231 research outputs found

    Impacto Financiero Y La Rotación De Personal En Las Áreas De Mercadeo Y Operaciones: Empresa Multinacional De Venta De Vacaciones Prepagadas En El Ecuador/Financial Impact and the Rotation of Personnel in the Marketing Areas and Operations: Multinational

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    El talento humano es determinado como el aporte más valioso en toda empresa, principalmente en las empresas de servicio, por lo que uno de los principales retos es potenciar al talento, buscando estrategias que identifiquen las necesidades y motivaciones que permita brindar agradado, desarrollo profesional y personal a los colaboradores. La ineficaz motivación y el poco compromiso que posee el personal genera un impacto en la rotación de personal lo que se verá reflejado a nivel financiero de la compañía; se ha identificado que la continua y excesiva rotación de personal es perjudicial para el cumplimiento de los objetivos empresariales, así como los costos que se genera en los procesos de reclutamiento, selección, inducción, capacitación, entre otros; y también al momento de la desvinculación. El principal objetivo del estudio es determinar el impacto financiero de la rotación de personal de las áreas de mercadeo y operaciones en una Empresa Multinacional de Venta de Vacaciones Prepagadas en el Ecuador. Ya que la incertidumbre, inestabilidad, genera alta rotación en especial a los nuevos postulantes, y los antiguos trabajadores que réquiem de estabilidad para el cumpliendo de sus objetivos profesionales. En la rotación de personal la organización debe incurrir en un conjunto de desembolso diarios obligatorios por Ley en la desvinculación del personal saliente demás de los requeridos para el reclutamiento y contratación de quienes cubrirán las vacantes presentadas. Human talent is considered the most valuable contribution in every company, mainly in service companies, so one of the challenges is to maximize the talent looking for strategies to identify needs and motivations that allow providing gratified, professional development, personal. Ineffective motivation and commitment that has little staff has an impact on the turnover which will be reflected in financial terms, has been identified as the continued and excessive staff turnover is detrimental to the fulfillment of business objectives, as the costs generated in the process of recruitment, selection, induction, training, among others; and also at the time of termination. The main objective of the study is to determine the financial impact of staff turnover in the areas of marketing and operations in a multinational company selling Prepaid Vacations in Ecuador. As uncertainty, instability, high turnover generated in particular to new applicants, and former employees who requiem stability for fulfilling their career goals. Turnover in the organization must incur a set of mandatory daily payout by law in the decoupling of outgoing personnel other than those required for the recruitment and hiring of those who fill the vacancies presented. Palabras Clave: Talento humano, rotación de personal, costos, reclutamiento y contratación. Keywords: human talent, turnover, recruiting and hiring costs

    Human Talent Management to Improve Customer Service by Travel Companies in Riobamba

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    This study attempts to put into practice the acquired knowledge in college readiness and daily living. Assuming that travel companies lack an efficient administrative organization and change needed in this era of knowledge and information, it is essential that human talent is motivated and that employees are clear about their obligations toward the company, allowing for the healthy development of human talent. That being said, it is important to prioritize a management plan for human talent in the tourism sector. This study aims to be a guide for improving the service and establishing strategies for good customer service. The research was accomplished by taking into account 12 travel companies in the city of Riobamba. The survey results showed that the success or failure of a company relies heavily on its workers as they perform their work efficiently and effectively if they work in an optimal work environment. Keywords: operators, talent, staff, service, customers. Resumen El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental llevar a la práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en la preparación universitaria y el diario vivir. Partiendo que las operadoras de turismo carecen una de una organización administrativa eficiente y del cambio que las empresas están viviendo en esta la era del conocimiento y la información, hace que sea indispensable que el talento humano este motivado, que conozca de manera clara y detallada cuales son las obligaciones que tienen para con las empresas, permitiendo que el talento humano se desenvuelva correctamente. Dado esto es importante se aplique de manera prioritaria un plan de gestión del talento humano en las operadoras de turismo, el mismo que busca ser una guía para perfeccionar el servicio, además de establecer estrategias que permitan siempre el buen desempeño del servicio al cliente. La investigación se la realizó tomando en cuenta 12 operadoras de turismo existentes en la ciudad de Riobamba, después de la aplicación de las encuestas se procedió a la tabulación para después concluir con los resultados. Para finalizar cabe indicar que el éxito o fracaso de una empresa depende en gran medida de sus trabajadores, ya que ellos realizarán su trabajo de manera eficiente, eficaz y efectiva si se desenvuelven en un ambiente de trabajo óptimo. Palabras Clave: operadoras de turismo, talento, personal, servicio, cclientes

