7,139 research outputs found

    Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results

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    The ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) programme is directed towards physics input to critical elements of the ITER design and the preparation of ITER operation, as well as addressing physics issues for a future DEMO design. Since 2015, AUG is equipped with a new pair of 3-strap ICRF antennas, which were designed for a reduction of tungsten release during ICRF operation. As predicted, a factor two reduction on the ICRF-induced W plasma content could be achieved by the reduction of the sheath voltage at the antenna limiters via the compensation of the image currents of the central and side straps in the antenna frame. There are two main operational scenario lines in AUG. Experiments with low collisionality, which comprise current drive, ELM mitigation/suppression and fast ion physics, are mainly done with freshly boronized walls to reduce the tungsten influx at these high edge temperature conditions. Full ELM suppression and non-inductive operation up to a plasma current of Ip = 0.8 MA could be obtained at low plasma density. Plasma exhaust is studied under conditions of high neutral divertor pressure and separatrix electron density, where a fresh boronization is not required. Substantial progress could be achieved for the understanding of the confinement degradation by strong D puffing and the improvement with nitrogen or carbon seeding. Inward/outward shifts of the electron density profile relative to the temperature profile effect the edge stability via the pressure profile changes and lead to improved/decreased pedestal performance. Seeding and D gas puffing are found to effect the core fueling via changes in a region of high density on the high field side (HFSHD). The integration of all above mentioned operational scenarios will be feasible and naturally obtained in a large device where the edge is more opaque for neutrals and higher plasma temperatures provide a lower collisionality. The combination of exhaust control with pellet fueling has been successfully demonstrated. High divertor enrichment values of nitrogen EN 10 have been obtained during pellet injection, which is a prerequisite for the simultaneous achievement of good core plasma purity and high divertor radiation levels. Impurity accumulation observed in the all-metal AUG device caused by the strong neoclassical inward transport of tungsten in the pedestal is expected to be relieved by the higher neoclassical temperature screening in larger devices.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053

    Identification of the optical and near-infrared counterpart of GRS 1758-258

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    Context. Understood to be a microquasar in the Galactic center region, GRS 1758-258 has not yet been unambiguously identified to have an optical/near-infrared counterpart, mainly because of the high absorption and the historic lack of suitable astrometric stars, which led to the use of secondary astrometric solutions. Although it is considered with 1E 1740.7-2942 as the prototypical microquasar in the Galactic center region, the Galactic origin of both sources has not yet been confirmed. Aims. We attempt to improve previous astrometry to identify a candidate counterpart to GRS 1758-258. We present observations with the Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC), in which we try to detect any powerful emission lines that would infer an extragalactic origin of this source. Methods. We use modern star catalogues to reanalyze archival images of the GRS 1758-258 field in the optical and near-infrared wavelengths, and compute a new astrometric solution. We also reanalyzed archival radio data of GRS 1758-258 to determine a new and more accurate radio position. Results. Our improved astrometric solution for the GRS 1758-258 field represents a significant advancement on previous works and allows us to identify a single optical/near-infrared source, which we propose as the counterpart of GRS 1758-258. The GTC spectrum of this source is however of low signal-to-noise ratio and does not rule out a Galactic origin. Hence, new spectral observations are required to confirm or discard a Galactic nature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Considerations on Field Methodology for Macrofungi Studies in Fragmented Forests of Mediterranean Agricultural Landscapes

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    The methodology used for the determination of macrofungal diversity in Mediterranean areas differs in the time of sampling and the number of years displayed, making it difficult to compare results. Furthermore, the results could be refuted because the studies are being conducted over an insufficient number of years or without considering the variation of the meteorological conditions from one year to the next and its effects on fruiting time, which might not fit the sampling. In order to optimize field work on fungal fruiting in Mediterranean environments dominated by holm oak (Quercus ilex L.), a weekly field analysis of macrofungal diversity from February 2009 to June 2013 was carried out in a Mediterranean holm oak forest in the middle-west of the Iberian Peninsula. The results revealed that fruiting bodies appeared throughout the year and that there was a delay in autumn fruiting, overlapping with spring. All this seems to indicate that weekly collection throughout the year and for a period of two years could be sufficient to estimate the macrofungal biodiversity of this ecosystem. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Uncertainty quantification and predictability of wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula

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    During recent decades, the use of probabilistic forecasting methods has increased markedly. However, these predictions still need improvement in uncertainty quantification and predictability analysis. For this reason, the main aim of this paper is to develop tools for quantifying uncertainty and predictability of wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula. To achieve this goal, several spread indexes extracted from an ensemble prediction system are defined in this paper. Subsequently, these indexes were evaluated with the aim of selecting the most appropriate for the characterization of uncertainty associated to the forecasting. Selection is based on comparison of the average magnitude of ensemble spread (ES) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). MAPE is estimated by comparing the ensemble mean with wind speed values from different databases. Later, correlation between MAPE and ES was evaluated. Furthermore, probability distribution functions (PDFs) of spread indexes are analyzed to select the index with greater similarity to MAPE PDFs. Then, the spread index selected as optimal is used to carry out a spatiotemporal analysis of model uncertainty in wind forecasting. The results indicate that mountainous regions and the Mediterranean coast are characterized by strong uncertainty, and the spread increases more rapidly in areas affected by strong winds. Finally, a predictability index is proposed for obtaining a tool capable of providing information on whether the predictability is higher or lower than average. The applications developed may be useful in the forecasting of wind potential several days in advance, with substantial importance for estimating wind energy production

    Constraint of the Nuclear Dissipation Coefficient in Fission of Hypernuclei

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    Experimental studies of nuclear fission induced by fusion, transfer, spallation, fragmentation, and electromagnetic reactions in combination with state-of-the-art calculations are successful to investigate the nuclear dissipation mechanism in normal nuclear matter, containing only nucleons. The dissipation mechanism has been widely studied by the use of many different fission observables and nowadays the dissipation coefficients involved in transport theories are well constrained. However, the existence of hypernuclei and the possible presence of hyperons in neutron stars make it necessary to extend the investigation of the nuclear dissipation coefficient to the strangeness sector. In this Letter, we use fission reactions of hypernuclei to constrain for the first time the dissipation coefficient in hypernuclear matter, observing that this coefficient increases a factor of 6 in presence of a single Λ\Lambda-hyperon with respect to normal nuclear matter.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    High spatial resolution optical imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkH{\alpha} 262/LkH{\alpha} 263

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    We report high spatial resolution i' band imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkHα\alpha 262/LkHα\alpha 263 obtained during the first commissioning period of the Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI) at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope, using its Lucky Imaging mode. AOLI images have provided photometry for each of the two components LkHα\alpha 263 A and B (0.41 arcsec separation) and marginal evidence for an unresolved binary or a disc in LkHα\alpha 262. The AOLI data combined with previously available and newly obtained optical and infrared imaging show that the three components of LkHα\alpha 263 are co-moving, that there is orbital motion in the AB pair, and, remarkably, that LkHα\alpha 262-263 is a common proper motion system with less than 1 mas/yr relative motion. We argue that this is a likely five-component gravitationally bounded system. According to BT-settl models the mass of each of the five components is close to 0.4 M_{\odot} and the age is in the range 1-2 Myr. The presence of discs in some of the components offers an interesting opportunity to investigate the formation and evolution of discs in the early stages of multiple very low-mass systems. In particular, we provide tentative evidence that the disc in 263C could be coplanar with the orbit of 263AB.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted 2016 May

    Crustacean Isopods from the oceanographic expedition Fauna I (southern Iberian Peninsula)

