130 research outputs found

    Punctuation problems in digital contexts: analysis of comments on YouTube´s forums

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    El impacto de la comunicación electrónica ha provocado el surgimiento de una nueva forma de expresión que usualmente se define por la importación de los rasgos propios de la oralidad, el ciberlenguaje. Esta investigación se centra específicamente en la problemática que este tipo de modalidad mixta, entre el lenguaje oral y el escrito, supone en relación con el uso de los signos ortográficos de puntuación y otros signos auxiliares. Para este análisis, se extrajeron dos corpus de los foros en línea del portal YouTube. En total, se examinaron 1.329 comentarios pertenecientes a dos conocidos anuncios de la compañía Coca-Cola. Los resultados se explican desde una doble perspectiva, cuantitativa y cualitativa, e inciden en el empleo de los siguientes signos ortográficos: la coma, el punto, las exclamaciones, las interrogaciones, los puntos suspensivos, el punto y coma, el guion, los corchetes y las comillas. Finalmente, es significativa la funcionalidad de estos signos de cara a compensar las limitaciones paraverbales y no verbales de la expresión escrita, por ejemplo, mediante la creación de emoticonos. Asimismo, el anormativismo ortográfico es una de las características principales de esta nueva modalidad híbrida.The impact of the electronic communication has led to the emergence of a new form of expression that is usually defined by the incorporation of the distinctive features of orality, the cyber language. This research specifically focuses on the problems that this type of mixed modality, between oral and written language, entails in relation to the use of punctuation and other auxiliary marks. For this analysis, two corpora were extracted from online forums of YouTube website. A total of 1,329 comments belonging to two well-known Coca-Cola company commercials were analysed. Results are explained from two perspectives, quantitative and qualitative, and these results affect the use of the following punctuation marks: commas, full stops, question marks, suspension points, semicolons, dashes, brackets and quotation marks. Finally, there is a significant functionality of these marks with the aim of compensate for the paraverbal and nonverbal limitations of the written code, for example, by creating emoticons. Likewise, the orthographic anormativ-ism is one of the main characteristics of this new hybrid modality.peerReviewe

    La terminología en diacronía: los campos léxico-semánticos de "conflicto" y "juicio"

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    Són pocs els precedents que, des d'una perspectiva interdisciplinària, s'han preocupat d’estudiar les variacions de sistematització i la definició dels vocables que pertanyen a diferents àmbits d'especialitat. Aquesta investigació pretén contribuir a l'anàlisi de les entrades lexicogràfiques que els diccionaris acadèmics, de caràcter general, han dedicat a tres parells de termes jurídics: (1) conflicte i disputa; (2) resolució alternativa de conflictes i resolució extrajudicial de conflictes; i (3) judici i jutge. Amb aquest objectiu, s'adopta una perspectiva diacrònica i, alhora, s'aporta un enfocament comparatiu a partir de la revisió de les definicions que ofereix una altra sèrie de vocabularis, en aquest cas, d'especialitat judicial. Finalment, l'anàlisi lexicosemàntica permet traçar una línia evolutiva en el definidor d'aquests termes, així com enfortir els llaços existents entre les ciències del llenguatge i del dret.There are few precedents to the study, from an interdisciplinary perspective, of the variations in the systematization, even in the definition, of words belonging to different specialty areas. This paper attempts to contribute to the analysis of the lexicographic entries that general use academic dictionaries have assigned to three pairs of legal terms:  (1) conflict and dispute; 2)  alternative conflict resolution and out-of-court conflict resolution; and 3) trial and judge.  With this objective, a diachronic perspective is adopted, and, at the same time, a comparative approach is put forward, based on a review of the definitions offered by another series of words, in this case, words from the legal sphere.  Lastly, lexico-semantic analysis makes it possible to trace the evolution in the definition of these terms and strengthens the existing links between the sciences of language and law.Son pocos los precedentes que, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, se han preocupado por estudiar las variaciones de sistematización y aún en la definición de los vocablos que pertenecen a distintos ámbitos de especialidad. Esta investigación pretende contribuir al análisis de las entradas lexicográficas que los diccionarios académicos, de carácter general, han dedicado a tres pares de términos jurídicos: (1) conflicto y disputa; (2) resolución alternativa de conflictos y resolución extrajudicial de conflictos; y (3) juicio y juez. Con este objetivo, se adopta una perspectiva diacrónica y, al mismo tiempo, se aporta un enfoque comparativo a partir de la revisión de las definiciones que ofrece otra serie de vocabularios, en este caso, de especialidad judicial. Finalmente, el análisis léxico-semántico permite trazar una línea evolutiva en el definidor de estos términos, así como fortalecer los lazos existentes entre las ciencias del lenguaje y del derecho

    Underwater slam for manmade environments

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    Augmented state Kalman filtering for AUV navigation

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    This paper addresses the problem of estimating the motion of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), while it constructs a visual map (“mosaic ” image) of the ocean floor. The vehicle is equipped with a down-looking camera which is used to compute its motion with respect to the seafloor. As the mosaic increases in size, a systematic bias is introduced in the alignment of the images which form the mosaic. Therefore, this accumulative error produces a drift in the estimation of the position of the vehicle. When the arbitrary trajectory of the AUV crosses over itself, it is possible to reduce this propagation of image alignment errors within the mosaic. A Kalman filter with augmented state is proposed to optimally estimate both the visual map and the vehicle position.

