258 research outputs found

    Insolation driven variations of Mercury’s lithospheric strength

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    Mercury's coupled 3:2 spin-orbit resonance in conjunction with its relatively high eccentricity of ~0.2 and near-zero obliquity results in both a latitudinal and longitudinal variation in annual average solar insolation and thus equatorial hot and cold regions. This results in an asymmetric temperature distribution in the lithosphere and a long wavelength lateral variation in lithosphere structure and strength that mirrors the insolation pattern. We employ a thermal evolution model for Mercury generating strength envelopes of the lithosphere to demonstrate and quantify the possible effects the insolation pattern has on Mercury's lithosphere. We find the heterogeneity in lithosphere strength is substantial and increases with time. We also find that a crust thicker than that of the Moon or Mars and dry rheologies for the crust and mantle are favorable when compared with estimates of brittle-ductile transition depths derived from lobate scarps. Regions of stronger and weaker compressive strength imply that the accommodation of radial contraction of Mercury as its interior cooled, manifest as lobate scarps, may not be isotropic, imparting a preferential orientation and distribution to the lobate scarps

    Mating rituals of the Slender Hognosed Pitviper

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    Biochemical adaptations in early starvation: observations on sex difference.

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    Twenty-two students, eleven male and eleven female, volunteered to fast for 3 d. Twenty-four hour urine collections were obtained over the period of study, and total nitrogen, urea, and 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OH-butyrate) were determined in each

    Habits of the Tiger Salamander

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    Global surface slopes and roughness of the Moon from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

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    The acquisition of new global elevation data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter, carried on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, permits quantification of the surface roughness properties of the Moon at unprecedented scales and resolution. We map lunar surface roughness using a range of parameters: median absolute slope, both directional (along-track) and bidirectional (in two dimensions); median differential slope; and Hurst exponent, over baselines ranging from ~17 m to ~2.7 km. We find that the lunar highlands and the mare plains show vastly different roughness properties, with subtler variations within mare and highlands. Most of the surface exhibits fractal-like behavior, with a single or two different Hurst exponents over the given baseline range; when a transition exists, it typically occurs near the 1 km baseline, indicating a significant characteristic spatial scale for competing surface processes. The Hurst exponent is high within the lunar highlands, with a median value of 0.95, and lower in the maria (with a median value of 0.76). The median differential slope is a powerful tool for discriminating between roughness units and is useful in characterizing, among other things, the ejecta surrounding large basins, particularly Orientale, as well as the ray systems surrounding young, Copernican-age craters. In addition, it allows a quantitative exploration on mare surfaces of the evolution of surface roughness with age

    Inquérito sorológico para a rubéola em professoras do município de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The sera of 415 female schoolteachers aged 20 to 35 years and over, from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, were tested for rubella hemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies. Antibodies to rubella virus were found in 67.9%. Of these, 59.5% had titers ranging from 1:8 to 1:32 and 8.4% had titers of 1:64 and higher. No significant differences were observed between age-groups. Four of 35 sera with titers of 1:64 and higher showed reduction in the hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody titer after treatment with 2 ME, a sulphydryl-reduction compound wich breaks down IgM immunoglobulins. Some comments are presented on the necessity of developing programs of routine tests for the continuing assessment of the susceptibility of schoolteachers to rubella infection and vaccination, provided adequate precautions are followed.Estudou-se a distribuição etária de anticorpos inibidores da hemaglutinação para o vírus da rubéola em 415 soros de professoras de 27 parques infantis e 75 escolas municipais, da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo. Deste total, 67,9% dos soros apresentavam títulos iguais ou superiores a 8, considerados como indicativos da presença de imunidade. Não se observaram diferenças significativas entre os diversos grupos etários estudados, relativamente à distribuição dos porcentuais de positividade. A distribuição porcentual dos títulos de anticorpos inibidores da hemaglutinação foi de 32,1% para títulos menores do que 8, 29,3% para título 8, 18,1% para título 16, 12,1% para título 32 e 8,4% para títulos iguais ou superiores a 64. De 35 soros com títulos iguais ou superiores a 64, após tratamento com 2-mercapto-etanol, 4 sofreram uma redução significativa do título. São feitas algumas considerações sobre os riscos de infecção a que estão sujeitas as professoras e sugere-se, entre os requisitos exigidos para a admissão das mesmas nas redes oficiais e particulares de ensino, o diagnóstico sorológico da rubéola, bem como o estabelecimento de um serviço de vacinação, devidamente controlado

    Mating rituals of the Slender Hognosed Pitviper

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    Resposta sorológica de adultos à vacinação contra a rubéola

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    The effect of Wistar RA 27/3 live attenuated rubella virus vaccine, given subcutaneously, was evaluated in 30 susceptible female schoolteachers aged 20 to 35 years and over, from the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The serum samples, to be tested for hemagglutination-inhibiting (HI) and complement fixing (CF) antibodies, were collected 10, 30, 90 and 180 days after vaccination. Of the 30 susceptible adults who received the Wistar RA 27/3 vaccine, 96,6% showed seroconversion in the HI and CF tests. No unusual reactions occured.Foi estudada a resposta sorológica à vacinação contra a rubéola, por via subcutânea, com a cepa vacinal viva atenuada Wistar RA 27/3, num grupo de 30 professoras da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo. Foram escolhidos, como participantes do grupo, indivíduos destituídos de imunidade contra a rubéola, tendo as dosagens de anticorpos inibidores da hemaglutinação e fixadores do complemento sido feitas em amostras de soro colhidas 10, 30, 90 e 180 dias após a vacinação. Tanto nas provas de inibição da hemaglutinação, como fixação do complemento, observou-se uma soro-conversão de 96,6%. Não se observaram quaisquer relações vacinais no grupo em estudo

    Identificação por contraimunoeletroforese de rotavirus em casos de diarréia infantil

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    The faecal samples of 162 children with acute diarrhea were tested by counterimmunoelectrophoresis in order to detect rotaviruses. In 72.7%, 77.7% and 66.6% of samples from children of different age groups, varying from 6 to 8 months to 1 year or older, a positive result was found.Os resultados obtidos na identificação de rotavirus, usando a técnica da contraimunoeletroforese, com 162 amostras de feses de crianças com quadros diarréicos agudos, mostram uma distribuição percentual de positividade de 72,7%, 77,7% e 66,6% em diferentes grupos etários de 6 a 8 meses até um ano de idade

    A reação de fixação do complemento na identificação de rotavírus humano

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    Após a eliminação da anticomplementaridade, foi utilizada a reação de fixação do complemento na identificação de rotavírus em 134 amostras de fezes de crianças até um ano de idade, com quadros diarréicos agudos. A percentagem total de positividade foi de 28,7% com percentagens mais elevadas de casos positivos nos grupos etários de 6 meses a 1 ano de idade.After eliminating the anticomplementarity of the fecal extracts, complement fixation was used to detect human rotavirus in the stools of 35 (28.7%) out of 122 one-to twelve-month-old children with acute gastroenteritis. Infection was nigher in the 6-to 12-month-old children