2,542 research outputs found

    The Role Of The Professional Geographer In Geographic Learning

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    Professional geographers have had a traditional interest and role in geographic learning. Specifically, the professional geographer referred to is the university or college professor who considers upper division teaching, graduate level teaching, and research as his primary responsibilities. Experiences and attitudes occupy key positions in determining broader participation of professional geographers in geographic learning. The professional geographer must view his role within a broader context .. that of the entire educational experience. In addition he must reexamine the goals of education and his roles within them rather than rest upon his scholarly credentials. He must help to provide the public with a new image of geography, to assess geography\u27s contribution to the solution of environmental problems, and to reevaluate the role of geography in teacher preparation

    BOOMERanG constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity from analytical Minkowski functionals

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    We use Minkowski functionals (MFs) to constrain a primordial non-Gaussian contribution to the cosmic microwave background intensity field as observed in the 150- and 145-GHz BOOMERanG maps from the 1998 and 2003 flights, respectively, performing for the first time a joint analysis of the two data sets. A perturbative expansion of the MF formulae in the limit of a weakly non-Gaussian field yields analytical formulae, derived by Hikage et al., which can be used to constrain the coupling parameter f_(NL) without the need for non-Gaussian simulations. We find −770 < f_(NL) < 500 at 95 per cent CL, significantly improving the previous constraints by De Troia et al. on the BOOMERanG 2003 data set. These are the best f_(NL) limits to date for suborbital probes

    Role of the exchange and correlation potential into calculating the x-ray absorption spectra of half-metallic alloys: the case of Mn and Cu K-edge XANES in Cu2_2MnM (M = Al, Sn, In) Heusler alloys

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    This work reports a theoretical study of the x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra at both the Cu and the Mn K-edge in several Cu2_2MnM (M= Al, Sn and In) Heusler alloys. Our results show that {\it ab-initio} single-channel multiple-scattering calculations are able of reproducing the experimental spectra. Moreover, an extensive discussion is presented concerning the role of the final state potential needed to reproduce the experimental data of these half-metallic alloys. In particular, the effects of the cluster-size and of the exchange and correlation potential needed in reproducing all the experimental XANES features are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Teaching Squares: Crossing New Borders

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    Teaching Squares is a teaching development initiative that brings instructors together in small groups to observe one-another’s classes and reflect on their experiences in a non-judgmental, supportive environment (University of Waterloo, (n.d.). Durham College, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), and a key industry partner, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), have partnered on a Teaching Squares initiative, enabling primarily face-to-face discussions amongst instructors at all three institutions. Despite positive feedback and minimal time demands, building faculty enrollment and involvement remains challenging to engage instructors across various disciplines, fields, and delivery formats. In the fall 2017 semester, a professor teaching in a fully online program enrolled in Teaching Squares, participating completely online. Although the significance of peer observation to support teaching in an online environment is well documented (Bennett & Santy, 2009; Swinglehurst, et al., 2008), there were logistical challenges, including arranging recordings of face-to-face classes for the online professor to observe, and involving the professor in face-to-face discussions amongst program participants. Despite the challenges, this experience inspired discussion about how Teaching Squares may be piloted in a fully online format. This paper and presentation will continue this discussion, extending it to the possibilities of expanding enrollment to international partners to promote the exchange of ideas across institutional and geographical borders and to provide more diversity of perspectives on Teaching and Learning in a digital context

    Thermal Approaches to Interpret Laser Damage Experiments

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    International audienc

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of Compton profiles of solid lithium

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    Recent high resolution Compton scattering experiments in lithium have shown significant discrepancies with conventional band theoretical results. We present a pseudopotential quantum Monte Carlo study of electron-electron and electron-ion correlation effects on the momentum distribution of lithium. We compute the correlation correction to the valence Compton profiles obtained within Kohn-Sham density functional theory in the local density approximation and determine that electronic correlation does not account for the discrepancy with the experimental results. Our calculations lead do different conclusions than recent GW studies and indicate that other effects (thermal disorder, core-valence separation etc.) must be invoked to explain the discrepancy with experiments.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    "Communal News Work" as Sustainable Business Model: Recent Print-Centric News Start-Ups in Regional Queensland

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    The Covid-19 emergency in Australia precipitated the closure of dozens of print newspapers across Australia but, conversely, the heightened state of anxiety of the early Covid-19 period amplified the need for local information and communality. This was the impetus for a wave of print-centric newspaper start-ups. We previously examined 22 Covid-19 era start-ups in Queensland (see Barnes et al., 2022, p. 21-34) and found that their editors/publishers universally "reassert(ed) and claim(ed) more vigorously the normative values associated with community journalism as 'social glue.'" These proprietors deployed an "affective rationale" as the foundation of their journalism and their "lean start-up" business models. We called this a "community cohesion model." Returning to these start-ups 18 months after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions were lifted in Queensland, we find that about 60% of these newspapers have continued operating, still drawing on deep wells of community support. They are transitioning to more conventional "newsonomics," seeking - like the news organisations they replaced - to expand their advertising and raise other revenue, keep costs low, and expand their digital channels while remaining focussed on their core print offering. Drawing on in-depth interviews and editorial statements by editors/owners of these start-ups, as well as a close examination of advertising in the surviving newspapers, this study argues that adopting affective "hybrid" business models can be a basis for news organisations' longer-term viability