    El roedor silvestre Akodon azarae (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) como hospedador intermediario de Taenia taeniaeformis (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) en granjas avícolas del centro de Argentina

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    This work reports strobilocerci of Taenia taeniaeformis in the rodent Akodon azarae. A total of 289 rodents were captured on poultry farms in Central Argentina, belonging to the following species: A. azarae, Calomys laucha, C. musculinus, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and Mus musculus. All rodents were examined for parasites. Only A. azarae was parasitized with strobilocerci larvae. Prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance of the infection in the liver were 8.33%, 2.09 and 0.17, respectively. No differences were observed between the sexes of the infected rodents. Since in natural environments no cysts were reported, A. azarae is susceptible to get infected with T. taeniaeformis when frequents domestic and peridomestic habitats. Taenia taeniaeformis may have three different life cycles in the studied area: 1) one domestic cycle between Rattus norvegicus and pets in the surrounding of the farms, since R. norvegicus was observed to be parasitized; 2) another domestic cycle between A. azarae and the pets when such pets come to the farm fences; and 3) a wild cycle between A. azarae and Leopardus geoffroyi (Carnivora: Felidae), since it was observed that A. azarae is preyed by this felid and their feces were found parasitized with eggs of Taenia sp. in the study area.Este trabajo informa la presencia de estrobilocercos de Taenia taeniaeformis en el roedor Akodon azarae. Un total de 289 roedores pertenecientes a las especies A. azarae, Calomys laucha, C. musculinus, Oligoryzomys flavescens y Mus musculus fueron capturados en granjas avícolas del centro de Argentina. Todos los roedores fueron examinados en busca de parásitos. Sólo A. azarae presentó quistes de cestodes en el hígado. Los valores de prevalencia, intensidad media y abundancia media de la infestación fueron 8.33%, 2.09 y 0.17, respectivamente, y no se observó ninguna diferencia entre los sexos de los roedores infectados. Se concluye que A. azarae es susceptible de infectarse con T. taeniaeformis cuando frecuenta hábitats domésticos y peridomésticos, ya que en ambientes naturales nunca fue registrada su presencia en estos roedores. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que T. taeniaeformis mantiene tres tipos diferentes de ciclos de vida en el área estudiada: 1) un ciclo doméstico entre Rattus norvegicus y mascotas (perros y gatos), ya que R. norvegicus ha sido encontrada parasitada en las granjas; 2) otro ciclo doméstico entre A. azarae y mascotas cuando estas últimas se acercan a los alambrados de las granjas; y 3) un ciclo silvestre entre A. azarae y Leopardus geoffroyi (Carnivora: Felidae), ya que se ha observado en el área de estudio que A. azarae es predado por este felino en cuyas heces se han encontrado huevos de Taenia sp.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    El roedor silvestre Akodon azarae (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) como hospedador intermediario de Taenia taeniaeformis (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) en granjas avícolas del centro de Argentina

