2,818 research outputs found

    The Importance of Leadership

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    Analytical and experimental study of two concentric cylinders coupled by a fluid gap

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    From a structural point of view a liquid coolant type nuclear reactor consists of a heavy steel vessel containing the core and related mechanical components and filled with a hot fluid. This vessel is protected from the severe environment of the core by a shielding structure, the thermal liner, which is usually a relatively thin steel cylinder concentric with the reactor vessel and separated from it by a gap filled with the coolant fluid. This arrangement leads to a potential vibration problem if the fundamental frequency, or one of the higher natural vibration frequencies, of this liner system is close to the frequency of some vibration source present in the reactor vessel. The shell rigidly clamped at its base and free at the top was investigated since it is a better description of the conditions encountered in typical reactor designs

    The Radiology Fellowship Application and Selection Process in the United States: Experiences and Perceptions from Both Sides

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    Objective. Our purpose was to investigate radiology fellowship directors\u27 and recent fellows\u27 experiences and perceptions with regard to the fellowship application and selection process and to compare these experiences and perceptions. Materials and Methods. Institutional review board approval was obtained. We conducted an online survey of the memberships of three radiology subspecialty societies between October 2009 and December 2009 to learn about radiologists\u27 views regarding various aspects of radiology fellowships. Results. In the process of selecting fellows, program directors and recent fellows consider performance during the radiology residency and the quality or prestige of the residency program as the most important objective factors, and the personal interview, letters of recommendation, and personality as the most important subjective factors. 25% of the program directors were in the match, and 41% of the recent fellows were in the match. Most (48%) of program directors favored a match, but most (56%) of the recent fellows disfavored participating in a match. Both program directors and recent fellows expressed satisfaction with the fellowship application and selection process. Conclusion. There was no majority support for a fellowship match among program directors and recent fellows and less support among recent fellows. Recent fellows appear more satisfied with the current selection and application process than program directors

    Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act: Its Development and Potential

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    Impact Fees for a Developing Wisconsin

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    Proteomic Investigation of Murine Neuronal α7-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Interacting Proteins

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    The α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7-nAChR) is a ligand-gated ion channel that is expressed widely in vertebrates and is the principal high-affinity α-bungarotoxin (α-bgtx) binding protein in the mammalian CNS. α7-nAChRs associate with proteins that can modulate its properties. The α7-nAChR interactome is the summation of proteins interacting or associating with α7-nAChRs in a protein complex. To identify an α7-nAChR interactome in neural tissue, we isolated α-bgtx-affinity protein complexes from wild-type and α7-nAChR knockout (α7 KO) mouse whole brain tissue homogenates using α-bgtx-affinity beads. Affinity precipitated proteins were trypsinized and analyzed with an Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometer. Proteins isolated with the α7-nAChR specific ligand, α-bgtx, were determined to be α7-nAChR associated proteins. The α7-nAChR subunit and 120 additional proteins were identified. Additionally, 369 proteins were identified as binding to α-bgtx in the absence of α7-nAChR expression, thereby identifying nonspecific proteins for α7-nAChR investigations using α-bgtx enrichment. These results expand on our previous investigations of α7-nAChR interacting proteins using α-bgtx-affinity bead isolation by controlling for differences between α7-nAChR and α-bgtx-specific proteins, developing an improved protein isolation methodology, and incorporating the latest technology in mass spectrometry. The α7-nAChR interactome identified in this study includes proteins associated with the expression, localization, function, or modulation of α7-nAChRs, and it provides a foundation for future studies to elucidate how these interactions contribute to human disease

    Fracture control methods for space vehicles. Volume 3: Space shuttle configurations

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    Engineering drawings are presented which represent the culmination of research efforts towards a space shuttle configuration with adequate fracture control properties

    Determinants of health, health behaviours and demographic profile of patients attending an Australian university student-led osteopathy clinic.