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    This paper presents an extensive study on the isopod fauna from the oceanographic expedition Fauna I in the Straits of Gibraltar and the Alborán Sea (southern Iberian Peninsula), during which 871 specimens were collected from 37 samples. These belonged to 34 genera and 55 species; 17 species are new to the Iberian Peninsula: Gnathia dentata (Sars, 1872); G. fallax Monod, 1926; G. oxyuraea (Lilljerborg, 1855); G. venusta Monod, 1925; Alloanthura larwoodi Wägele, 1981; Neohyssura spinicauda (Walker, 1901); Apanthuroides spathulicauda (Wägele, 1981); Aega (Aega) rosacea (Risso, 1816); Syscenus infelix Harger, 1880; Eurydice inermis Hansen, 1890; E. truncata (Norman, 1868); Natatolana borealis (Lilljerborg, 1851); Ceratothoa steindachneri Koelbel, 1878; Joeropsis legrandi Juchault, 1962; Pleurogonium variabile Schiecke and Modigh-Tota, 1976; Arcturinella banyulensis Poisson and Maury, 1931; and Astacilla gorgonophila Monod, 1925. The genus Haliophasma Haswell, 1881 was also reported for first time off the Iberian Peninsula. Another four species were new records for the Iberian Atlantic coast: Nerocila orbignyi (Guërin-Méneville, 1832); Munna limicola Sars, 1886; Astacilla axeli Castelló, 1992; and A. depressa Castelló and Poore, 1998; and five were first records for the Iberian Mediterranean coast: Paranthura nigropunctata (Lucas, 1846); Cirolana cranchii Leach, 1818; Cymodoce rubropunctata (Grube, 1864); Janira alta (Stimpson, 1853); and Arcturina rhomboidalis Koehler, 1911.En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados del estudio de la colección de crustáceos isópodos recogidos durante la campaña oceanográfica Fauna I en el estrecho de Gibraltar y mar de Alborán (sur de la península Ibérica). Los 871 ejemplares de isópodos recogidos en 37 muestras de dicha campaña pertenecen a 34 géneros y 55 especies, 17 de las cuales son primeras citas para la península Ibérica: Gnathia dentata (Sars, 1872); G. fallax Monod, 1926; G. oxyuraea (Lilljerborg, 1855); G. venusta Monod, 1925; Alloanthura larwoodi Wägele, 1981; Neohyssura spinicauda (Walker, 1901); Apanthuroides spathulicauda (Wägele, 1981); Aega (Aega) rosacea (Risso, 1816); Syscenus infelix Harger, 1880; Eurydice inermis Hansen, 1890; E. truncata (Norman, 1868); Natatolana borealis (Lilljerborg, 1851); Ceratothoa steindachneri Koelbel, 1878; Joeropsis legrandi Juchault, 1962; Pleurogonium variabile Schiecke y Modigh-Tota, 1976; Arcturinella banyulensis Poisson y Maury, 1931, y Astacilla gorgonophila Monod, 1925. Asimismo, se cita por primera vez el género Haliophasma Haswell, 1881 para la península Ibérica. Se citan otras cuatro especies por primera vez para el Atlántico ibérico: Nerocila orbignyi (Guërin-Méneville, 1832); Munna limicola Sars, 1886; Astacilla axeli Castelló, 1992, y A. depressa Castelló y Poore, 1998; y otras cinco para el Mediterráneo ibérico: Paranthura nigropunctata (Lucas, 1846); Cirolana cranchii Leach, 1818; Cymodoce rubropunctata (Grube, 1864); Janira alta (Stimpson, 1853), y Arcturina rhomboidalis Koehler, 1911.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Potencial utilización de la termografía infrarroja para la lectura de la IDTB en cabras

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    En este trabajo se pretende estudiar la potencial utilización de la TI (Termografía infrarroja) en la lectura de la IDTB (intradermotuberculinización) en cabras. El análisis de las temperaturas mostró un aumento significativo a las 24h postinoculación de la tuberculina en el conjunto de los individuos, no observándose influencia significativa de la capa de los animales sobre las temperaturas. La comparación de los resultados de ambas técnicas no evidenció asociación significativa.The aim of this experiment is to study the potential use of IT (infrared termography) for measurement of PPD (Purified protein derivate) test in goats. The study of the temperatures showed a significant increase at 24hours post-inoculation of the PPD in the set of all the individuals, not being observed significant influence of the colour of the animals on the temperatures. The comparison of the results from the PPD skin test, and IT did not demonstrate significant association