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    o presente estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento e a obtenção de evidências de validade e precisão da Escala de Avaliação do Risco de Violência para Idosos (EARVI). Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, de corte transversal, no qual participaram 228 idosos com 65 ou mais anos, residentes de três regiões de Portugal. Resultado: Na análise fatorial, o instrumento apresentou evidências satisfatórias de validade e precisão, resultando na retenção de 21 itens que se agruparam em quatro fatores: confiança/segurança nas relações próximas, isolamento social, dependência funcional e segurança financeira. O alfa de Cronbach para a escala total foi de 0,74. A EARVI apresentou boa precisão, com índice de Youden de 0,77 e sensibilidade e especificidade de 88%. Conclusão: A EARVI poderá ser uma ferramenta útil na identificação de idosos em risco de violência, auxiliando na tomada de decisão por profissionais de saúde. No entanto, se faz necessário que o instrumento seja replicado em amostras mais amplas de idosos, incluindo outros contextos e localidades, de modo a comprovar a estrutura fatorial obtida na escala

    Primary Intraosseous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Mandible: a Case with Atypical Imaging Features

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    Primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma is a rare malignant tumour that exclusively arises within the jaws. Its diagnosis requires an appropriate clinical, imaging and histological correlation. The exclusion of primary oral mucosa lesions and metastatic disease is mandatory. We report an atypical imaging appearance of this uncommon entity, characterized by new bone formation and periosteal reaction that resemble sarcomatous or malignant odontogenic tumours. A comprehensive discussion on the embryological principles of primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma is also provided.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin G20210A in Portuguese Women with Recurrent Miscarriage: Is it Worthwhile to Investigate?

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of factor V Leiden (FVL) and prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutations in Portuguese women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage (RM) and a control group of parous women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: FVL and PT G20210A analysis were carried out in 100 women with three or more consecutive miscarriages and 100 controls with no history of pregnancy losses. Secondary analysis was made regarding gestational age at miscarriage (embryonic and fetal losses). RESULTS: Overall, the prevalence of FVL and PT G20210A was similar in women with RM (5 and 3%) compared with controls (5 and 1%) OR 1.36 (CI 95% 0.45-4.08). In RM embryonic subgroup, PT G20210A was observed in 1.3% of women and FVL prevalence (2.6%) was inclusively lesser than that of controls. Both polymorphisms were more prevalent in women with fetal losses than in controls, although statistical significance was not reached due to the small size of the >10 weeks' subgroup. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that neither FVL nor PT G20210A is associated with RM prior to 10 weeks of gestation. Therefore, its screening is not indicated as an initial approach in Portuguese women with embryonic RM and negative personal thromboembolic history

    NoSOCS in SDSS. II. Mass Calibration of Low Redshift Galaxy Clusters with Optical and X-ray Properties

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    We use SDSS data to investigate the scaling relations of 127 NoSOCS and 56 CIRS galaxy clusters at low redshift (z≤0.10z \le 0.10). We show that richness and both optical and X-ray luminosities are reliable mass proxies. The scatter in mass at fixed observable is ∼\sim 40%, depending on the aperture, sample and observable considered. For example, for the massive CIRS systems σlnM500∣N500\sigma_{lnM500|N500} = 0.33 ±\pm 0.05 and σlnM500∣Lx\sigma_{lnM500|Lx} = 0.48 ±\pm 0.06. For the full sample σlnM500∣N500\sigma_{lnM500|N500} = 0.43 ±\pm 0.03 and σlnM500∣Lx\sigma_{lnM500|Lx} = 0.56 ±\pm 0.06. We estimate substructure using two and three dimensional optical data, verifying that substructure has no significant effect on the cluster scaling relations (intercepts and slopes), independent of which substructure test we use. For a subset of twenty-one clusters, we estimate masses from the M-TX_X relation using temperature measures from BAX. The scaling relations derived from the optical and X-ray masses are indeed very similar, indicating that our method consistently estimates the cluster mass and yields equivalent results regardless of the wavelength from which we measure mass. For massive systems, we represent the mass-richness relation by a function with the form ln(M200)=A+B×ln(N200/60){\rm ln (M_{200}) = A + B \times ln(N_{200}/60)}, with M200_{200} being expressed in units of 1014^{14} M⊙_{\odot}. Using the virial mass, for CIRS clusters, we find A = (1.39 ±\pm 0.07) and B = (1.00 ±\pm 0.11). The relations based on the virial mass have a scatter of σlnM200∣N200\sigma_{lnM200|N200} = 0.37 ±\pm 0.05, while σlnM200∣N200\sigma_{lnM200|N200} = 0.77 ±\pm 0.22 for the caustic mass and σlnM200∣N200\sigma_{lnM200|N200} = 0.34 ±\pm 0.08 for the temperature based mass (abridged).Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, 12 tables, Accepted to MNRA

    Desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais alimentadas com rações contendo farelo de coco tratado ou não com antioxidante.

