816 research outputs found

    Kabbaldurga-type charnockitization: A local phenomenon in the granulite to amphibolite grade transition zone

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    In the deeply eroded Precambrian crust of South India and Sri Lanka, a series of spectacular exposures shows progressive development of coarse-grained charnockite through dehydration of amphibolite grade gneisses in different arrested stages. At Kabbaldurga, charnockitization of Archaean grey biotite-hornblende gneisses occurred about 2.5 Ga ago and evidently was induced by the influx of external carbonic fluids along a system of ductile shears and the foliation planes. The results of oxygen isotope thermometry and of geothermobarometry in adjacent areas indicate a P-T regime of 700 to 750 C and 5 to 7 kb. The decrease of water activity in the fluid infiltrated zones caused an almost complete breakdown of hornblende and biotite and the new growth of hypersthene. Detailed petrographic and geochemical studies revealed marked changes in mineralogy and chemistry from granodioritic to granitic which document the metasomatic nature of the process

    Gneiss-charnockite transformation at Kottavattam, Southern Kerala (India)

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    At Kottavattam, leucocratic granitic garnet-biotite gneisses (age less than 2 Ga) were partially transformed to coarse-grained charnockite along a system of conjugate fractures (N70E and N20W) and the foliation planes (N60 to 80W; dip 80 to 90 SW) about 550 m.y. ago. To examine and quantify changes in fabric, mineralogy, pore fluids and chemical composition associated with this process, large rock specimens showing gneiss-charnockite transition were studied in detail. The results of the present study corroborate the concept that charnockite formation at Kottavattam is an internally-generated phenomenon and was not triggered by the influx of carbonic fluids from a deep-seated source. It is suggested that charnockitization was caused by the following mechanism: (1) near-isothermal decompression during uplift of the gneiss complex led to an increase of the pore fluid pressure (P sub fluid greater than P sub lith) which - in a regime of anisotropic stress - triggered or at least promoted the development of conjugate fractures; (2) the simultaneous release of pore fluids from bursting fluid inclusions and their escape into the developing fracture system resulted in a drop of fluid pressure; and (3) the internal generation and buffering of the fluids and their, probably, limited migration in an entirely granitic rock system explains the absence of any significant metasomatic mass transfer

    The possible existence of Hs in nature from a geochemical point of view

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    A hypothesis of the existence of a long-lived isotope 271Hs in natural molybdenites and osmirides is considered from a geochemical point of view. It is shown that the presence of Hs in these minerals can be explained only by making an additional ad hoc assumption on the existence of an isobaric pair of 271Bh-271Hs. This assumption could be tested by mass-spectrometric measurements of U, Pb, Kr, Xe, and Zr isotopic shifts.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 165-168 in pres

    A Model of Vertical Oligopolistic Competition

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    This paper develops a model of successive oligopolies with endogenous market entry, allowing for varying degrees of product differentiation and entry costs in both markets. Our analysis shows that the downstream conditions dominate the overall profitability of the two-tier structure while the upstream conditions mainly affect the distribution of profits. We compare the welfare effects of upstream versus downstream deregulation policies and show that the impact of deregulation may be overvalued when ignoring feedback effects from the other market. Furthermore, we analyze how different forms of vertical restraints influence the endogenous market structure and show when they are welfare enhancing

    Germline mutations in the oncogene EZH2 cause Weaver syndrome and increased human height.

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    The biological processes controlling human growth are diverse, complex and poorly understood. Genetic factors are important and human height has been shown to be a highly polygenic trait to which common and rare genetic variation contributes. Weaver syndrome is a human overgrowth condition characterised by tall stature, dysmorphic facial features, learning disability and variable additional features. We performed exome sequencing in four individuals with Weaver syndrome, identifying a mutation in the histone methyltransferase, EZH2, in each case. Sequencing of EZH2 in additional individuals with overgrowth identified a further 15 mutations. The EZH2 mutation spectrum in Weaver syndrome shows considerable overlap with the inactivating somatic EZH2 mutations recently reported in myeloid malignancies. Our data establish EZH2 mutations as the cause of Weaver syndrome and provide further links between histone modifications and regulation of human growth

    Numerical Stability of Path-based Algorithms For Traffic Assignment

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    In this paper we study numerical stability of path-based algorithms for the traffic assignment problem. These algorithms are based on decomposition of the original problem into smaller sub-problems which are optimised sequentially. Previously, path-based algorithms were numerically tested only in the setting of moderate requirements to the level of solution precision. In this study we analyse convergence of these methods when the convergence measure approaches machine epsilon of IEEE double precision format. In particular, we demonstrate that the straightforward implementation of one of the algorithms of this group (projected gradient) suffers from loss of precision and is not able to converge to highly precise solution. We propose a way to solve this problem and test the proposed adjusted version of the algorithm on various benchmark instances

    CRALBP is a Highly Prevalent Autoantigen for Human Autoimmune Uveitis

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    Cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP) is an autoantigen in spontaneous equine recurrent uveitis. In order to test whether CRALBP contributes to human autoimmune uveitis, the specificity of antibodies from human uveitis patient's sera was first evaluated in two-dimensional (2D) Western blot analysis. Subsequent identification of the immunoreactive proteins by mass spectrometry resulted in the identification of CRALBP as a putative autoantigen. Additionally, sera from human uveitis and control patients were by Western blot using purified human recombinant CRALBP. Anti-CRALBP autoantibodies occur more frequently (P<.01) in human uveitis patients than in normal controls. Thirty out of 56 tested uveitis patient's sera contained autoantibodies reactive against CRALBP, compared to only four out of 23 normal control subjects. The presence of CRALBP autoantibodies in 54% of tested uveitis patients supports CRALBP as a possible autoantigen in human autoimmune uveitis

    Specific staining of human chromosomes in Chinese hamster x man hybrid cell lines demonstrates interphase chromosome territories

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    In spite of Carl Rabl's (1885) and Theodor Boveri's (1909) early hypothesis that chromosomes occupy discrete territories or domains within the interphase nucleus, evidence in favor pf this hypothesis has been limited and indirect so far in higher plants and animals. The alternative possibility that the chromatin fiber of single chromosomes might be extended throughout the major part of even the whole interphase nucleus has been considered for many years. In the latter case, chromosomes would only exist as discrete chromatin bodies during mitosis but not during interphase. Both possibilities are compatible with Boveri's well established paradigm of chromosome individuality. Here we show that an active human X chromosome contained as the only human chromosome in a Chinese hamster x man hybrid cell line can be visualized both in metaphse plates and in interphase nuclei after in situ hybridization with either 3H- or biotin-labeled human genomic DNA. We demonstrate that this chromosome is organized as a distinct chromatin body throughout interphase. In addition, evidence for the territorial organization of human chromosomes is also presented for another hybrid cell line containing several autosomes and the human X chromosome. These findings are discussed in the context of our present knowledge of the organization and topography of interphase chromosomes. General applications of a strategy aimed at specific staining of individual chromosomes in experimental and clinical cytogenetics are briefly considered