1,207 research outputs found

    Abstract Hodge decomposition and minimal models for cyclic algebras

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    We show that an algebra over a cyclic operad supplied with an additional linear algebra datum called Hodge decomposition admits a minimal model whose structure maps are given in terms of summation over trees. This minimal model is unique up to homotopy

    Feynman diagrams and minimal models for operadic algebras

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    We construct an explicit minimal model for an algebra over the cobar-construction of a differential graded operad. The structure maps of this minimal model are expressed in terms of sums over decorated trees. We introduce the appropriate notion of a homotopy equivalence of operadic algebras and show that our minimal model is homotopy equivalent to the original algebra. All this generalizes and gives a conceptual explanation of well-known results for A∞-algebras. Furthermore, we show that these results carry over to the case of algebras over modular operads; the sums over trees get replaced by sums over general Feynman graphs. As a by-product of our work we prove gauge-independence of Kontsevich's ‘dual construction’ producing graph cohomology classes from contractible differential graded Frobenius algebras

    Cocommutative coalgebras: homotopy theory and Koszul duality

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    We extend a construction of Hinich to obtain a closed model category structure on all differential graded cocommutative coalgebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We further show that the Koszul duality between commutative and Lie algebras extends to a Quillen equivalence between cocommutative coalgebras and formal coproducts of curved Lie algebras.Comment: 38 page

    Maass waveforms and low-lying zeros

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    The Katz-Sarnak Density Conjecture states that the behavior of zeros of a family of LL-functions near the central point (as the conductors tend to zero) agrees with the behavior of eigenvalues near 1 of a classical compact group (as the matrix size tends to infinity). Using the Petersson formula, Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak proved that the behavior of zeros near the central point of holomorphic cusp forms agrees with the behavior of eigenvalues of orthogonal matrices for suitably restricted test functions ϕ\phi. We prove similar results for families of cuspidal Maass forms, the other natural family of GL2/Q{\rm GL}_2/\mathbb{Q} LL-functions. For suitable weight functions on the space of Maass forms, the limiting behavior agrees with the expected orthogonal group. We prove this for \Supp(\widehat{\phi})\subseteq (-3/2, 3/2) when the level NN tends to infinity through the square-free numbers; if the level is fixed the support decreases to being contained in (−1,1)(-1,1), though we still uniquely specify the symmetry type by computing the 2-level density.Comment: Version 2.1, 33 pages, expanded introduction on low-lying zeros and the Katz-Sarnak density conjecture, fixed some typo

    Combinatorics and formal geometry of the master equation

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    We give a general treatment of the master equation in homotopy algebras and describe the operads and formal differential geometric objects governing the corresponding algebraic structures. We show that the notion of Maurer-Cartan twisting is encoded in certain automorphisms of these universal objects

    Koszul-Morita duality

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    We construct a generalization of Koszul duality in the sense of Keller-Lefèvre for not necessarily augmented algebras. This duality is closely related to classical Morita duality and specializes to it in certain cases

    Distribution of Missing Sums in Sumsets

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    For any finite set of integers X, define its sumset X+X to be {x+y: x, y in X}. In a recent paper, Martin and O'Bryant investigated the distribution of |A+A| given the uniform distribution on subsets A of {0, 1, ..., n-1}. They also conjectured the existence of a limiting distribution for |A+A| and showed that the expectation of |A+A| is 2n - 11 + O((3/4)^{n/2}). Zhao proved that the limits m(k) := lim_{n --> oo} Prob(2n-1-|A+A|=k) exist, and that sum_{k >= 0} m(k)=1. We continue this program and give exponentially decaying upper and lower bounds on m(k), and sharp bounds on m(k) for small k. Surprisingly, the distribution is at least bimodal; sumsets have an unexpected bias against missing exactly 7 sums. The proof of the latter is by reduction to questions on the distribution of related random variables, with large scale numerical computations a key ingredient in the analysis. We also derive an explicit formula for the variance of |A+A| in terms of Fibonacci numbers, finding Var(|A+A|) is approximately 35.9658. New difficulties arise in the form of weak dependence between events of the form {x in A+A}, {y in A+A}. We surmount these obstructions by translating the problem to graph theory. This approach also yields good bounds on the probability for A+A missing a consecutive block of length k.Comment: To appear in Experimental Mathematics. Version 3. Larger computations than before, conclusively proving the divot exists. 40 pages, 15 figure
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