83 research outputs found

    Effect of metal micro-structuring on the mechanical behavior of polymer–metal laser T-joints

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    AbstractThe metal was locally structured by pulsed laser radiation producing microscopic patterns on its surface. In a second step the opposite side of the micro-structured metal was irradiated by a continuous wave (CW) fiber laser to achieve the mechanical interlock between the two materials. A tight relationship between the microstructure parameters and pull-out test performance was observed. The greatest strength was achieved when the distance between subsequent grooves was minimized. The T-joint mechanical performance did not reveal any significant dependence on the considered range of joining areas. The morphological and topographical features of the detached surfaces showed that the micro-structured grooves were completely filled during the laser conductive joining process. Different alignment angles of patterns produced different failure modes although there was no evidence of an additional mechanical interlock

    Diet of 0+ brown trout (Salmo trutta L., 1758) from the river Erro (Navarra, north of Spain)

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    The diet composition of 41 0+ brown trout (Salmo trutta L., 1758) (33-97 mm TL) captured in August 2002 in the Erro River (North of Spain) is described. The diet was mainly composed by aquatic invertebrates. Excluding nematodes because they are possible parasites, the most consumed prey items were mayflies, dipterans, and crustaceans. Fingerling brown trout refused Chironomidae, Elmidae, and terrestrial invertebrates from the drift, and Elmidae, Heptageniidae, and Leuctridae from the benthos, while they showed preference for Rhyacophilidae from the benthos. Fingerling brown trout seems to act as an opportunistic predator, and the consumption of different preys seems to be influenced by their accessibility, predation risk, and their energetic value.Se analizó la dieta de 41 alevines de trucha común (Salmo trutta L., 1758) (33-97 mm LT) del río Erro (Norte de España). Su alimentación estuvo constituida principalmente por invertebrados acuáticos. Si no se tiene en cuenta a los nematodos por la posibilidad de tratarse de parásitos, las presas más consumidas fueron efémeras, dípteros y crustáceos. Los alevines de trucha común rechazaron los quironómidos, élmidos y los invertebrados terrestres de la deriva, así como los élmidos, heptagénidos y leúctridos del bentos, mientras que mostraron preferencia por los riacofílidos del bentos. Los alevines de trucha común parecen comportarse como depredadores oportunistas, pareciendo estar el consumo de las diferentes presas influenciado por su accesibilidad, el riesgo de predación y el valor energético de cada presa

    Reconstrucción de la vegetación asociada al depósito tobáceo fluvial holoceno del nogal de el batán, las parras del martín, cordillera ibérica

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    Development of Quaternary fluvial tufa buildings are often associated with warm and humid phases and are commonly used as climate indicators. El Nogal de El Batán Holocene fluvial tufa buildup, located in Las Parras River valley (Iberian Range, NE Spain), is investigated, following radiocarbon dating, stratigraphic description and palynological analysis. The studied deposit, 8.2 m-thick, is formed of gravels, phytoclast rudstones, calcite- coated stem boundstones and fine carbonate deposits (sands, silts and marls) with peaty horizons and carbonaceous debris. It has been dated within the upper early Holocene (ca. 8400 cal BP) and correlated with the environmental changes reconstructed for the region, identifying at least, three main phases. Pollen results highlight the existence of a conifer landscape, mainy dominated by Pinus nigra/sylvestris type and Juniperus, and locally dense riparian woodland with Corylus, Alnus, Salix, Populus, Celtis, Fraxinus, Tamarix and Rosaceae. Deciduous and evergreen oaks were the main spread regional forests accompanied by many warm-loving taxa like Pistacia, Rhamnus, Arbutus and Olea during the middle Holocene (ca. 8000-5000 cal BP). The transition towards the late Holocene (ca. 4300 cal BP) is evidenced by the rise of herbs and ruderal taxa, and especially the presence of coprophilous fungi, which are linked to the spread of agricultural and grazing practices along the river valley.El desarrollo de edificios tobáceos de origen fluvial se asocia a menudo con fases cálidas y húmedas cuaternarias y son comúnmente empleados como indicadores climáticos. En el presente trabajo se estudia el depósito tobáceo fluvial Holoceno del Nogal de El Batán, situado en el valle del río Las Parras (Cordillera Ibérica, NE España), bajo una perspectiva cronológica, estratigráfica y palinológica. La acumulación tobácea de 8,2 m de espesor, intercala gravas, facies de rudstones de fitoclastos, boundstones de tallos, limos y arenas de composición carbonatada, además de margas, lime mud y niveles turbosos. La acumulación tobácea se emplaza en el Holoceno temprano final (ca. 8400 cal BP) y se correlaciona con los cambios ambientales ocurridos en la región, identificando tres fases principales. Los análisis polínicos señalan un paisaje dominado por coníferas en la base de la secuencia, esencialmente con Pinus nigra/sylvestris tipo y Juniperus, mientras que localmente se desarrolla un bosque ripario donde destacan Corylus, Alnus, Salix, Populus, Celtis, Fraxinus, Tamarix y Rosaceae. En el Holoceno medio (ca. 8000-5000 cal BP) se produce la máxima expansión de las quercíneas, junto con taxones termófilos como Pistacia, Rhamnus, Arbutus y Olea. El incremento de taxones herbáceos y ruderales, y en especial la aparición de esporas coprófilas, marca la expansión agro-pastoril a lo largo del valle fluvial durante el Holoceno tardío (ca. 4300 cal BP)

    Human–landscape interactions in the Conquezuela–Ambrona Valley (Soria, continental Iberia): From the early Neolithic land use to the origin of the current oak woodland

