563 research outputs found

    Magnetic nanowires as permanent magnet materials

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    We present the fabrication of metallic magnetic nanowires using a low temperature chemical process. We show that pressed powders and magnetically oriented samples exhibit a very high coercivity (6.5 kOe at 140 K and 4.8 kOe at 300 K). We discuss the magnetic properties of these metamaterials and show that they have the suitable properties to realize "high temperature magnets" competitive with AlNiCo or SmCo permanent magnets. They could also be used as recording media for high density magnetic recording.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Open Source Variational Quantum Eigensolver Extension of the Quantum Learning Machine (QLM) for Quantum Chemistry

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    Quantum Chemistry (QC) is one of the most promising applications of Quantum Computing. However, present quantum processing units (QPUs) are still subject to large errors. Therefore, noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) hardware is limited in terms of qubits counts and circuit depths. Specific algorithms such as Variational Quantum Eigensolvers (VQEs) can potentially overcome such issues. We introduce here a novel open-source QC package, denoted Open-VQE, providing tools for using and developing chemically-inspired adaptive methods derived from Unitary Coupled Cluster (UCC). It facilitates the development and testing of VQE algorithms. It is able to use the Atos Quantum Learning Machine (QLM), a general quantum programming framework enabling to write, optimize and simulate quantum computing programs. Along with Open-VQE, we introduce myQLM-Fermion, a new open-source module (that includes the key QLM ressources that are important for QC developments (fermionic second quantization tools etc...). The Open-VQE package extends therefore QLM to QC providing: (i) the functions to generate the different types of excitations beyond the commonly used UCCSD ans{\"a}tz;(ii) a new implementation of the "adaptive derivative assembled pseudo-Trotter method" (ADAPT-VQE), written in simple class structure python codes. Interoperability with other major quantum programming frameworks is ensured thanks to myQLM, which allows users to easily build their own code and execute it on existing QPUs. The combined Open-VQE/myQLM-Fermion quantum simulator facilitates the implementation, tests and developments of variational quantum algorithms towards choosing the best compromise to run QC computations on present quantum computers while offering the possibility to test large molecules. We provide extensive benchmarks for several molecules associated to qubit counts ranging from 4 up to 24

    The quantum metrology triangle and the re-definition of the SI ampere and kilogram; Analysis of a reduced set of observational equations

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    We have developed a set of seven observational equations that include all of the physics necessary to relate the most important of the fundamental constants to the definitions of the SI kilogram and ampere. We have used these to determine the influence of alternative definitions being considered for the SI kilogram and ampere on the uncertainty of three of the fundamental constants (h, e and mu). We have also reviewed the experimental evidence for the exactness of the quantum metrology triangle resulting from experiments combining the quantum Hall effect, the Josephson effects and single-electron tunnelling.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures & 5 table

    Quantized charge transport through a static quantum dot using a surface acoustic wave

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    We present a detailed study of the surface acoustic wave mediated quantized transport of electrons through a split gate device containing an impurity potential defined quantum dot within the split gate channel. A new regime of quantized transport is observed at low RF powers where the surface acoustic wave amplitude is comparable to the quantum dot charging energy. In this regime resonant transport through the single-electron dot state occurs which we interpret as turnstile-like operation in which the traveling wave amplitude modulates the entrance and exit barriers of the quantum dot in a cyclic fashion at GHz frequencies. For high RF powers, where the amplitude of the surface acoustic wave is much larger than the quantum dot energies, the quantized acoustoelectric current transport shows behavior consistent with previously reported results. However, in this regime, the number of quantized current plateaus observed and the plateau widths are determined by the properties of the quantum dot, demonstrating that the microscopic detail of the potential landscape in the split gate channel has a profound influence on the quantized acoustoelectric current transport.Comment: 9 page

    Exploring Spirituality in Teaching Within a Christian School Context Through Collaborative Action Research

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    This article reports on a collaborative action research project conducted in New Zealand, during 2012, exploring spirituality in teaching within a Christian school context. The experienced primary school teacher participant chose to take action around the issue of personal fear and insecurity which were believed to be hindering professional growth and relationships. Through self-directed inquiry, critical reflective journaling, Bible study, fellowship and prayer with trusted friends, the teacher experienced a renewed sense of peace and freedom in Christ. This personal transformation was believed to be influential on subsequent professional practice, assisting the teacher to become more relational, responsive and compassionate. The findings provide a rich description of the participant’s spirituality, the lived reality of a person’s spiritual life. This report will be of interest to teachers, teacher-leaders and teacher-educators who desire to explore Christian spirituality through practitioner-led inquiry

    Protecting nickel with graphene spin-filtering membranes: A single layer is enough

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    We report on the demonstration of ferromagnetic spin injectors for spintronics which are protected against oxidation through passivation by a single layer of graphene. The graphene monolayer is directly grown by catalytic chemical vapor deposition on pre-patterned nickel electrodes. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals that even with its monoatomic thickness, monolayer graphene still efficiently protects spin sources against oxidation in ambient air. The resulting single layer passivated electrodes are integrated into spin valves and demonstrated to act as spin polarizers. Strikingly, the atom-thick graphene layer is shown to be sufficient to induce a characteristic spin filtering effect evidenced through the sign reversal of the measured magnetoresistance.We acknowledge the Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin Electron storage ring BESSY II for provision of synchrotron radiation at the ISISS beamline and we thank the BESSY staff for continuous support of our experiments. R.S.W. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge. S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (No. 279342) and EPSRC grant GRAPHTED (EP/K016636/1). P.S. acknowledges the Institut Universitaire de France for a junior fellowship. This research was partially supported by the EU FP7 Work Programme under Grant GRAFOL (No. 285275) and Graphene Flagship (No. 604391).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/107/1/10.1063/1.4923401

    Study of 2 beta-decay of Mo-100 and Se-82 using the NEMO3 detector

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    After analysis of 5797 h of data from the detector NEMO3, new limits on neutrinoless double beta decay of Mo-100 (T-1/2 > 3.1 x 10(23) y, 90% CL) and Se-82 (T-1/2 > 1.4 x 10(23) y, 90% CL) have been obtained. The corresponding limits on the effective majorana neutrino mass are: 1.4 x 10(22) y (90% CL) for Mo-100 and T-1/2 > 1.2 x 10(22) y (90% CL) for Se-82. Corresponding bounds on the Majoron-neutrino coupling constant are < (0.5-0.9) x 10(- 4) and <(0.7-1.6) x 10(- 4). Two-neutrino 2beta-decay half-lives have been measured with a high accuracy, (T1/2Mo)-Mo-100 = [7.68 +/- 0.02(stat) +/- 0.54(syst)] x 10(18) y and (T1/2Se)-Se-82 = [10.3 +/- 0.3(stat) +/- 0.7(syst)] x 10(19) y. (C) 2004 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"
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