170 research outputs found

    Post-partum follicular dynamics in beef cows calving during spring and autumn in southern Brazil.

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    Ovarian activity early post-partum in beef cows with intermediate body condition scores that calved during spring and autumn and treated with either 48 h of temporary weaning or exogenous hormones was investigated. Calving cows were given body condition scores and their ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned daily starting on day ten postpartum. The number and size of the follicles were recorded. Upon detection of a dominant follicle (>9 mm), the animals were distributed to different treatments. Over 80% of the animals (41/49) in both seasons presented a dominant follicle during the second or third week post-partum. The percentage of cows ovulating within seven days after treatment varied from 30% (3/10) for control cows to 60% (6/10) for MAP+GnRH treated cows for both spring and autumn calving cows. A reduction of 16% and 19% in body condition score was observed during the post-partum period studied for both spring and autumn calving cows, respectively. The decrease in body condition score was accompanied by a reduction in the follicular population of 43% during the fifth week post-partum only in those calving during autumn. In the spring calving cows, no change was detected in the follicular population despite the decrease in body condition score. Irrespective of the differences in environmental conditions between the two breeding seasons, cows present large follicles in their ovaries that are capable of responding to hormonal treatments, during the early post-partum period.Doc 1. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27 ago. 2018

    Reação à brusone de genótipos de trigo do programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Trigo no estádio de planta adulta.

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    Numerical modelling of a seal using a ferrofluid to block the passage of lubricating OIL / Modelagem numérica de um selo utilizando um ferrofluido para bloquear a passagem de óleo lubrificante

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    Plain bearings are devices used in large-sized equipment, such as power-generating units. To reduce friction and improve the sustainability of the structure, large quantities of lubricating oil are used in those plain bearings. The heat combined with the turbulent flow causes this lubricating oil to be fragmented and sucked into the generator, thereby damaging its parts. This article reports a study focused on providing a numerical and experimental analysis of a seal prototype using a ferrofluid as the seal agent. To validate the usage of a ferrofluid as a mechanical seal, a prototype was developed and built. 


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    O objetivo deste projeto está relacionado com o desenvolvimento de um biscoito nutritivo do tipo cookie a partir de ingredientes como milho, arroz, polvilho de mandioca e grãos, isentos de glúten, substância intolerável para celíacos. O desenvolvimento deste projeto visa a utilização de matérias-primas cultivadas em Santa Catarina de forma a agregar valor e diversificar as opções de aplicação e emprego das mesmas, buscando a inovação com o desenvolvimento de produtos diferenciados e que atendam a consumidores cada vez mais exigentes

    Feasibility and Environmental Sustainability of a 103.5 kWp floating Photovoltaic Electrical System with a Case Study in a Hydroelectric Power Plant, Santa Clara Hpp, Located in the South of Brazil Region

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    Typical environmental problems associated with the implementation of solar photovoltaic systems for the generation of peak electrical energy, on a larger scale, such as on the order of 1 MWp, is in the occupied area, usually more than 3 km2. This can be minimized by the use of water parks or water dam’s reservoir, small and large hydroelectric power plants dams. Both the terrestrial and aquatic systems can impact the site, the first one, for the need to promote earthworks, removal of extensive green areas in the surroundings, installation of new transmission line, among others; and the second, despite the fact that a flat surface is already used and that there is no need for new civil procedures for its installation and can normally take advantage of the existing power transmission line, may cause changes in the biota of the reservoir, depending on the shading areas on the surface of the lake. Due to these facts, this research was proposed to investigate, parameterize and tropicalize an electric power generation system based on floating silicon photovoltaic cell panels installed in the Santa Clara HPP reservoir, in terms of peak power, durability, aspects and environmental impacts, with the study of possible evolutionary improvements of the project such as "tracking" or solar tracking, as well as dynamism of the structure, allowing the shadow area to be shifted over time, minimizing its effects in the local biota