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    BackgroundProfiles of health professions practice can inform pre-professional education, provide evidence to assist with interprofessional practice, and inform policy development. An understanding of the profile of patients seeking osteopathy care is emerging. Current research suggests that musculoskeletal presentations predominate with approximately one-third of patients presenting with co-morbid diseases. There is little data on these presentations in Australian osteopathy practice. This study aimed to describe the patient demographics, clinical presentations, health behaviours and determinants of health, including health literacy, of those attending for care at an Australian student-led osteopathy clinic.MethodsA convenience sample design was utilised where consecutive patients presenting for their initial consultation were invited to complete a health information questionnaire during 2016-2017. The questionnaire explored a range of health behaviours and the patient's health status. Data from the clinical records were also extracted to establish the presenting complaint, duration of the complaint and pertinent demographics. Descriptive statistics were generated for each variable.ResultsData were available for 1617 patients presenting for their initial consultation. The mean age of patients was 33.7 (±13.1) years with 55% (n = 887) identifying as female. Acute presentations predominated (n = 840, 52%), with presentations affecting the spine being the most common (57.8%). Most patients rated their health status as good to very good (75%). Approximately 7.5% of patients were identified as having low health literacy and 55.9% were currently suffering from one or more co-morbid presentations.ConclusionsThe demographic profile and presenting complaints of patients presenting to a student-led osteopathy clinic are largely consistent with other Australian private practice profiles. The current work also identified co-morbid presentations, and positive and negative health behaviours. Osteopaths may play a role in the management of, or referral for, these presentations where health behaviours require change, or management of co-morbid conditions is beyond the scope of practice. The increasing volume of patient profile literature globally suggests that osteopaths can play a substantial role in the management of musculoskeletal complaints. Further, osteopathy may play a role in screening determinants of health, and engage in multidisciplinary care to ensure those patients with co-morbid conditions or adverse health behaviours are managed appropriately

    Radio haloes in nearby galaxies modelled with 1D cosmic-ray transport using SPINNAKER

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    We present radio continuum maps of 12 nearby (D≀27 MpcD\leq 27~\rm Mpc), edge-on (i≄76∘i\geq 76^{\circ}), late-type spiral galaxies mostly at 1.41.4 and 5 GHz, observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, Very Large Array, Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, Effelsberg 100-m and Parkes 64-m telescopes. All galaxies show clear evidence of radio haloes, including the first detection in the Magellanic-type galaxy NGC 55. In 11 galaxies, we find a thin and a thick disc that can be better fitted by exponential rather than Gaussian functions. We fit our SPINNAKER (SPectral INdex Numerical Analysis of K(c)osmic-ray Electron Radio-emission) 1D cosmic-ray transport models to the vertical model profiles of the non-thermal intensity and to the non-thermal radio spectral index in the halo. We simultaneously fit for the advection speed (or diffusion coefficient) and magnetic field scale height. In the thick disc, the magnetic field scale heights range from 2 to 8 kpc with an average across the sample of 3.0±1.7 kpc3.0\pm 1.7~\rm kpc; they show no correlation with either star-formation rate (SFR), SFR surface density (ÎŁSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR}) or rotation speed (VrotV_{\rm rot}). The advection speeds range from 100 to 700 km s−1700~\rm km\,s^{-1} and display correlations of V∝SFR0.36±0.06V\propto \rm SFR^{0.36\pm 0.06} and V∝ΣSFR0.39±0.09V\propto \Sigma_{\rm SFR}^{0.39\pm 0.09}; they agree remarkably well with the escape velocities (0.5≀V/Vesc≀20.5\leq V/V_{\rm esc}\leq 2), which can be explained by cosmic-ray driven winds. Radio haloes show the presence of disc winds in galaxies with ÎŁSFR>10−3 M⊙ yr−1 kpc−2\Sigma_{\rm SFR} > 10^{-3}~\rm M_{\odot}\,yr^{-1}\,kpc^{-2} that extend over several kpc and are driven by processes related to the distributed star formation in the disc.Comment: 39 pages, 20 colour figures, 10 tables. Accepted by MNRA