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    The sedimentological, geochemical and palynological analyses performed in the Conquezuela palaeolake (41°11′N; 2°33′W; 1124 m a.s.l.) provide a detailed, multiproxy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in one of the key areas of inner Iberian Neolithic colonization. Combined with archaeobotanical and archaeological data from well-dated settlements along the Conquezuela–Ambrona Valley we investigate how environmental conditions may affect both socio-economic adaptations and livelihood strategies of prehistoric communities. The first evidences of early Neolithic occupation in the valley ca. 7250–6450 cal yr BP (5300–4500 BC) coincided with the onset of a period (7540–6200 cal yr BP, 5590–4250 BC) with higher water availability and warmer climate as alluvial environments were substituted by carbonate-wetland environments in the basin. The Conquezuela record supports an early Neolithic colonization of the inner regions of Iberia favored by warmer and humid climate features and with preferential settlement patterns associated to lakes. The maximum human occupation of the valley occurred during the mid–late Neolithic and Chalcolithic (6200–3200 cal yr BP, 4250–1250 BC) as evidenced by the high number of archaeological sites. Although a number of hydrological oscillations have been detected during this period, the intense landscape transformation at basin-scale, leading to a deforested landscape, was largely a consequence of widespread farming and pastoral practices. Socio-economic activities during Bronze, Iron and Roman times modified this inherited landscape, but the second largest ecosystem transformation only occurred during Mediaeval times when a new agrarian landscape developed with the expansion of stockbreeding transhumance. The current vegetation cover characterized by patches of holm and marcescent oaks and fields reflects an intense human management combining both extensive herding with agrarian activities in order to transform the previous forested landscape into a dehesa-like system.The funding for the present study derives from DINAMO2 (CGL-BOS 2012-33063) and AGRIWESTMED (ERC Grant Agreement #230561) projects, provided by the Spanish Inter-Ministry Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT) and the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013). XRF data were obtained at the XRF Core Scanner Laboratory (CRG Marine Geosciences, University of Barcelona). Josu Aranbarri acknowledges the predoctoral funding provided by the Basque Country Government (ref: FI-2010-5). Graciela Gil-Romera hold a post-doctoral contract funded by “Juan de la Cierva” (ref: JCI2009-04345) program. Eduardo García-Prieto and Maria Leunda are supported by predoctoral FPI grants BES-2010-038593 and BES-2013-063753, respectively. We also thank Elena Royo for her help with the lab procedures and the two anonymous referees for their valuable suggestions.Peer reviewe

    The Marboré Symphony: music for the deglaciation and Holocene in the central Pyrenees

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    20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Dublín, 2019Geological sequences have been used as the main basis for musical pieces both as inspiration for musicians and as raw materials (geochemical data, stratigraphic logs, cycles and frequencies) for compositions produced by computer programs. Telling our stories of Quaternary changes with music presents an opportunity to reach a wider audience and to integrate art and science. Here we present an example of how to compose music from Quaternary lake sequences and illustrate in a new way the main changes in the Pyrenean landscapes since deglaciation. The creation of this music was undertaken within the framework of the REPLIM project, an INTERREG- POCTEFA – project aimed to create a network of climate change observatories on lakes and wetlands in the Pyrenees. Based on the sediment sequence from Marboré Lake (42°41′44.27″N, 0° 2′24.07″E, 2612 m a.s.l), we have selected lithological, compositional and pollen data (Leunda et al, 2017; Oliva et al., 2018) to represent the main changes in the lake and the region during the last 15000 years. To transform the geological data into musical notes, we have used a similar approach than in previous experiences (Simon et al, 2015) but in this case, notes were assigned to compositional range intervals and the tempos were defined using sediment accumulation rates. Different melodies and instruments were assigned at each data set: TOC and Br/Ti as lake bioproductivity, selected pollen data for vegetation dynamics in the valleys, Si/Ti as sediment influx and Pb/Ti as anthropogenic impact. An electronic version of the Marbore Symphony was created by computer software based on the raw data. The music group O’Carolan (http://www.ocarolanfolk.com) transformed the electronic version into a six minutes long acoustic version. The Symphony premiered in the town of Bielsa on December 14th, 2018. The Marboré music project has served to increase citizenship awareness about climate change in the Pyrenees and provided a new tool to better communicate past and future changes in the landscapesInstituto Pirenaico de Ecología, EspañaUniversidad de Zaragoza, EspañaGrupo O´Carolan, EspañaInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid, EspañaUniversidad del Pais Vasco, Españ

    Behavioral interactions and trophic overlap between invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Decapoda, Astacidae) and native fishes in iberian rivers

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    The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana, 1852 is a successful invasive species in the Iberian Peninsula. This is of particular conservation concern, as fish fauna is highly endemic and also threatened within this ecoregion. The aim of this study was to analyze behavioral interactions and trophic overlap between signal crayfish and native fishes in Iberian rivers (northern Spain). Video cameras were used to record fish "dominance/evasion" after spatial encounters with crayfish. Diet composition and isotopic signatures (¿13C and ¿15N) were compared to evaluate the niche overlap. Fish were dominant in 25% of the encounters with juvenile crayfish, whereas this percentage was only 4% with adult crayfish. Observations showed a high fish "evasion" response for Pyrenean stone loach Barbatula quignardi (B¿cescu-Me¿ter, 1967) (>30%). Dietary results showed a high trophic overlap between signal crayfish with the pelagic Pyrenean minnow Phoxinus bigerri Kottelat, 2007 and the benthic loach. However, the isotopic niche overlap was low, with brown trout Salmo trutta L., 1758 showing the highest area (only 0.1 ¿2). Overall, our findings suggest that interferences may occur with native species for food (i.e., benthic invertebrates). Consequently, measures should be applied to control invasive crayfish in Iberian rivers