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    Este experimento foi conduzido para avaliar a estabilidade oxidativa do farelo de coco (FC) tratado ou não com butil-hidroxitolueno (BHT) e armazenado por 35 dias e estudar o efeito de rações contendo esse ingrediente sobre o desempenho e a qualidade do ovo de poedeiras. Um lote de 200 kg de farelo de coco foi dividido em cinco partes: uma foi armazenada sem a adição de antioxidante e as demais tratadas com 500 ppm de BHT nos dias 0, 7, 14 e 21. A estabilidade oxidativa do farelo de coco foi acompanhada por meio dos índices de acidez e de peróxidos, determinados semanalmente. Após 35 dias de armazenamento, 10% de farelo de coco tratado e não tratado com BHT nos diferentes tempos de armazenamento foi usado na formulação de rações isonutrientes para poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 180 poedeiras da linhagem Hisex White, distribuídas ao acaso em 5 tratamentos e 6 repetições de 6 aves cada. Os índices de acidez e de peróxidos do farelo de coco armazenado com ou sem BHT aumentaram com o tempo de armazenamento. Contudo, os tratamentos não afetaram o desempenho nem a qualidade dos ovos das aves. O farelo de coco armazenado por 35 dias sem antioxidante, embora sofra oxidação, pode ser usado em níveis de até 10% na ração para poedeiras comerciais

    Radiologic-pathologic correlation of prostatic cancer extracapsular extension (ECE)

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    Recent advancements on nerve-sparing robotic prostatectomy allow fewer side effects such as urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. To perform such techniques, it is essential for the surgeon to know if the neurovascular bundle is involved. Despite being the gold-standard imaging method for Prostate Cancer (PCa) staging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) lacks high specificity for detecting extracapsular extension (ECE). Therefore, it is essential to understand the pathologic aspects of ECE to better evaluate the MRI findings of PCa. We reviewed the normal MRI appearance of the prostate gland and the periprostatic space and correlated them to prostatectomy specimens. The different findings of ECE and neurovascular bundle invasion are exemplified with images of both MRI and histologic specimens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From the lab to the river: Determination of ecological hosts of Anodonta anatina

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    1. Coextinction is the simplest form of secondary extinction and freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) may be particularly prone to this phenomenon as their life cycle includes an obligatory parasitic larval stage on fish hosts. 2. The main aims of this study were to determine the possible ecological fish hosts of Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) in several rivers of the Douro basin in north ern Portugal and to assess possible spatial and temporal differences in glochidial (larval) loads. In order to achieve this, electrofishing was conducted from December to April, the fish fauna was characterized, and levels of infestation with A. anatina glochidia were determined. 3. Native cyprinid species, mainly Luciobarbus bocagei (Iberian barbel) and Squalius carolitertii (northern Iberian chub), together with the non-native Lepomis gibbosus (pumpkinseed sunfish) and Alburnus alburnus (common bleak), were found to have the highest glochidial loads. Clear differences in infestation between rivers and throughout time were detected, with an infestation period from January to March, and with the Tâmega River having the highest prevalence. 4. Anodonta anatina is able to infest a variety of fish species, and this together with earlier studies showed that the metamorphosis into juveniles occurs mainly in native cyprinid species, although non-native species like common bleak can also be considered suitable hosts. However, the larvae infesting other non-native spe cies, such as the pumpkinseed sunfish, do not metamorphose and can be consid ered ‘dead ends’. 5. Overall, the results reported here are important for the conservation of A. anatina (and other unionoid species) because several Iberian rivers (and worldwide) have been subjected to the extirpation of native fish species and the introduction of non-native fish species. Therefore, careful assessments of fish communities should be conducted to assess possible negative interactions with freshwater musselsFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Grant/Award Number: PTDC/AGRFOR/1627/201

    Invasive crayfishes as a threat to freshwater bivalves: interspecific differences and conservation implications

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    Freshwater bivalves have suffered major global declines, being the introduction of invasive alien species (IAS) an important, but not well studied, mechanism of threat. This study assessed the predator-prey relationship between two non-native crayfish species (Procambarus clarkii and Pacifastacus leniusculus) and three native (Anodonta anatina, Potomida littoralis and Unio delphinus) and one non-native (Corbicula fluminea) freshwater bivalve species through experiments in laboratory and validation under natural conditions (Sabor River basin, Portugal). All native bivalve species were preyed both in laboratory and in the field; however, both crayfish species were unable to prey C. fluminea. Predation was dependent on crayfish and bivalve species but was not affected neither by crayfish nor bivalve sizes. In the laboratory, the most preyed species by both crayfishes was A. anatina. On average, this species was preyed at least 12% more than other species, when crayfishes had a choice. Similar results were found in the field. We also found signs of competition between both crayfishes, being P. clarkii more dominant and aggressive as this species, on average, manipulated the bivalves 63.6% more times and 24:33 min longer than P. leniusculus, and initiated 55.8% more agnostic bouts. Our results support the idea that P. clarkii and P. leniusculus can affect native freshwater bivalves, but clear interspecific differences were detected. Both crayfishes may have direct and indirect impacts on bivalve populations by increasing mortality or by reducing their fitness. In addition, since both crayfishes do not prey C. fluminea, they offer this IAS another advantage over native bivalves. Given the widespread distribution of both P. clarkii and P. leniusculus and the threatened status of many freshwater bivalves, the dynamics and impacts of this relationship should be taken in account in the implementation of management measures devoted to the conservation of native freshwater bivalves.This work was supported by Portuguese FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, Project FRESHCO: Multiple implications of invasive species on Freshwater Mussel co-extinction processes (contract PTDC/AGR-FOR/1627/2014-04/SAICT/2015) and Project 3599-Promoting Scientific and Technological Development Production and the Constitution of Thematic Networks (3599-PPCDT), FEDER - European Community Funds. FCT also support M.L.L. with a doctoral grant (SFRH/BD/115728/2016). We thank the three anonymous referees for constructive suggestions
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