1,563 research outputs found

    Anytime Point-Based Approximations for Large POMDPs

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    The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process has long been recognized as a rich framework for real-world planning and control problems, especially in robotics. However exact solutions in this framework are typically computationally intractable for all but the smallest problems. A well-known technique for speeding up POMDP solving involves performing value backups at specific belief points, rather than over the entire belief simplex. The efficiency of this approach, however, depends greatly on the selection of points. This paper presents a set of novel techniques for selecting informative belief points which work well in practice. The point selection procedure is combined with point-based value backups to form an effective anytime POMDP algorithm called Point-Based Value Iteration (PBVI). The first aim of this paper is to introduce this algorithm and present a theoretical analysis justifying the choice of belief selection technique. The second aim of this paper is to provide a thorough empirical comparison between PBVI and other state-of-the-art POMDP methods, in particular the Perseus algorithm, in an effort to highlight their similarities and differences. Evaluation is performed using both standard POMDP domains and realistic robotic tasks

    An Examination of the Moderators to the Effect of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention for Acute Pain

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    Mindfulness interventions are becoming used more often in numerous therapy protocols for people suffering from mental illness as well as physical stressors. The current study aims to assess the effectiveness of a brief (15 minute) mindfulness intervention, and its effect on how tolerant participants can become of a cold-pressor task. We aim to look at not only the effectiveness of the treatment itself, but also possible moderators to the effectiveness of said treatment. Two moderators that will be analyzed are general levels of distress intolerance and emotion regulation skills. Our hypothesis firstly will analyze whether or not brief mindfulness interventions can be effective for the participants completing the study. Our second hypothesis is whether or not differing levels of distress intolerance and emotion regulation skills will have an effect on the cold-pressor times. Results indicated that although there was not an effect of mindfulness conditions on the cold-pressor times, emotion regulation skills linked with suppression did however interact with times themselves

    Molecule survival in magnetized protostellar disk winds. II. Predicted H2O line profiles versus Herschel/HIFI observations

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    We investigate whether the broad wings of H2O emission identified with Herschel towards low-mass Class 0 and Class 1 protostars may be consistent with an origin in a dusty MHD disk wind, and the constraints it would set on the underlying disk properties. We present synthetic H2O line profiles predictions for a typical MHD disk wind solution with various values of disk accretion rate, stellar mass, extension of the launching area, and view angle. We compare them in terms of line shapes and intensities with the HIFI profiles observed by the WISH Key Program. We find that a dusty MHD disk wind launched from 0.2--0.6 AU AU to 3--25 AU can reproduce to a remarkable degree the observed shapes and intensities of the broad H2O component, both in the fundamental 557 GHz line and in more excited lines. Such a model also readily reproduces the observed correlation of 557 GHz line luminosity with envelope density, if the infall rate at 1000 AU is 1--3 times the disk accretion rate in the wind ejection region. It is also compatible with the typical disk size and bolometric luminosity in the observed targets. However, the narrower line profiles in Class 1 sources suggest that MHD disk winds in these sources, if present, would have to be slower and/or less water rich than in Class 0 sources. In conclusion, MHD disk winds appear as a valid (though not unique) option to consider for the origin of the broad H2O component in low-mass protostars. ALMA appears ideally suited to further test this model by searching for resolved signatures of the warm and slow wide-angle molecular wind that would be predicted.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Temporal evolution of magnetic molecular shocks I. Moving grid simulations

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    We present time-dependent 1D simulations of multifluid magnetic shocks with chemistry resolved down to the mean free path. They are obtained with an adaptive moving grid implemented with an implicit scheme. We examine a broad range of parameters relevant to conditions in dense molecular clouds, with preshock densities between 10^3 and 10^5 cm-3, velocities between 10 and 40 km/s, and three different scalings for the transverse magnetic field: B=0,0.1,1 \mu G \sqrt{n.cm3}. We first use this study to validate the results of Chi\`eze, Pineau des For\^ets & Flower (1998), in particular the long delays necessary to obtain steady C-type shocks, and we provide evolutionary time-scales for a much greater range of parameters. We also present the first time-dependent models of dissociative shocks with a magnetic precursor, including the first models of stationary CJ shocks in molecular conditions. We find that the maximum speed for steady C-type shocks is reached before the occurrence of a sonic point in the neutral fluid, unlike previously thought. As a result, the maximum speed for C-shocks is lower than previously believed. Finally, we find a large amplitude bouncing instability in J-type fronts near the H2 dissociation limit (u ~ 25-30 km/s), driven by H2 dissociation/reformation. At higher speeds, we find an oscillatory behaviour of short period and small amplitude linked to collisional ionisation of H. Both instabilities are suppressed after some time when a magnetic field is present. In a companion paper, we use the present simulations to validate a new semi-analytical construction method for young low-velocity magnetic shocks based on truncated steady-state models.Comment: A&A in pres