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    This work reports strobilocerci of Taenia taeniaeformis in the rodent Akodon azarae. A total of 289 rodents were captured on poultry farms in Central Argentina, belonging to the following species: A. azarae, Calomys laucha, C. musculinus, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and Mus musculus. All rodents were examined for parasites. Only A. azarae was parasitized with strobilocerci larvae. Prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance of the infection in the liver were 8.33%, 2.09 and 0.17, respectively. No differences were observed between the sexes of the infected rodents. Since in natural environments no cysts were reported, A. azarae is susceptible to get infected with T. taeniaeformis when frequents domestic and peridomestic habitats. Taenia taeniaeformis may have three different life cycles in the studied area: 1) one domestic cycle between Rattus norvegicus and pets in the surrounding of the farms, since R. norvegicus was observed to be parasitized; 2) another domestic cycle between A. azarae and the pets when such pets come to the farm fences; and 3) a wild cycle between A. azarae and Leopardus geoffroyi (Carnivora: Felidae), since it was observed that A. azarae is preyed by this felid and their feces were found parasitized with eggs of Taenia sp. in the study area.Este trabajo informa la presencia de estrobilocercos de Taenia taeniaeformis en el roedor Akodon azarae. Un total de 289 roedores pertenecientes a las especies A. azarae, Calomys laucha, C. musculinus, Oligoryzomys flavescens y Mus musculus fueron capturados en granjas avícolas del centro de Argentina. Todos los roedores fueron examinados en busca de parásitos. Sólo A. azarae presentó quistes de cestodes en el hígado. Los valores de prevalencia, intensidad media y abundancia media de la infestación fueron 8.33%, 2.09 y 0.17, respectivamente, y no se observó ninguna diferencia entre los sexos de los roedores infectados. Se concluye que A. azarae es susceptible de infectarse con T. taeniaeformis cuando frecuenta hábitats domésticos y peridomésticos, ya que en ambientes naturales nunca fue registrada su presencia en estos roedores. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que T. taeniaeformis mantiene tres tipos diferentes de ciclos de vida en el área estudiada: 1) un ciclo doméstico entre Rattus norvegicus y mascotas (perros y gatos), ya que R. norvegicus ha sido encontrada parasitada en las granjas; 2) otro ciclo doméstico entre A. azarae y mascotas cuando estas últimas se acercan a los alambrados de las granjas; y 3) un ciclo silvestre entre A. azarae y Leopardus geoffroyi (Carnivora: Felidae), ya que se ha observado en el área de estudio que A. azarae es predado por este felino en cuyas heces se han encontrado huevos de Taenia sp.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Habitat selection by Calomys musculinus (Muridae, Sigmodontinae) in crop areas of the pampean region, Argentina

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    Calomys musculinus (Muridae, Sigmodontinae) is a small rodent species found in most central and northern Argentina. It is the reservoir of the Junin virus, ethiological agent of the Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever (FHA). In the present work we studied habitat selection by C. musculinus at different spatial scales in rural habitats where the landscape is mainly formed by cropfields, surrounded by weedy margins (borders). We found that C. musculinus selects borders over cropfields, but there were not differences between types of fields or types of borders. The structure of the spatial heterogeneity, which is mainly grouped between macrohabitats due to agrarian labors, did not allow to detect habitat selection, within cropfields and borders, for habitat patches larger than individual trap sites. Distribution between fields and borders was related to the green plant cover in early autumn, probably because of specific requirements of reproductive individuals. Within these habitats, we found differences in captures according to the presence of some plant species, which varied according to the season and the habitat

    Adaptation Strategies and Microwave Drying of Amaranth Species with a High Nutritional Value to the Ecuadorian Andean Region

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    In the Andean region of Ecuador, amaranth is a key species not only for its high nutritional value but also for its association with Ecuadorian culture, since it is one of the main indigenous crops of the pre-Columbian era. Over the time, the cultivation of this species ceased for several reasons result. However, in recent years, a number of strategies have been developed to retrieve it on a national level. In accordance with these strategies, the “Amaranth Improvement Program for Cotopaxi” (PROMAC) is being developed at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, with the main objective of selecting varieties with high levels of biologically active substances. This program is been executed through two main lines of investigation: (a) selection of varieties of amaranth of high nutritional value and (b) the improvement of techniques for conservation of the seeds. This chapter analyzes and shows the main results obtained to date from the study of eight varieties of amaranth seeds and the drying of one of the seeds by means of microwave energy in order to improve its conservation. In the light of the results obtained, the strategies to develop the following research lines within the PROMAC framework are exposed

