68 research outputs found

    Effects of introducing a parametric Cad in a first year course in engineering degree regarding quality of technical drawings

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    Comunicació presentada al ICERI 2019 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville, Spain. 11-13 November, 2019).The evolution of teaching in technical drawing during the last years has been addressed towards new paradigms based on 3D modeling. Nevertheless, not only 3D modeling skills are important for an engineer, but the ability to generate quality technical drawings also are part of the learning objectives and should, therefore, be included in the curriculum. For several years, the core subject of technical drawing at Universitat Jaume I has been a common subject during the first course of different Engineering bachelor’s degrees (Mechanical, Industrial Technologies, Electrical, Chemical, and Agrifood/Rural). However, in the last two years, the subject in the case of Agrifood Engineering has been taught independently. This course, aiming for a more intuitive introduction to 3D modeling, the subject has experienced a general methodological change for all the degrees, except for the Agrifood Engineering one. Apart from changing the order of contents with the intention of improving spatial vision, the use of a different commercial CAD software was implemented, this being parametric. In a previous work, the effect of this general methodological change was assessed through the academic performance regarding 3D modeling by comparing the scores before and after implementing the change, as well as through specific questionnaires addressed to students and teachers, obtaining very positive results. Notwithstanding, the effects of the change performed on the obtainment of technical drawings were not analyzed. Taking advantage of having two groups (the one that has experienced the change and the one that did not), they were asked to model and generate the drawing of the same parts in their final exams, with the aim of comparing the scores obtained when assessing their skills of modeling, but also in creating technical drawings (views, sections and dimensioning) and in the quality on technical drawings presentation (title block, line thickness, etc.). Scores were collected and statistical analyses were performed, bringing to light that despite the good results that were obtained in previous studies regarding the 3D modeling, teaching efforts in how to generate technical drawings with quality should be reinforced in future

    EMI Reduction Via Resonator Coils in Glassless Integrated Domestic Induction Systems

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    This paper explores the magnetic flux emissions of induction heating systems compared with inductively coupled heating systems. Inductively coupled heating uses a resonator coil attached to the ferromagnetic load in order to improve energy transfer from the appliance to the load. The magnetic flux emissions of both kinds of systems are simulated, and their dependence on coil current and turn number is outlined. The paper focuses on emitted near field, whose measurement and limits are determined by norm. Several prototypes are developed and tested to verify the simulation

    On the Internationalization of CAD Learning Through an English Glossary

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    Comunicació presentada al XXIX Congreso International INGEGRAF 2019 "La transformación Digital en la Ingeniería Gráfica” (20-21 Junio 2019, Logroño - La Rioja)The internationalization of higher education is an essential factor to improve the quality and efficiency of Spanish universities, providing students with the main skills, and knowledge to interact effectively in an international and multicultural work context as professionals. The internationalization of universities must be a transversal process, not exclusive of its territorial dimension, aimed at advancing towards a society and a knowledge economy that propitiate a solid and stable model of development and growth. To this end, professors in the area of Graphic Expression for Engineering at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) have developed an online glossary of specific terms in English related to the 3D modelling CAD tools used in Graphic Engineering subjects. This new online tool seeks to train students to increase their technical vocabulary in English and improve their learning and communication skills to face possible collaborations in future European projects. The glossary is introduced weekly to the students during the course. Subsequently, a survey is conducted to the students to verify the effectiveness of the training. This work collects the results and conclusions of this analysis

    Design methodology of high performance domestic induction heating systems under worktop

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    This study presents design guidelines for planar induction systems whose winding is considerably farther from its load than in usual arrangements. Optimum efficiency design is paramount for larger distances due to the magnetic field dispersion. To this end, a parameterised finite element model is used to ascertain the system''s parameters in this new configuration. This model is used to test variations in frequency, inductor-load distance and inductor diameter. From simulation results, efficiency, output power, power loss volumetric density and near field measurement predictions are obtained. Graphical representation of these results is used to determine the viability of each possible design, choosing one to develop a prototype. Moreover, a study was carried out with Pareto techniques to determine the effect of ferrite coverage and thickness, as well as its distance to the aluminium shielding on efficiency and near field predictions in order to develop a second prototype. The validity of the model is confirmed by experimental tests in small and operating signal regimes

    Suicidio y crítica cultural en la medicina española del siglo XIX

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    El presente trabajo explora el destacado papel del suicidio en la crítica cultural desplegada por los médicos españoles del siglo XIX a través de un análisis de los principales modelos teóricos que inspiraron sus aportaciones en torno a la causación del mismo. En la primera mitad del siglo, el factor etiológico más discutido fueron las pasiones, las cuales, de acuerdo con el espiritualismo dominante, actuaban en tensión permanente con un yo reflexivo, consciente y dueño de su libre albedrío. Posteriormente, y en el contexto de una progresiva somatización de los fenómenos morales e intelectuales, la concepción del suicidio como un acto libre del individuo fue modificándose hasta considerarlo como una consecuencia más o menos directa de ciertas alteraciones orgánicas. Pero este proceso no anuló el lugar central de las conductas suicidas en el marco de la crítica cultural decimonónica, pues, con la introducción de la teoría de la degeneración, los médicos dispusieron de una doctrina que les permitía conciliar el determinismo biológico con la muy extendida percepción de una crisis moral y social que amenazaba la estabilidad y los logros de la sociedad burguesa

    Decoding machine learning benchmarks

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    Despite the availability of benchmark machine learning (ML) repositories (e.g., UCI, OpenML), there is no standard evaluation strategy yet capable of pointing out which is the best set of datasets to serve as gold standard to test different ML algorithms. In recent studies, Item Response Theory (IRT) has emerged as a new approach to elucidate what should be a good ML benchmark. This work applied IRT to explore the well-known OpenML-CC18 benchmark to identify how suitable it is on the evaluation of classifiers. Several classifiers ranging from classical to ensembles ones were evaluated using IRT models, which could simultaneously estimate dataset difficulty and classifiers' ability. The Glicko-2 rating system was applied on the top of IRT to summarize the innate ability and aptitude of classifiers. It was observed that not all datasets from OpenML-CC18 are really useful to evaluate classifiers. Most datasets evaluated in this work (84%) contain easy instances in general (e.g., around 10% of difficult instances only). Also, 80% of the instances in half of this benchmark are very discriminating ones, which can be of great use for pairwise algorithm comparison, but not useful to push classifiers abilities. This paper presents this new evaluation methodology based on IRT as well as the tool decodIRT, developed to guide IRT estimation over ML benchmarks.Comment: Paper published at the BRACIS 2020 conference, 15 pages, 4 figure

    Donor-derived Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection syndrome after simultaneous kidney/pancreas transplantation

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    Most cases of strongyloidiasis associated with solid organ transplantation have been due to the reactivation of a latent infection in the recipient as a result of the immunosuppressive therapy; however, donor-derived infections are becoming increasingly frequent. The case of a patient who nearly died of a Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection after receiving simultaneous kidney/pancreas transplants is described herein. No specific parasitological tests were performed pre-transplantation, despite the fact that both the recipient and the donor originated from endemic areas. Serological analysis of the donor's serum performed retrospectively revealed the origin of the infection, which if it had been done beforehand would have prevented the serious complications. Current practice guidelines need to be updated to incorporate immunological and molecular techniques for the rapid screening of Strongyloides prior to transplantation, and empirical treatment with ivermectin should be applied systematically when there is the slightest risk of infection in the donor or recipient