    Organizational Performance: Playing the Field

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    Presents an article about organizational performance. Experience of giving a presentation at a convention; Steps toward becoming a member of a team; Role of heroes and role models in society

    Collisional excitation of water by hydrogen atoms

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    We present quantum dynamical calculations that describe the rotational excitation of H2_2O due to collisions with H atoms. We used a recent, high accuracy potential energy surface, and solved the collisional dynamics with the close-coupling formalism, for total energies up to 12 000 cm1^{-1}. From these calculations, we obtained collisional rate coefficients for the first 45 energy levels of both ortho- and para-H2_2O and for temperatures in the range T = 5-1500 K. These rate coefficients are subsequently compared to the values previously published for the H2_2O / He and H2_2O / H2_2 collisional systems. It is shown that no simple relation exists between the three systems and that specific calculations are thus mandatory

    Modélisation des effets mécaniques des transformations de phases pour le calcul de structures

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    A set of constitutive equations are proposed to take into account the predominant mechanical effects due to solid state phase transformations in steels under multi-axial loading. The aim of this work is to formalize, for structural computations (heat treatment and welding), the main experimental and theoretical results available in the literature. The interna1 stresses generated by the transformation induced flow are represented by internal variables in the framework of the thermodynamics of the irreversible processes. We propose a mathematical formulation of the strain-hardening effects on the transformation induced plastic flow and of the transformation induced hardening on the "classical" plasticity. The constitutive equations have been implemented into the F.E. code ZeBuLoN and we briefly present a thermo-metallurgical and mechanical simulation with hardening couplings

    Dense molecular globulettes and the dust arc towards the runaway O star AE Aur (HD 34078)

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    Some runaway stars are known to display IR arc-like structures around them, resulting from their interaction with surrounding interstellar material. The properties of these features as well as the processes involved in their formation are still poorly understood. We aim at understanding the physical mechanisms that shapes the dust arc observed near the runaway O star AEAur (HD34078). We obtained and analyzed a high spatial resolution map of the CO(1-0) emission that is centered on HD34078, and that combines data from both the IRAM interferometer and 30m single-dish antenna. The line of sight towards HD34078 intersects the outer part of one of the detected globulettes, which accounts for both the properties of diffuse UV light observed in the field and the numerous molecular absorption lines detected in HD34078's spectra, including those from highly excited H2 . Their modeled distance from the star is compatible with the fact that they lie on the 3D paraboloid which fits the arc detected in the 24 {\mu}m Spitzer image. Four other compact CO globulettes are detected in the mapped area. These globulettes have a high density and linewidth, and are strongly pressure-confined or transient. The good spatial correlation between the CO globulettes and the IR arc suggests that they result from the interaction of the radiation and wind emitted by HD 34078 with the ambient gas. However, the details of this interaction remain unclear. A wind mass loss rate significantly larger than the value inferred from UV lines is favored by the large IR arc size, but does not easily explain the low velocity of the CO globulettes. The effect of radiation pressure on dust grains also meets several issues in explaining the observations. Further observational and theoretical work is needed to fully elucidate the processes shaping the gas and dust in bow shocks around runaway O stars. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Real-Time Rough Extraction of Foreground Objects in MPEG1,2 Compressed Video

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    This paper describes a new approach to extract foreground objects in MPEG1,2 video streams, in the framework of “rough indexing paradigm”, that is starting from rough data obtained by only partially decoding the compressed stream. In this approach we use both P-frame motion information and I-frame colour information to identify and extract foreground objects. The particularity of our approach with regards to the state of the art methods consists in a robust estimation of camera motion and its use for localisation of real objects and filtering of parasite zones. Secondly, a spatio-temporal filtering of roughly segmented objects at DC resolution is fulfilled using motion trajectory and gaussian-like shape characteristic function. This paradigm results in content description in real time, maintaining a good level of details