432 research outputs found

    Laboratory Flow Experiments for Visualizing Carbon Dioxide-Induced, Density-Driven Brine Convection

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    Injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) into saline aquifers confined by low- permeability cap rock will result in a layer of CO2 overlying the brine. Dissolution of CO2 into the brine increases the brine density, resulting in an unstable situation in which more-dense brine overlies less-dense brine. This gravitational instability could give rise to density-driven convection of the fluid, which is a favorable process of practical interest for CO2 storage security because it accelerates the transfer of buoyant CO2 into the aqueous phase, where it is no longer subject to an upward buoyant drive. Laboratory flow visualization tests in transparent Hele-Shaw cells have been performed to elucidate the processes and rates of this CO2 solute-driven convection (CSC). Upon introduction of CO2 into the system, a layer of CO2-laden brine forms at the CO2-water interface. Subsequently, small convective fingers form, which coalesce, broaden, and penetrate into the test cell. Images and time-series data of finger lengths and wavelengths are presented. Observed CO2 uptake of the convection system indicates that the CO2 dissolution rate is approximately constant for each test and is far greater than expected for a diffusion-only scenario. Numerical simulations of our system show good agreement with the experiments for onset time of convection and advancement of convective fingers. There are differences as well, the most prominent being the absence of cell-scale convection in the numerical simulations. This cell-scale convection observed in the experiments may be an artifact of a small temperature gradient induced by the cell illumination

    Further Tests of Band Placement of Insecticides for Clover Root Borer Control

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    Weaver & Haynes (1955) described a method of placement of insecticides in bands under red clover seed that achieved control of the clover root borer, Hylastinus obscurus (Marsh.). Band placement was as effective at 0.75 pound of toxicant per acre as broadcast treatments at 1 pound or more as reported by Gyrisco et al. (1954) and App & Everly (1950). Since the 1951–53 tests were carried out in one location on small plots and applied by a farm crew experienced in experimental procedures, it was desired to test the band placement method more extensively. Tests in 1954–56 were conducted at seven different locations, using different band seeding equipment operated by farmers as well as technically trained personnel. The results of these trials are reported in this paper

    Molecular Differentiation of Alfalfa Weevil Strains (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Mitochondrial DNA was amplified and sequenced from eastern, western, and Egyptian strains of alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal). Eastern and Egyptian weevils differed at only 2 nucleotide sites in 1,031 base pairs sequenced; western weevils differed by 5% sequence divergence. Three restriction sites were identified which separated eastern and western haplotypes. No intrastrain polymorphism was detected in 150 weevils from Nebraska. Collections from Lincoln in eastern Nebraska and Scottsbluff in western Nebraska were fixed for the eastern and western haplotypes, respectively. Eastern and western haplotypes were found together in the same fields in a broad overlap region in central Nebraska

    An adaptive algorithm for n-body field expansions

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    An expansion of a density field or particle distribution in basis functions which solve the Poisson equation both provides an easily parallelized n-body force algorithm and simplifies perturbation theories. The expansion converges quickly and provides the highest computational advantage if the lowest-order potential-density pair in the basis looks like the unperturbed galaxy or stellar system. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of such basis in the literature which limits this advantage. This paper presents an algorithm for deriving these bases to match a wide variety of galaxy models. The method is based on efficient numerical solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation and can be used for any geometry with a separable Laplacian. Two cases are described in detail. First for the spherical case, the lowest order basis function pair may be chosen to be exactly that of the underlying model. The profile may be cuspy or have a core and truncated or of infinite extent. Secondly, the method yields a three-dimensional cylindrical basis appropriate for studying galaxian disks. In this case, the vertical and radial bases are coupled; the lowest order radial part of the basis function can be chosen to match the underlying profile only in the disk plane. Practically, this basis is still a very good match to the overall disk profile and converges in a small number of terms.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A

    Effects of Preservation Methods, Parasites, and Gut Contents of Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) on Polymerase Chain Reaction Products

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    Molecular analysis of biological specimens usually requires extraction of high-molecular-weight DNA free of foreign DNA contaminants. DNA was extracted from black flies at different life stages that had been preserved by 4 methods: larvae and adults in ethanol, larvae in Carnoy’s solution, adults on card-points, and adults hand-swatted and sun-dried. Using specific primers for the mitochondrial ND4 gene, a 257-bp amplicon was obtained from specimens preserved by ethanol, card-point mounting, and sun-drying. Successful amplification often required DNA dilutions ≥ 1:20 (\u3c1–10 ng). DNA from specimens preserved in Carnoy’s solution (ethanol: acetic acid, 3:1) yielded degraded DNA, resulting in fewer successful amplifications. Parasitic nematodes and, to a lesser extent, gut contents resulted in extra products when amplified with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Sufficient DNA was extracted from the head of a larva for a successful polymerase chain reaction (PCR), eliminating the need to remove the contaminating gut and parasites
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