25 research outputs found

    How Our Personality Shapes Our Interactions with Virtual Characters - Implications for Research and Development

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    Abstract. There is a general lack of awareness for the influence of users´ personality traits on human-agent-interaction (HAI). Numerous studies do not even consider explanatory variables like age and gender although they are easily accessible. The present study focuses on explaining the occurrence of social effects in HAI. Apart from the original manipulation of the study we assessed the users ́personality traits. Results show that participants ´ personality traits influenced their subjective feeling after the interaction, as well as their evaluation of the virtual character and their actual behavior. From the various personality traits those traits which relate to persistent behavioral patterns in social contact (agreeableness, extraversion, approach avoidance, self-efficacy in monitoring others, shyness, public self-consciousness) were found to be predictive, whereas other personality traits and gender and age did not affect the evaluation. Results suggest that personality traits are better predictors for the evaluation outcome than the actual behavior of the agent as it has been manipulated in the experiment. Implications for research on and development of virtual agents are discussed

    Humor Prevails! - Implementing a Joke Generator into a Conversational System

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    Humor modeling in the interface

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    Humor is a multi-disciplinary field of research. People have been working on humor in many fields of research, such as psychology, philosophy and linguistics, sociology and literature. Especially in the context of computer science (or Artificial Intelligence) humor research aims at modeling humor in a computationally tractable way. Having computational models of humor allows interface designers to have the computer generate and interpret humor when interacting with users. Being able to recognize a user’s frustration can be useful; however, preventing it whenever possible by an adequate use of humor can be useful as well

    Humor modeling in the interface

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    Humor is a multi-disciplinary field of research. People have been working on humor in many fields of research, such as psychology, philosophy and linguistics, sociology and literature. Especially in the context of computer science (or Artificial Intelligence) humor research aims at modeling humor in a computationally tractable way. Having computational models of humor allows interface designers to have the computer generate and interpret humor when interacting with users. Being able to recognize a user’s frustration can be useful; however, preventing it whenever possible by an adequate use of humor can be useful as well

    Enfermagem na WEB: o processo de criação e validação de um WEB site sobre doença arterial coronariana Enfermería en la WEB: el proceso de construcción y validez de una pagina WEB sobre la enfermedad arterial coronaria Nursing on the web: the creation and validation process of a coronary heart disease WEB site

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    A World Wide Web é uma importante fonte à pesquisa da informação de saúde. Um desafio para a área de Informática em Enfermagem brasileira é o de usar esse potencial para promover a educação em saúde. Este artigo objetiva apresentar um modelo de criação e validação usado em um Web site educativo, denominado CardioSite, cujo tema é a Doença Arterial Coronariana. Para a criação do mesmo, foi adotado um método com fases de modelagem conceitual, de desenvolvimento, de implementação e de avaliação. Na fase de avaliação, a validação foi feita através de um painel on-line com especialistas nas áreas de informática e saúde. Os resultados demonstraram que as informações são confiáveis e válidas. Considerando a inexistência de sistemas nacionais oficiais com esse propósito, este modelo demonstrou-se efetivo para avaliar a qualidade do conteúdo do Web site.<br>La Word Wide Web es una importante fuente de investigación de información sobre la salud. Un desafío para el área de Informática en Enfermería brasileña es el de usar este potencial para promover la educación en salud. Este artículo busca presentar un modelo de creación y evaluación utilizado en una Pagina Web educativa, denominado CardioSite, cuyo tema es la Enfermedad Arterial Coronaria. En la creación del mismo se ha adoptado un método con las fases de modelaje conceptual, de desarrollo, de implementación y de evaluación. En la fase de evaluación, la validación se llevó a cabo por medio de un panel on-line con especialistas en las áreas de informática y salud. Los resultados señalaron tales informaciones como confiables y validas. Al considerar la inexistencia de sistemas nacionales oficiales con este propósito, el modelo se ha mostrado efectivo para evaluar la calidad del contenido la pagina web.<br>The World Wide Web is an important health information research source. A challenge for the Brazilian Nursing Informatics area is to use its potential to promote health education. This paper aims to present a developing and validating model used in an educational Web site, named CardioSite, which subject is Coronary Heart Disease. In its creation it was adopted a method with phases of conceptual modeling, development, implementation, and evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the validation was performed through an online informatics and health experts panel. The results demonstrated that information was reliable and valid. Considering that national official systems are not available to that approach, this model demonstrated effectiveness in assessing the quality of the Web site content

    Evaluating Adaptive Navigation Support

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    From the few evaluations of adaptive navigation systems that have been performed, we see an emerging pattern where depending upon the domain, only certain types of adaptive navigation works. The results indicate that adaptations should leave the interface somewhat predictable, it should not force users to interpret advanced annotations, and finally, the adaptation should not change the structure of the information space. Furthermore, evaluations of adaptive navigation support systems fail to recognise some of the more important aspects of why certain systems provide better support than others. These studies typically measure task completion time, or how well the structure of the space is remembered. While these are among the important measurements that should be taken, other features, such as how much anxiety the system induces in users, how pleasant it is to navigate, or how much users actually learn of the information contained in the space, might be more crucial measurements