    L’oralité dans l’enseignement secondaire: Législation et manuels de langue et littérature espagnoles

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    This paper focuses on oral dimension of language in secondary education in Spain. For this purpose, it is make a background on the studies about oral language, in special on oral discourse genres as debate, interview, gathering or even conversation. Then, we investigate the legislation that regulates high school education, both nationally and in the autonomy of Andalusia. Some textbooks on Spanish Language and Literature are reviewed, noting the contents that refer to the oral facet of language. As most important conclusion it is note that secondary education is often instructs students on the written dimension of language, so that the content and activities to promote oral are almost an exception; this situation in textbooks contrasts current legislation, which insists on providing oral communication skills to students.En este artículo nos proponemos analizar la dimensión oral de la lengua en educación secundaria en España. Para ello, en primer lugar, aportamos un estado de la cuestión sobre los estudios que abordan la oralidad del lenguaje, y haremos especial hincapié en géneros discursivos orales como el debate, la entrevista, la tertulia e incluso la conversación. A continuación, indagamos en la legislación en vigor que regula la educación secundaria, tanto a nivel nacional, como en la autonomía de Andalucía. Del mimo modo, revisamos algunos libros de texto sobre lengua y literatura españolas, señalando los contenidos que aluden a la faceta oral de la lengua. Como conclusión más relevante destacamos que en educación secundaria frecuentemente se instruye a los alumnos en la dimensión escrita del lenguaje, de tal manera que los contenidos y actividades destinadas a fomentar la oralidad constituyen casi una excepción; esta situación existente en los libros de texto contrasta con la legislación en vigor, donde se insiste en dotar a los discentes de habilidades comunicativas orales.Dans cet article, nous proposons une analyse de la dimension orale de la langue dans l’enseignement secondaire en Espagne. Pour ce faire, nous commençons avec l’état de choses sur les études de la langue orale et nous mettons l’accent sur les genres de discours oral, comme le débat, l’entretien, le colloque et même la conversation. Ensuite, nous étudions la législation applicable à l’enseignement secondaire, au niveau national et au niveau de l’autonomie de l’Andalousie. De la même manière, nous révisons certains manuels de langue et littérature espagnoles et nous y remarquons également les contenus qui se rapportent à l’aspect oral de la langue. Dans notre conclusion, nous acceptons l’idée que l'enseignement secondaire est souvent basé sur la dimension écrite de la langue et, en conséquence, les contenus et les activités qui favorisent la modalité orale sont presque une exception; cette situation est contraire à la législation actuelle, car elle insiste sur la formation des apprenants aux compétences de communication orale

    Intervention AUVs: The Next Challenge

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    While commercially available AUVs are routinely used in survey missions, a new set of applications exist which clearly demand intervention capabilities. The maintenance of: permanent underwater observatories, submerged oil wells, cabled sensor networks, pipes and the deployment and recovery of benthic stations are a few of them. These tasks are addressed nowadays using manned submersibles or work-class ROVs, equipped with teleoperated arms under human supervision. Although researchers have recently opened the door to future I-AUVs, a long path is still necessary to achieve autonomous underwater interventions. This paper reviews the evolution timeline in autonomous underwater intervention systems. Milestone projects in the state of the art are reviewed, highlighting their principal contributions to the field. To the best of the authors knowledge, only three vehicles have demonstrated some autonomous intervention capabilities so far: ALIVE, SAUVIM and GIRONA 500, being the last one the lightest one. In this paper GIRONA 500 I-AUV is presented and its software architecture discussed. Recent results in different scenarios are reported: 1) Valve turning and connector plugging/unplugging while docked to a subsea panel, 2) Free floating valve turning using learning by demonstration, and 3) Multipurpose free-floating object recovery. The paper ends discussing the lessons learned so far