    Ambulation Increases Decompression Sickness in Spacewalk Simulations

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    Musculoskeletal activity has the potential to both improve and compromise decompression safety. Exercise enhances inert gas elimination during oxygen breathing prior to decompression (prebreathe), but it may also promote bubble nuclei formation (nucleation), which can lead to gas phase separation and bubble growth and increase the risk of decompression sickness (DCS). The timing, pattern and intensity of musculoskeletal activity and the level of tissue supersaturation may be critical to the net effect. Understanding the relationships is important to evaluate exercise prebreathe protocols and quantify decompression risk in gravity and microgravity environments. Data gathered during NASA's Prebreathe Reduction Program (PRP) studies combined oxygen prebreathe and exercise followed by low pressure (4.3 psi; altitude equivalent of 30,300 ft [9,235 m]) microgravity simulation to produce two protocols used by astronauts preparing for extravehicular activity. Both the Phase II/CEVIS (cycle ergometer vibration isolation system) and ISLE (in-suit light exercise) trials eliminated ambulation to more closely simulate the microgravity environment. The CEVIS results (35 male, 10 female) serve as control data for this NASA/Duke study to investigate the influence of ambulation exercise on bubble formation and the subsequent risk of DCS. METHODS Four experiments will replicate the CEVIS exercise-enhanced oxygen prebreathe protocol, each with a different exception. The first of these is currently underway. Experiment 1 - Subjects complete controlled ambulation (walking in place with fixed cadence and step height) during both preflight and at 4.3 psi instead of remaining nonambulatory throughout. Experiment 2 - Subjects remain non-ambulatory during the preflight period and ambulatory at 4.3 psi. Experiment 3 - Subjects ambulate during the preflight period and remain non-ambulatory at 4.3 psi. Experiment 4 - The order of heavy and light exercise employed in the CEVIS protocol is reversed, with the light exercise occurring first (subjects remain non-ambulatory throughout). Decompression stress is assessed with non-invasive ultrasound during each of 14 epochs of a 4 hour simulated spacewalk at 4.3 psi; aural Doppler is used to monitor bubbles (Spencer grade 0-IV scale) passing through the pulmonary artery, and two-dimensional echocardiographic imaging is used to look for left ventricular gas emboli (LVGE; the presence of which is a test termination criterion). Venous blood is collected at baseline and twice following repressurization to determine if the decompression stress is correlated with microparticles (cell fragments) accumulation. The plan is to test 25-50 subjects in each experiment. Fisher Exact Tests (one-tailed) are used to compare test and control groups. Trials are suspended when the DCS or grade IV VGE observations reach 70% confidence of DCS risk >15% and grade IV VGE risk >20%. RESULTS Experiment 1 was concluded with 20 complete trials (15 male, 5 female) since the statistical outcome would not change with five additional trials. The observed DCS was significantly greater in Experiment 1 than in CEVIS trials (4/20 [20%] vs. 0/45 [0%], respectively, p=0.007), as was the frequency of peak grade IV VGE (6/21 [29%; including one additional subject that presented grade IV VGE but whose trial was ended before completion when LVGE were observed] vs. 3/45 [7%], respectively, p=0.024). Experiment 3 trials are now underway, with 11 trials completed (10 male, 1 female). Preliminary results indicate no difference in observed DCS between Experiment 3 and CEVIS trials (1/11 [9%] vs. 0/45 [0%], respectively, p=0.196), or between Experiment 3 and Experiment 1 trials (p=0.405). The frequency of peak grade IV VGE in Experiment 3 (2/11 [18%]) did not differ from CEVIS or Experiment 1 trials (p=0.251 and p=0.425, respectively). Microparticle patterns are widely variable and still under analysis. DISCUSSION The results of the Experiment 1 trials support the thesis that decompression stress is increased by ambulation exercise, given the higher incidence of DCS and grade IV VGE when compared to the non-ambulatory PRP CEVIS trials. Experiment 3 trials are incomplete, but suggest that the effect of ambulation during ground level preflight oxygen breathing alone, when subjects are undersaturated with inert gas, may not differ in risk from ambulation at both preflight and spacesuit pressures, the latter when subjects are supersaturated with inert gas. Further trials are needed to confirm the relative effects of ambulation in undersaturated vs. supersaturated states and to determine whether light exercise facilitates the removal of heavy exercise-induced nucleation (Experiment 4)