265 research outputs found

    Неконтролируемая эмпатия – творчество на грани невроза

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    В статье исследуются психологические аспекты журналистской профессии, в частности механизма эмпатии как одного из главных условий профессионализма. Неконтролируемая журналистом эмпатия может привести к негативным психологически последствиям, вплоть до неврозов. Представителям СМИ для сохранения оптимального психологического состояния необходимо соблюдать правила психологической гигиены. Целесообразен вопрос о создании в редакциях и телерадиокомпаниях постоянных служб психологического консультирования.У статті досліджено психологічні аспекти професії журналіста, зокрема механізму емпатії як однієї з головних умов професіоналізму. Емпатія, яка не є підконтрольною журналісту, може призвести до негативних психологічних наслідків, до неврозів. Представникам ЗМІ треба дотримуватись правил психологічної гігієни для збереження оптимального психологічного стану. Питання про створення в редакціях і телерадіокомпаніях постійних служб психологічного консультування також є актуальним.The author researches psychological aspects of journalism, in particular, empathy as one of the professional characteristics. Uncontrollable empathy is the way to negative psychological consequences for journalist, such as neuroses, depressions, emotional exhaustion. It is very important for journalists, especially reporters, to have psychological knowledges, to keep the rules of psychological hygiene to prevent that

    Constructing applicative functors

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    Applicative functors define an interface to computation that is more general, and correspondingly weaker, than that of monads. First used in parser libraries, they are now seeing a wide range of applications. This paper sets out to explore the space of non-monadic applicative functors useful in programming. We work with a generalization, lax monoidal functors, and consider several methods of constructing useful functors of this type, just as transformers are used to construct computational monads. For example, coends, familiar to functional programmers as existential types, yield a range of useful applicative functors, including left Kan extensions. Other constructions are final fixed points, a limited sum construction, and a generalization of the semi-direct product of monoids. Implementations in Haskell are included where possible

    Fast, Error Correcting Parser Combinators: A Short Tutorial

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    A Visual {DSL} for the certification of open source software

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    Quality assessment of open source software is becoming an important and active research area. One of the reasons for this recent interest is the consequence of Internet popularity. Nowadays, programming also involves looking for the large set of open source libraries and tools that may be reused when developing our software applications. In order to reuse such open source software artifacts, programmers not only need the guarantee that the reused artifact is certified, but also that independently developed artifacts can be easily combined into a coherent piece of software. In this paper we improve over previous works and describe a visual language that allows programmers to graphically describe how software artifacts can be combined into powerful software certification processes. This paper introduces the visual language and describes how its elements are available to the user through an intuitive interface.(undefined

    Do new Ethical Issues Arise at Each Stage of Nanotechnological Development?

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    The literature concerning ethical issues associated with nanotechnologies has become prolific. However, it has been claimed that ethical problems are only at stake with rather sophisticated nanotechnologies such as active nanostructures, integrated nanosystems and heterogeneous molecular nanosystems, whereas more basic nanotechnologies such as passive nanostructures mainly pose technical difficulties. In this paper I argue that fundamental ethical issues are already at stake with this more basic kind of nanotechnologies and that ethics impacts every kind of nanotechnologies, already from the simplest kind of engineered nanoproducts. These ethical issues are mainly associated with the social desirability of nanotechnologies, with the difficulties to define nanotechnologies properly, with the important uncertainties surrounding nanotechnologies, with the threat of ‘nano-divide’, and with nanotechnology as ‘dual-use technology’

    Divination: Exemplifying and Configuring Archetypes in Ceramics

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    Abstract/Summary Dissertation Divination: Exemplifying and Configuring Archetypes in Ceramics is a study of my research practice. The cards of the tarot can be used as a conceptual framework and source of inspiration for making ceramic sculptures. The cards can be used to understand the creative process as an expression of archetypes. My dissertation discusses these archetypes from the tarot cards, both in their historical operation, their manifestation in my art practice, as well as, examining approaches taken to these archetypes by other artists such as Salvador Dali and Niki de Saint Phalle. The theoretical basis for the dissertation is informed by the writings of Carl G. Jung who has proposed concepts dealing with creativity, coincidence, a collective unconscious and archetypes. These ideas form a model for the understanding of my studio work. As background, the dissertation examines examples of artworks that could be seen to be drawn from a collective unconscious. Studio Work The studio work consists of a series of ceramic sculptures formulating the archetypes that I have derived from the tarot cards. The three dimensional clay, with found inclusions, examines the idea of specific archetypes. These archetypes are titled in the works including: The Fool, Strength, The Magician, Tarot Sun, The Empress II, The Lovers, Empress l, The Chariot I and II The Angel Temperance, The Tarot Devil and The World. The ceramic objects have been created in clay using handbuilding techniques. The clay was such that it could include found ceramic pieces and be refired. The pieces have been re-fired many times to achieve a variety of glaze effects. The works range in size from 30-60 cms approximately and include freestanding sculptures and complementing flat wall works

    Designing a Good Life: A Matrix for the Technological Mediation of Morality

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    Technologies fulfill a social role in the sense that they influence the moral actions of people, often in unintended and unforeseen ways. Scientists and engineers are already accepting much responsibility for the technological, economical and environmental aspects of their work. This article asks them to take an extra step, and now also consider the social role of their products. The aim is to enable engineers to take a prospective responsibility for the future social roles of their technologies by providing them with a matrix that helps to explore in advance how emerging technologies might plausibly affect the reasons behind people’s (moral) actions. On the horizontal axis of the matrix, we distinguished the three basic types of reasons that play a role in practical judgment: what is the case, what can be done and what should be done. On the vertical axis we distinguished the morally relevant classes of issues: stakeholders, consequences and the good life. To illustrate how this matrix may work in practice, the final section applies the matrix to the case of the Google PowerMeter

    Hindley-Milner Elaboration in Applicative Style

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    International audienceType inference—the problem of determining whether a program is well-typed—is well-understood. In contrast, elaboration—the task of constructing an explicitly-typed representation of the program— seems to have received relatively little attention, even though, in a non-local type inference system, it is non-trivial. We show that the constraint-based presentation of Hindley-Milner type inference can be extended to deal with elaboration, while preserving its elegance. This involves introducing a new notion of "constraint with a value", which forms an applicative functor

    Responsibility and Human Enhancement

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    The debate on human enhancement (HE), i.e. intentional effort to improve individuals\u2019 performance with the help of technical or biomedical interventions, has mainly centered on contrasting characterizations about either its moral legitimacy or technical plausibility, reaching an impasse. Looking for a way out of this stalemate, this collection of articles does not formulate prior standards to assess the desirability or legitimacy of enhancement, but explores some possible features for its responsible governance. Based on these assessments, the articles suggest possible approaches to systems design, regulation, and public engagement which can create conditions that allow for the the assumption and assignment of responsibility for HE and its ethical and social implications