    On the Theory of Evolution Versus the Concept of Evolution: Three Observations

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    Here we address three misconceptions stated by Rice et al. in their observations of our article Paz-y-Miño and Espinosa (Evo Edu Outreach 2:655–675, 2009), published in this journal. The five authors titled their note “The Theory of Evolution is Not an Explanation for the Origin of Life.” First, we argue that it is fallacious to believe that because the formulation of the theory of evolution, as conceived in the 1800s, did not include an explanation for the origin of life, nor of the universe, the concept of evolution would not allow us to hypothesize the possible beginnings of life and its connections to the cosmos. Not only Stanley Miller’s experiments of 1953 led scientists to envision a continuum from the inorganic world to the origin and diversification of life, but also Darwin’s own writings of 1871. Second, to dismiss the notion of Rice et al. that evolution does not provide explanations concerning the universe or the cosmos, we identify compelling scientific discussions on the topics: Zaikowski et al. (Evo Edu Outreach 1:65–73, 2008), Krauss (Evo Edu Outreach 3:193–197, 2010), Peretó et al. (Orig Life Evol Biosph 39:395–406, 2009) and Follmann and Brownson (Naturwissenschaften 96:1265–1292, 2009). Third, although we acknowledge that the term Darwinism may not be inclusive of all new discoveries in evolution, and also that creationists and Intelligent Designers hijack the term to portray evolution as ideology, we demonstrate that there is no statistical evidence suggesting that the word Darwinism interferes with public acceptance of evolution, nor does the inclusion of the origin of life or the universe within the concept of evolution. We examine the epistemological and empirical distinction between the theory of evolution and the concept of evolution and conclude that, although the distinction is important, it should not compromise scientific logic

    Caudillos y populismos en el Ecuador

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    Las figuras personales han concentrado la atención en la historia y la ciencia social. Se han expresado como caudillos y como líderes populistas. Pero el estudio a partir de estas dos categorías se queda en el plano de los fenómenos políticos, a los que falta el contenido histórico. Por ello, es necesario acudir al examen de las condiciones bajo las cuales actuaron caudillos y populistas, así como al análisis de las fuerzas y sectores sociales a los que representaron en cada caso concreto, para comprender a fondo las confrontaciones por el poder. Como puede comprobarse a lo largo de toda la historia del Ecuador republicano, las personalidades encarnan intereses sociales específicos.Las figuras personales han concentrado la atención en la historia y la ciencia social. Se han expresado como caudillos y como líderes populistas. Pero el estudio a partir de estas dos categorías se queda en el plano de los fenómenos políticos, a los que falta el contenido histórico. Por ello, es necesario acudir al examen de las condiciones bajo las cuales actuaron caudillos y populistas, así como al análisis de las fuerzas y sectores sociales a los que representaron en cada caso concreto, para comprender a fondo las confrontaciones por el poder. Como puede comprobarse a lo largo de toda la historia del Ecuador republicano, las personalidades encarnan intereses sociales específicos

    Enhanced diffusion due to active swimmers at a solid surface

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    We consider two systems of active swimmers moving close to a solid surface, one being a living population of wild-type \textit{E. coli} and the other being an assembly of self-propelled Au-Pt rods. In both situations, we have identified two different types of motion at the surface and evaluated the fraction of the population that displayed ballistic trajectories (active swimmers) with respect to those showing random-like behavior. We studied the effect of this complex swimming activity on the diffusivity of passive tracers also present at the surface. We found that the tracer diffusivity is enhanced with respect to standard Brownian motion and increases linearly with the activity of the fluid, defined as the product of the fraction of active swimmers and their mean velocity. This result can be understood in terms of series of elementary encounters between the active swimmers and the tracers.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures in color, Physical Review Letters (in production