10,051 research outputs found

    Olivines in angrite LEW 87051: Phenos or xenos

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    Nyquist et al. recently reported the presence of live Mn-53 in angrite LEW 86010 when it crystallized. Hence, melting must have occurred within approx. 10 Ma of the accretion of the angrite parent body, and LEW 86010 is the oldest known differentiated meteorite. This discovery has made it even more desirable to understand teh petrogenesis of angrites, which presumably were all formed at a similar time. As part of the continuing work on angrite petrogenesis, crystallization experiments were conducted on LEW 87051, the other Antarctic angrite, to clarify its petrogenesis. Several aspects of the experimental work is reported. Although the details are not understood, it is clear that the Cr abundance in the experimental olivines must be controlled by spinel crystallization

    A laser spectrometer and wavemeter for pulsed lasers

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    The design, construction, calibration, and evaluation of a pulsed laser wavemeter and spectral analyzer are described. This instrument, called the Laserscope for its oscilloscope-like display of laser spectral structure, was delivered to NASA Langley Research Center as a prototype of a laboratory instrument. The key component is a multibeam Fizeau wedge interferometer, providing high (0.2 pm) spectral resolution and a linear dispersion of spectral information, ideally suited to linear array photodiode detectors. Even operating alone, with the classic order-number ambiguity of interferometers unresolved, this optical element will provide a fast, real-time display of the spectral structure of a laser output. If precise wavelength information is also desired then additional stages must be provided to obtain a wavelength measurement within the order-number uncertainty, i.e., within the free spectral range of the Fizeau wedge interferometer. A Snyder (single-beam Fizeau) wedge is included to provide this initial wavelength measurement. Difficulties in achieving the required wide-spectrum calibration limit the usefulness of this function

    Modular Solutions to Equations of Generalized Halphen Type

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    Solutions to a class of differential systems that generalize the Halphen system are determined in terms of automorphic functions whose groups are commensurable with the modular group. These functions all uniformize Riemann surfaces of genus zero and have qq--series with integral coefficients. Rational maps relating these functions are derived, implying subgroup relations between their automorphism groups, as well as symmetrization maps relating the associated differential systems.Comment: PlainTeX 36gs. (Formula for Hecke operator corrected.

    Effect of period of lactation on milk and quality of butter.

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    During the month of January, 1897, we completed our third experiment with milk from strippers and fresh cows, for butter making. The test for fresh cows’ milk was taken from four that had been milked for a period of sixty-two days from calving. The strippers, seven in number, had been bred for a period of six and a half months, on an average. Special precautions were taken that the milk in no way could become mixed, as one of our men went night and morning to the barns to see the cows milked, and the milk put in its proper place after it was thoroughly aerated. It was then taken to the creamery and kept until it was separated. Both lots of cows were fed on the following rations: To each cow were given daily: Sheaf oats, 8 pounds; clover hay, 6 pounds; corn, 6 pounds; barley meal, 3 pounds; and sugar butts, 5 pounds

    Climatic determinants of the reproductive timing in the Asian house gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus Duméril and Bibron (Gekkonidae)

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    Small ectotherms are strongly affected by their immediate environment and so respond sensitively to climate. The climatic determinants of reproductive timing in a reptile species may, ultimately, determine the geographic range of that species, and these determinants are, thus, of particular interest when the species is invasive. Here we examine climatic correlates of reproductive timing in the invasive asian house gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus, across two sites representing its long-established and recently-introduced range. We collected data on the proportion of gravid females in Darwin, Australia (its introduced range) over two years, and compared that with previously published data from the gecko's long-established range (in Bandung, Java, Indonesia). Our analysis suggests strong site differences in the response of this species' reproductive timing to climate. In both sites, high minimum monthly temperatures were strongly associated with increased numbers of gravid females, but the effects of other variables (maximum temperature and moisture availability) were more site dependent. These site differences may be due to many factors, including plasticity, and evolution, which we are unable to elucidate here. The differences between sites in the response to climatic variables, however, suggests it may be difficult to determine the climatic limits to this species' range based on a simple analysis of climate

    The Evolving Activity of the Dynamically Young Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

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    We used the UltraViolet-Optical Telescope on board Swift to observe the dynamically young comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) from a heliocentric distance of 3.5 AU pre-perihelion until 4.0 AU outbound. At 3.5 AU pre-perihelion, comet Garradd had one of the highest dust-to-gas ratios ever observed, matched only by comet Hale-Bopp. The evolving morphology of the dust in its coma suggests an outburst that ended around 2.2 AU pre-perihelion. Comparing slit-based measurements and observations acquired with larger fields of view indicated that between 3 AU and 2 AU pre-perihelion a significant extended source started producing water in the coma. We demonstrate that this source, which could be due to icy grains, disappeared quickly around perihelion. Water production by the nucleus may be attributed to a constantly active source of at least 75 km2^2, estimated to be more than 20 percent of the surface. Based on our measurements, the comet lost 4x10114x10^{11} kg of ice and dust during this apparition, corresponding to at most a few meters of its surface.Even though this was likely not Garradd's first passage through the inner solar system, the activity of the comet was complex and changed significantly during the time it was observed

    Quantum affine Cartan matrices, Poincare series of binary polyhedral groups, and reflection representations

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    We first review some invariant theoretic results about the finite subgroups of SU(2) in a quick algebraic way by using the McKay correspondence and quantum affine Cartan matrices. By the way it turns out that some parameters (a,b,h;p,q,r) that one usually associates with such a group and hence with a simply-laced Coxeter-Dynkin diagram have a meaningful definition for the non-simply-laced diagrams, too, and as a byproduct we extend Saito's formula for the determinant of the Cartan matrix to all cases. Returning to invariant theory we show that for each irreducible representation i of a binary tetrahedral, octahedral, or icosahedral group one can find a homomorphism into a finite complex reflection group whose defining reflection representation restricts to i.Comment: 19 page

    Synthetic and natural Nakhla pyroxenes: Parent melt composition and REE partition coefficients

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    Nakhla is one of the SNC meteorites, generally believed to be of martian origin. It is composed mainly of cumulus augite, in which primary igneous zoning is apparently preserved, and which serves as a recorder of the composition of Nakhla's parent melt and the conditions under which it crystallized. Knowledge of the composition and petrogenesis of this parent melt may help unravel Nakhla's relationship to the other SNC's, and provide clues to martian petrogenesis in general. This abstract reports new results of an ongoing study in which we are (1) comparing the major and minor element compositions of synthetic pyroxenes crystallized from various proposed parent melt compositions with those in Nakhla pyroxene to constrain the composition of the parent melt, and (2) measuring minor and trace element partition coefficients, particularly those of the REE, in order to obtain the most applicable D values with which to invert the natural pyroxene compositions to obtain the trace element composition of the parent melt. Results suggest that recent estimates of Nakhla's parent melt composition are too aluminous, and that mafic or ultramafic melts are more likely candidates
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