15 research outputs found

    Desafíos políticos de los países de inmigración

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    13 págs.-- Publicado en "Confluencia XXI. Revista de Pensamiento Político" (México), nº 3 (Oct-Dic 2008) bajo el título monográfico "Migrantes: ¿Por qué se van? ¿Por qué se quedan?".Las migraciones, una práctica tan antigua como la propia condición humana, se han convertido en un factor estructural de primer orden, en uno de los macrofenómenos más definitorios de nuestra época y en un complejo reto para las sociedades contemporáneas. En prácticamente todos los países del mundo, todo lo que concierne a este complejo fenómeno ocupa un lugar destacado en la agenda política. La gestión, el control y la integración de los movimientos internacionales de personas se presentan como un policy field de creciente y prioritaria relevancia. No se trata, sin embargo, de una cuestión de mera moda: el número de países implicados de manera significativa en las migraciones internacionales ha aumentado considerablemente, hasta el punto de que resulta realmente difícil encontrar algún Estado que no sea bien un país de inmigración, bien un país de emigración o bien ambas cosas a la vez, cuando no al menos un país de tránsito. No ha de extrañar entonces que la mayoría de los gobiernos haya tomado conciencia de la necesidad de ofrecer una respuesta en términos legales e institucionales a un fenómeno de carácter permanente que puede llegar a alterar la estructura demográfica, social, cultural, económica y laboral de un país. Dada la complejidad de la cuestión, y por cuestiones de economía argumentativa, aquí se abordará de manera fundamental desde la perspectiva de los países receptores, que, por lo demás, es también la adoptada en forma habitual por los países europeos que registran mayor inmigración. Sin embargo, el fenómeno migratorio es fundamentalmente transnacional y tiene fehacientes repercusiones en los países de emigración.Peer reviewe

    The effect of physical exercise on anticancer immunity

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    Regular physical activity is associated with lower cancer incidence and mortality, as well as with a lower rate of tumour recurrence. The epidemiological evidence is supported by preclinical studies in animal models showing that regular exercise delays the progression of cancer, including highly aggressive malignancies. Although the mechanisms underlying the antitumorigenic effects of exercise remain to be defined, an improvement in cancer immunosurveillance is likely important, with different immune cell subtypes stimulated by exercise to infiltrate tumours. There is also evidence that immune cells from blood collected after an exercise bout could be used as adoptive cell therapy for cancer. In this Perspective, we address the importance of muscular activity for maintaining a healthy immune system and discuss the effects of a single bout of exercise (that is, 'acute' exercise) and those of 'regular' exercise (that is, repeated bouts) on anticancer immunity, including tumour infiltrates. We also address the postulated mechanisms and the clinical implications of this emerging area of research. Epidemiological evidence indicates that physical exercise can lower cancer incidence and mortality. This Perspective discusses the importance of muscular activity for maintaining a healthy immune system and the potential mechanisms by which exercise affects anticancer immunity.Wereld Kanker Onderzoek Fonds (WKOF), as part of the World Cancer Research Fund International grant programme (IIG_FULL_2021_007)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS)) and Fondos FEDER (PI18/00139)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS)) and Fondos FEDER (PI20/00645)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP18/00034)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CD21/00138)100.3 Q1 JCR 202216.009 Q1 SJR 2023No data IDR 2022UE

    Exercise intervention in pediatric patients with solid tumors: The Physical Activity in Pediatric Cancer trial

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    The randomized controlled trial ‘Physical Activity in Pediatric Cancer’ (PAPEC) determined the effects of an in-hospital exercise intervention combining aerobic and muscle strength training on pediatric cancer patients with solid tumors undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Methods. Participants were allocated to an exercise (n=24, 17 boys; mean±SEM age 10±1y) or control group (n=25, 18 boys; 11±1y). Training included three sessions/week for 19±2 weeks. Participants were assessed at treatment initiation, termination, and two months after end-treatment. The primary endpoint was muscle strength (as assessed by upper and lower-body five-repetition-maximum (5RM) tests). Secondary endpoints included cardiorespiratory fitness, functional capacity during daily life activities, physical activity, body mass and body mass index, and quality of life. Results. Most sessions were performed in the hospital’s gymnasium. Adherence to the program averaged 68±4% and no major adverse events or health issues were noted. A significant interaction (group*time) effect was found for all 5RM tests. Performance significantly increased after training (leg press: 40% (95% CI=15–41 kg); bench press: 24% (95% CI=6–14 kg); lateral row 25% (95%CI=6–15 kg)), whereas an opposite trend was found in controls. Two-month post values tended to be higher than baseline for leg (P=0.017) and bench press (P=0.014). In contrast, no significant interaction effect was found for any of the secondary endpoints. Conclusion. An in-hospital exercise program for pediatric cancer patients with solid tumors undergoing neoadjuvant treatment increases muscle strength despite the aggressiveness of such therapy. Key words: Cancer, exercise, muscle strength, fitness, quality of life.Cátedra Real Madrid-Universidad Europea (2015/UEM07) and Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias and Fondos Feder (FIS, grant #PI12/00914).4.291 JCR (2017) Q1, 7/81 Sport Sciences2.073 SJR (2017) Q1, 10/285 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, 5/201 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, 7/127 Sports ScienceNo data IDR 2017UE

