463 research outputs found

    Integration of technologies for understanding the functional relationship between reef habitat and fish growth and production

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    Functional linkage between reef habitat quality and fish growth and production has remained elusive. Most current research is focused on correlative relationships between a general habitat type and presence/absence of a species, an index of species abundance, or species diversity. Such descriptive information largely ignores how reef attributes regulate reef fish abundance (density-dependent habitat selection), trophic interactions, and physiological performance (growth and condition). To determine the functional relationship between habitat quality, fish abundance, trophic interactions, and physiological performance, we are using an experimental reef system in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico where we apply advanced sensor and biochemical technologies. Our study site controls for reef attributes (size, cavity space, and reef mosaics) and focuses on the processes that regulate gag grouper (Mycteroperca microlepis) abundance, behavior and performance (growth and condition), and the availability of their pelagic prey. We combine mobile and fixed-active (fisheries) acoustics, passive acoustics, video cameras, and advanced biochemical techniques. Fisheries acoustics quantifies the abundance of pelagic prey fishes associated with the reefs and their behavior. Passive acoustics and video allow direct observation of gag and prey fish behavior and the acoustic environment, and provide a direct visual for the interpretation of fixed fisheries acoustics measurements. New application of biochemical techniques, such as Electron Transport System (ETS) assay, allow the in situ measurement of metabolic expenditure of gag and relates this back to reef attributes, gag behavior, and prey fish availability. Here, we provide an overview of our integrated technological approach for understanding and quantifying the functional relationship between reef habitat quality and one element of production – gag grouper growth on shallow coastal reefs

    The costs of reproduction in female columbian ground squirrels

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    The cost of reproduction for female Columbian ground squirrels was assessed using seven years of data from three populations in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Short-term costs, measured as reduced survival or lowered subsequent fecundity, were not directly associated with whether a female reproduced or not, nor with the females' litter size. In one of the populations, females that first reproduced as yearlings had slightly shorter lifespans, but almost 1.5 times the lifetime reproductive success, compared to those that first reproduced when older. Although short-term reproductive costs were not apparent from our data, we cannot conclude that reproduction was not costly. Such costs might exist but be masked by females' adjusting reproductive investment to their body condition. A weak association of spring (minimum) body weight of females and subsequent reproduction supported this possibility, as did correlated increases in body weight and litter size in a population given supplemental food.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47769/1/442_2004_Article_BF00376969.pd

    Accommodating 'others'?: housing dispersed, forced migrants in the UK

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    Utilising insights from a qualitative study in the city of Leeds (UK), this paper considers issues related to the housing of dispersed forced migrants. The term 'dispersed forced migrants' is used here as a general label to include four groups of international migrants (i.e. refugees, asylum seekers, those with humanitarian protection status and failed asylum seekers) who have previously been dispersed, on a no choice basis, to a variety of locations across the UK under the requirements of the Immigration and Asylum Act (1999). The tiering of housing entitlement that exists within the generic population of dispersed forced migrants (a consequence of the particular socio-legal status assigned to individuals), and its role in rendering migrants susceptible to homelessness is outlined. The adequacy/standard of accommodation made available to forced migrants is also discussed. It is concluded that current arrangements fail to meet the basic housing needs of many forced migrants. Any future improvement in this situation will require a significant shift in government policy

    Environmental factors modulate the distribution of elasmobranchs in southern Mozambique

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    Investigating the spatiotemporal ecology of elasmobranchs is an important precursor to their effective management. Understanding long-term patterns in the movement and habitat use of threatened species can improve management plans so that they yield increased conservation benefits. We investigated the spatiotemporal and environmental drivers that underpin the abundance and distribution of elasmobranchs around reef habitats in southern Mozambique to highlight reefs that are important (“hotspots”) to the regional elasmobranch community. Visual belt transects (n = 738), supported by video recordings, were completed on 16 reef sites off the coast of southern Mozambique from 2018 to 2022. Nine elasmobranch species were encountered annually (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, Triaenodon obesus, Stegostoma tigrinum, Neotrygon caeruleopunctata, Pateobatis jenkinsii, Taeniurops meyeni, Mobula kuhlii, Mobula alfredi, Mobula birostris) and 11 individual environmental and spatiotemporal parameters (horizontal water visibility, tidal range and state, moon illumination, temperature on the reef, cloud cover, time of day, day of the year, transect distance from shore, transect depth, and the region that the transect occurred in) were measured. All species, (bar P. jenkinsii) were significantly more abundant around certain reefs in the sampled region. Total counts for most species were highest in the austral summer however two species’ (M. birostris and S. tigrinum) were most abundant in the winter months. The tidal state, tidal range, and moon illumination correlated significantly with the numbers of each of the nine elasmobranch species. Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) indicated that species’ responses to the measured parameters grouped taxonomically. Environmental influences resulted in strong seasonal patterns of reef use by large-bodied and pelagic elasmobranch species (e.g. manta rays). The measured environmental parameters also resulted in daily, monthly, and seasonal patterns of abundance of reef-resident stingray and shark species. Banning extraction of elasmobranch species around the reefs where they aggregate and reflecting species distributions within fisheries regulations may significantly benefit the regional elasmobranch community

