2,165 research outputs found

    A Model of Hierarchical Professionals: Cooperation and Conflict between Anesthesiologists and CRNAs

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    This paper examines a labor market with two professional groups both cooperating and directly competing with each other: certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) and anesthesiologists (MDAs). We develop a model where the supply of MDAs endogenously determines (1) the earnings of CRNAs and MDAs, and (2) the extent of supervision of CRNAs by MDAs. We also analyze how MDAs may lobby to limit the scope of practice of CRNAs, and the resulting market equilibrium. Our theoretical model can be applied to the analysis of relationships between other hierarchical professionals with overlapping responsibilities, such as nurse practitioners and primary care physicians.

    The practice boundaries of advanced practice nurses: an economic and legal analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the causes and effects of State regulation that determines the extent of professional independence of advanced practice nurses (APNs). We analyze determinants of these regulations in panel data across States. We find that in States where APNs have acquired a substantial amount of professional independence, the earnings of APNs are substantially lower, and those of physicians' assistants are substantially higher, than in other States. These results are striking since physicians' assistants are in direct competition with APNs; the only real operational difference between these groups is that physicians' assistants are salaried employees who must work under the supervision of a physician. The implication is that physicians have responded to an increase in professional independence of APNs by hiring fewer APNs and more physicians' assistants.

    Linearized T-matrix and Mie scattering computations

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    We present a new linearization of T-Matrix and Mie computations for light scattering by non-spherical and spherical particles, respectively. In addition to the usual extinc- tion and scattering cross-sections and the scattering matrix outputs, the linearized models will generate analytical derivatives of these optical properties with respect to the real and imaginary parts of the particle refractive index, and (for non-spherical scatterers) with respect to the ‘‘shape’’ parameter (the spheroid aspect ratio, cylinder diameter/height ratio, Chebyshev particle deformation factor). These derivatives are based on the essential linearity of Maxwell’s theory. Analytical derivatives are also available for polydisperse particle size distribution parameters such as the mode radius. The T-matrix formulation is based on the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies FORTRAN 77 code developed in the 1990s. The linearized scattering codes presented here are in FORTRAN 90 and will be made publicly available

    Smooth wavelet approximations of truncated Legendre polynomials via the Jacobi theta function

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    The family of nth order q-Legendre polynomials are introduced. They are shown to be obtainable from the Jacobi theta function and to satisfy recursion relations and multiplicatively advanced differential equations (MADEs) that are analogues of the recursion relations and ODEs satisfied by the nth degree Legendre polynomials. The nth order q-Legendre polynomials are shown to have vanishing kth moments for 0...4;k<n , as does the nth degree truncated Legendre polynomial. Convergence results are obtained, approximations are given, a reciprocal symmetry is shown, and nearly orthonormal frames are constructed. Conditions are given under which a MADE remains a MADE under inverse Fourier transform. This is used to construct new wavelets as solutions of MADEs

    Q-advanced models for tsunami and rogue waves

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    A wavelet [subscript] Kq[/subscript] (t ) , that satisfies the q-advanced differential equation [superscript] K q [variant prime][/superscript] ( t ) =[subscript] K q[/subscript] (qt ) for q >1 , is used to model N-wave oscillations observed in tsunamis. Although q-advanced ODEs may seem nonphysical, we present an application that model tsunamis, in particular the Japanese tsunami of March 11, 2011, by utilizing a one-dimensional wave equation that is forced by [subscript] Fq[/subscript] ( t ,x ) =[subscript] Kq[/subscript] [subscript] (t )q[/subscript] Sin (x ) . The profile [subscript] F q[/subscript] is similar to tsunami models in present use. The function Sin [superscript] ( t ) [/superscript] q is a wavelet that satisfies a q-advanced harmonic oscillator equation. It is also shown that another wavelet, Cos [superscript] ( t ) [/superscript] q , matches a rogue-wave profile. This is explained in terms of a resonance wherein two small amplitude forcing waves eventually lead to a large amplitude rogue. Since wavelets are used in the detection of tsunamis and rogues, the signal-analysis performance of [subscript] K q[/subscript] and [superscript] Cos q [/superscript] is examined on actual data

    Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transforms

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    For a wide class of solutions to multiplicatively advanced differential equations (MADEs), a comprehensive set of relations is established between their Fourier transforms and Jacobi theta functions. In demonstrating this set of relations, the current study forges a systematic connection between the theory of MADEs and that of special functions. In a large subset of the general case, we introduce a new family of Schwartz wavelet MADE solutions Wμ,λðtÞ for μ and λ rational with λ > 0. These Wμ,λðtÞ have all moments vanishing and have a Fourier transform related to theta functions. For low parameter values derived from λ, the connection of the Wμ,λðtÞ to the theory of wavelet frames is begun. For a second set of low parameter values derived from λ, the notion of a canonical extension is introduced. A number of examples are discussed. The study of convergence of the MADE solution to the solution of its analogous ODE is begun via an in depth analysis of a normalized example W−4/3,1/3ðtÞ/W−4/3,1/3ð0Þ. A useful set of generalized q-Wallis formulas are developed that play a key role in this study of convergence.ECU Libraries Open Access Publishing Support Fun

    Synthesis of satellite (MODIS), aircraft (ICARTT), and surface (IMPROVE, EPA-AQS, AERONET) aerosol observations over eastern North America to improve MODIS aerosol retrievals and constrain surface aerosol concentrations and sources

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    We use an ensemble of satellite (MODIS), aircraft, and ground-based aerosol observations during the ICARTT field campaign over eastern North America in summer 2004 to (1) examine the consistency between different aerosol measurements, (2) evaluate a new retrieval of aerosol optical depths (AODs) and inferred surface aerosol concentrations (PM2.5) from the MODIS satellite instrument, and (3) apply this collective information to improve our understanding of aerosol sources. The GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model (CTM) provides a transfer platform between the different data sets, allowing us to evaluate the consistency between different aerosol parameters observed at different times and locations. We use an improved MODIS AOD retrieval based on locally derived visible surface reflectances and aerosol properties calculated from GEOS-Chem. Use of GEOS-Chem aerosol optical properties in the MODIS retrieval not only results in an improved AOD product but also allows quantitative evaluation of model aerosol mass from the comparison of simulated and observed AODs. The aircraft measurements show narrower aerosol size distributions than those usually assumed in models, and this has important implications for AOD retrievals. Our MODIS AOD retrieval compares well to the ground-based AERONET data (R = 0.84, slope = 1.02), significantly improving on the MODIS c005 operational product. Inference of surface PM2.5 from our MODIS AOD retrieval shows good correlation to the EPA-AQS data (R = 0.78) but a high regression slope (slope = 1.48). The high slope is seen in all AOD-inferred PM2.5 concentrations (AERONET: slope = 2.04; MODIS c005: slope = 1.51) and could reflect a clear-sky bias in the AOD observations. The ensemble of MODIS, aircraft, and surface data are consistent in pointing to a model overestimate of sulfate in the mid-Atlantic and an underestimate of organic and dust aerosol in the southeastern United States. The sulfate overestimate could reflect an excessive contribution from aqueous-phase production in clouds, while the organic carbon underestimate could possibly be resolved by a new secondary pathway involving dicarbonyls

    US Participation in the GOME and SCIAMACHY Projects

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    This report summarizes research done under NASA Grant NAGW-2541 through September 30, 1997. The research performed under this grant includes development and maintenance of scientific software for the GOME retrieval algorithms, consultation on operational software development for GOME, sensitivity and instrument studies to define GOME and SCIAMACHY instruments, consultation on optical and detector issues for both GOME and SCIAMACHY, consultation and development for SCIAMACHY near-real-time (NRT) and off-line (OL) data products, and development of infrared line-by-line atmospheric modeling and retrieval capability for SCIAMACHY. The European Space Agency selected the SAO to participate in GOME validation and science studies, part of the overall ERS AO. This provided access to all GOME data; The SAO activities that are carried out as a result of selection by ESA were funded by the present grant. The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment was successfully launched on the ERS- 2 satellite on April 20, 1995, and remains working in normal fashion. SCIAMACHY is currently scheduled for launch in early 2000. The first two European ozone monitoring instruments (OMI), to fly on the q series of operational meteorological satellites being planned by Eumetsat, have been selected to be GOME-type instruments (the first, in fact, will be the refurbished GOME flight spare). K. Chance is the U.S. member of the OMI Users Advisory Group