    Fungal Planet description sheets: 469-557

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Apiognomonia lasiopetali on Lasiopetalum sp., Blastacervulus eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus adesmophloia, Bul- lanockia australis (incl. Bullanockia gen. nov.) on Kingia australis, Caliciopsis eucalypti on Eucalyptus marginata, Celerioriella petrophiles on Petrophile teretifolia, Coleophoma xanthosiae on Xanthosia rotundifolia, Coniothyrium hakeae on Hakea sp., Diatrypella banksiae on Banksia formosa, Disculoides corymbiae on Corymbia calophylla, Elsinoe¿ eelemani on Melaleuca alternifolia, Elsinoe¿ eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus kingsmillii, Elsinoe¿ preissianae on Eucalyptus preissiana, Eucasphaeria rustici on Eucalyptus creta, Hyweljonesia queenslandica (incl. Hyweljonesia gen. nov.) on the cocoon of an unidentified microlepidoptera, Mycodiella eucalypti (incl. Mycodiella gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus diversicolor, Myrtapenidiella sporadicae on Eucalyptus sporadica, Neocrinula xanthorrhoeae (incl. Neocrinula gen. nov.) on Xanthorrhoea sp., Ophiocordyceps nooreniae on dead ant, Phaeosphaeriopsis agava- cearum on Agave sp., Phlogicylindrium mokarei on Eucalyptus sp., Phyllosticta acaciigena on Acacia suaveolens, Pleurophoma acaciae on Acacia glaucoptera, Pyrenochaeta hakeae on Hakea sp., Readeriella lehmannii on Eucalyptus lehmannii, Saccharata banksiae on Banksia grandis, Saccharata daviesiae on Daviesia pachyphylla, Saccharata eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus bigalerita, Saccharata hakeae on Hakea baxteri, Saccharata hakeicola on Hakea victoria, Saccharata lambertiae on Lambertia ericifolia, Saccharata petrophiles on Petrophile sp., Sac- charata petrophilicola on Petrophile fastigiata, Sphaerellopsis hakeae on Hakea sp., and Teichospora kingiae on Kingia australis. Brazil: Adautomilanezia caesalpiniae (incl. Adautomilanezia gen. nov.) on Caesalpina echinata, Arthrophiala arthrospora (incl. Arthrophiala gen. nov.) on Sagittaria montevidensis, Diaporthe caatingaensis (en- dophyte from Tacinga inamoena), Geastrum ishikawae on sandy soil, Geastrum pusillipilosum on soil, Gymnopus pygmaeus on dead leaves and sticks, Inonotus hymenonitens on decayed angiosperm trunk, Pyricularia urashimae on Urochloa brizantha, and Synnemellisia aurantia on Passiflora edulis. Chile: Tubulicrinis australis on Lophosoria quadripinnata. France: Cercophora squamulosa from submerged wood, and Scedosporium cereisporum from fluids of a wastewater treatment plant. Hawaii: Beltraniella acaciae, Dactylaria acaciae, Rhexodenticula acaciae, Rubikia evansii and Torula acaciae (all on Acacia koa). India: Lepidoderma echinosporum on dead semi-woody stems, and Rhodocybe rubrobrunnea from soil. Iran: Talaromyces kabodanensis from hypersaline soil. La Re¿union: Neocordana musarum from leaves of Musa sp. Malaysia: Anungitea eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus grandis × pellita, Camptomeriphila leucaenae (incl. Camptomeriphila gen. nov.) on Leucaena leucocephala, Castanediella communis on Eucalyptus pellita, Eucalyptostroma eucalypti (incl. Eucalyptostroma gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus pellita, Melanco- niella syzygii on Syzygium sp., Mycophilomyces periconiae (incl. Mycophilomyces gen. nov.) as hyperparasite on Periconia on leaves of Albizia falcataria, Synnemadiella eucalypti (incl. Synnemadiella gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus pellita, and Teichospora nephelii on Nephelium lappaceum....Peer Reviewe