    The difference that tenure makes

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    This paper argues that housing tenures cannot be reduced to either production relations or consumption relations. Instead, they need to be understood as modes of housing distribution, and as having complex and dynamic relations with social classes. Building on a critique of both the productionist and the consumptionist literature, as well as of formalist accounts of the relations between tenure and class, the paper attempts to lay the foundations for a new theory of housing tenure. In order to do this, a new theory of class is articulated, which is then used to throw new light on the nature of class-tenure relations

    Fishing Gear Modifications to Reduce Elasmobranch Mortality in Pelagic and Bottom Longline Fisheries Off Northeast Brazil

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    One of the biggest challenges of fisheries research is reducing the bycatch of unwanted species. The incidental fishing mortality of species with low reproductive rates, such as elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays), is recognized as a key threat for their populations. In the present study, gear modifications related to the type of hook and position of the hook in the water column were tested to examine their effects on catch rates and mortality of elasmobranch species in both pelagic and coastal environments. Comparisons between circle (size 18/0, 0° offset) and J-style (size 9/0, 10° offset) hooks demonstrated that the circle hooks have a greater efficiency in reducing the mortality of most species caught, both in pelagic and coastal longline fisheries. Internal lodging of the hook was significantly less frequent for the individuals caught with circle hooks, which likely contributed to their higher survival rate at haulback. Additionally, circle hooks also increased the CPUE of elasmobranchs caught in the pelagic longline fishery, which was particularly evident for Carcharhinus falciformis and Prionace glauca. The position of the hook in the water column exhibited a strong influence on the species caught in the coastal bottom longline fishery. Suspending hooks in the middle of the water column reduced the bycatch of common demersal species, such as Carcharhinus acronotus, Ginglymostoma cirratum, and Dasyatis americana, while increasing the CPUE of potentially aggressive species, such as Galeocerdo cuvier and Carcharhinus leucas. The interaction of the type of hook utilized with its position in the water column appears to be an essential factor in the optimization of longline selectivity and minimization of bycatch mortality

    Retinal nerve fiber layer atrophy is associated with physical and cognitive disability in multiple sclerosis

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    Studying axonal loss in the retina is a promising biomarker for multiple sclerosis (MS). Our aim was to compare optical coherence tomography (OCT) and Heidelberg retinal tomography (HRT) techniques to measure the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in patients with MS, and to explore the relationship between changes in the RNFL thickness with physical and cognitive disability. We studied 52 patients with MS and 18 proportionally matched controls by performing neurological examination, neuropsychological evaluation using the Brief Repetitive Battery-Neuropsychology and RNFL thickness measurement using OCT and HRT. RESULTS: We found that both OCT and HRT could define a reduction in the thickness of the RNFL in patients with MS compared with controls, although both measurements were weakly correlated, suggesting that they might measure different aspects of the tissue changes in MS. The degree of RNFL atrophy was correlated with cognitive disability, mainly with the symbol digit modality test (r=0.754, P<0.001). Moreover, temporal quadrant RNFL atrophy measured with OCT was associated with physical disability. CONCLUSION: In summary, both OCT and HRT are able to detect thinning of the RNFL, but OCT seems to be the most sensitive technique to identify changes associated with MS evolution

    Trouble at the top: The construction of a tenant identity in the governance of social housing organizations

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    The project of citizen governance has transformed the social housing sector in England where 20,000 tenants now sit as directors on the boards of housing associations, but the entrance of social housing tenants to the boardroom has aroused opposition from the chief executives of housing companies and triggered regulatory intervention from government inspectors. This paper investigates the cause of these tensions through a theoretical framework drawn from the work of feminist philosopher Judith Butler. It interprets housing governance as an identificatory project with the power to constitute tenant directors as regulated subjects, and presents evidence to suggest that this project of identity fails to completely enclose its subject, allowing tenant directors to engage in ‘identity work’ that threatens the supposed unity of the board. The paper charts the development of antagonism and political tension in the board rooms of housing companies to present an innovative account of the construction and contestation of identities in housing governance