    TWINBOT: Autonomous Underwater Cooperative Transportation

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    Underwater Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair operations are nowadays performed using Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) deployed from dynamic-positioning vessels, having high daily operational costs. During the last twenty years, the research community has been making an effort to design new Intervention Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (I-AUV), which could, in the near future, replace the ROVs, significantly decreasing these costs. Until now, the experimental work using I-AUVs has been limited to a few single-vehicle interventions, including object search and recovery, valve turning, and hot stab operations. More complex scenarios usually require the cooperation of multiple agents, i.e., the transportation of large and heavy objects. Moreover, using small, autonomous vehicles requires consideration of their limited load capacity and limited manipulation force/torque capabilities. Following the idea of multi-agent systems, in this paper we propose a possible solution: using a group of cooperating I-AUVs, thus sharing the load and optimizing the stress exerted on the manipulators. Specifically, we tackle the problem of transporting a long pipe. The presented ideas are based on a decentralized Task-Priority kinematic control algorithm adapted for the highly limited communication bandwidth available underwater. The aforementioned pipe is transported following a sequence of poses. A path-following algorithm computes the desired velocities for the robots’ end-effectors, and the on-board controllers ensure tracking of these setpoints, taking into account the geometry of the pipe and the vehicles’ limitations. The utilized algorithms and their practical implementation are discussed in detail and validated through extensive simulations and experimental trials performed in a test tank using two 8 DOF I-AUV

    Recent Progress in the RAUVI Project: A Reconfigurable Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Intervention

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    Starting in January 2009, the RAUVI project is a three years coordinated research action funded by the Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation. This paper shows the research evolution during the first half of RAUVI’s live, bearing in mind that the long term objective is to design and develop an underwater autonomous robot able to perceive the environment and, by means of a specific hand-arm system, perform autonomously simple intervention tasks in shallow waters.This research was partly supported by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007- 2013 under grant agreement 248497 (TRIDENT Project), by Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation DPI2008-06548- C03 (RAUVI Project), and by Fundació Caixa Castelló- Bancaixa P1-1B2009-50

    Assessment of periapical status : a comparative study using film-based periapical radiographs and digital panoramic images

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    Aim: To compare the use of film-based periapical radiographs and digital panoramic images displayed on monitor and glossy paper in the assessment of the periapical status of the teeth. Methodology: A total of 86 subjects were examined. All participants underwent a full-mouth radiographic survey (14 periapical radiographs) and a digital panoramic radiography. The periapical status of all appraised teeth was assessed. Results: Periapical radiographs allowed the assessment of the periapical status of a significantly higher percentage of teeth (87.4%) Digital radiography had a significantly reduced potential to allow assessment of the periapical status (p<0.01). Only 58.0% and 34.3% of teeth could be appraised using digital panoramic images displayed on monitor and glossy paper respectively (p<0.01). The total percentage of teeth with periapical pathosis was four-fold higher when assessed with digital panoramic images displayed on glossy paper compared with periapical radiographs (p<0.01). Conclusions: Periapical radiographs allowed the assessment of a significantly higher percentage of teeth when comparing to digital radiography, which had a significantly lower potency in the assessment of periapical status of the teeth. Digital panoramic images displayed on a monitor resulted in a significantly higher percentage of appraised teeth compared to digital images displayed on glossy paper. Apical periodontitis was scored more often on paper than on screen, and more often on screen than in periapical radiographs

    Variaciones del léxico de especialidad en contextos extrajudiciales de resolución de conflictos en español

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    Few studies have been previously carried out in relation to the variations in the definitions of specialized terminology. This paper aims to contribute to the analysis of lexicographical entries that the Spanish academic and general dictionaries have considered according to four pairs of terms belonging to the genres of the extrajudicial field: (1) arbitration and arbitrator; (2) conciliation and conciliator; (3) negotiation and negotiator; and (4) mediation and mediator. For this purpose, a diachronic perspective is adopted and, at the same time, a comparative point of view by reviewing the definitions that specialized glossaries provide is chosen. Finally, the lexical-semantic analysis allows to trace an evolutionary line in the meaning of these terms and to strengthen the links between the sciences of language and law.Few studies have been previously carried out in relation to the variations in the definitions of specialized terminology. This paper aims to contribute to the analysis of lexicographical entries that the Spanish academic and general dictionaries have considered according to four pairs of terms belonging to the genres of the extrajudicial field: (1) arbitration and arbitrator; (2) conciliation and conciliator; (3) negotiation and negotiator; and (4) mediation and mediator. For this purpose, a diachronic perspective is adopted and, at the same time, a comparative point of view by reviewing the definitions that specialized glossaries provide is chosen. Finally, the lexical-semantic analysis allows to trace an evolutionary line in the meaning of these terms and to strengthen the links between the sciences of language and law.Existem poucas referências para o estudo das variações na definição da terminologia especializada. O presente artigo tem por objetivo contribuir para a análise das entradas lexicográficas que aparecem no dicionário da Real Academia da Língua Espanhola em diferentes épocas e sobre quatro pares: (1) arbitragem e árbitro, (2) conciliação e conciliador, (3) negociação e negociador; e (4) mediação e mediador. Para este fim, uma perspectiva diacrônica é adotada e, ao mesmo tempo, as definições são comparadas a partir de outra série de glossários, neste caso, de especialidade jurídica. Por fim, a análise léxico-semântica permite estabelecer uma história do significado dos termos ereforça os laços entre as ciências da linguagem e da lei