly change throughout the orbital cycle. The electron temperature varies from 5500 K (around periastron) to 7200 K (around apastron). The relative changes in the brightness of He I lines are well reproduced by the variations in the electron temperature alone. We found that, at phases around periastron, the electron temperature seems to be higher for Weigelt C than that of D. The Weigelt structures are located close to the Homunculus equatorial plane, at a distance of about 1240 AU from the central source. From the analysis of proper motion and age, the Weigelt complex can be associated with the equatorial structure called the Butterfly Nebula surrounding the central binary system.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Repercusiones de la construcción del embalse de Yesa en la utilización del espacio de la Canal de Berdún (Altoaragón)

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    8 páginas, 4 tablas, 2 mapas[ES] El trabajo estudia las consecuenclas que, en el uso del espacio: acarrea la instalación de un gran embalse. Hemos tomado como ejemplo el pantano de Yesa, localizado en el extremo occidental de la depresión media altoaragonesa. El estudio muestra cómo la nueva organización del espacio supone una ruptura de la antigua gestión integrada del territorio e implica, por una parte,la simplificación del sistema y, por otra, el incremento de la participación externa (estatal principalmente) en el control de los recursos locales.[IN]This work studies the consequences that, with regard lo the use of space, the installation of a large dam causes in its environment. We have taken the dam of Yesa as an example; it is located on the western end of the Upper-Aragon middle depresslon. The paper shows that the new organization of space means, on the one hand, the rupture of the old integrated management of territory, causes a simplification of the system and, on the other hand, increase the external share (mainly state share) in the local resources control.Peer reviewe

    Controle do ácaro-da-necrose-do-coqueiro Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae).

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    O óleo de algodão bruto vem sendo indicado no controle alternativo do ácaro-da-necrose, no entanto há uma carência de estudos que demonstrema eficiência relativa desse produto no controle da praga bem como de sua seletividade a ácaros predadores. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do óleo de algodão bruto em comparação com agrotóxicos registrados para o controle do ácaro-da-necrose bem como sua seletividade ao ácaro predador Typhlodromus ornatus (Acari: Phytoseiidae), comumente encontrado em plantios de coqueiro. Avaliações quinzenais das populações do ácaro-da-necrose demonstraram que Fenpiroximato, Abamectina e o óleo de algodão controlaram eficientemente a praga em condições de campo. Adicionalmente, experimentos de laboratório indicaram que além da toxicidade, esses produtos repelem o ácaro-da-necrose e o ácaro predador T. ornatus.

    The numerical solution of forward–backward differential equations: Decomposition and related issues

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of computational and applied mathematics. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 234,(2010), doi: 10.1016/j.cam.2010.01.039This journal article discusses the decomposition, by numerical methods, of solutions to mixed-type functional differential equations (MFDEs) into sums of “forward” solutions and “backward” solutions

    Learning with multiple representations: An example of a revision lesson in mechanics

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    We describe an example of learning with multiple representations in an A-level revision lesson on mechanics. The context of the problem involved the motion of a ball thrown vertically upwards in air and studying how the associated physical quantities changed during its flight. Different groups of students were assigned to look at the ball's motion using various representations: motion diagrams, vector diagrams, free-body diagrams, verbal description, equations and graphs, drawn against time as well as against displacement. Overall, feedback from students about the lesson was positive. We further discuss the benefits of using computer simulation to support and extend student learning.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables http://iopscience.iop.org/0031-912