1,085 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Adversity Quotient Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Di Sman 09 Pontianak

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    The purpose of this research was to know the influence of Adversity Quotient to the students learning motivation on XI IPS SMAN 09 Pontianak students. The method used in this research was descriptive-quantitative. This is a correlation research. The number of the sample is 54 students. The data was collected by using indirect communication technique (adversity quotient questionnaire and learning motivation-questionnaire), direct communication technique (directive interview) and direct observation technique (directive observation). The result of this research showed that there is the positive influence of the adversity quotient to the learning motivation of the XI IPS students on the economic subject in SMAN 09 Pontianak. It is indicated by the number 4,022 which showed that there is an influence of the independent variable to dependent variable. When it is compared with T table on the significance level of 0,05 at 2,007. So it is greater than T table or 4,002 > 2,007, so Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The magnitude of the influence of adversity quotient on student motivation by 23.7% while the rest influenced by other factors are not described in this study. So the conclusion is the adversity quotient has significant impact on the learning motivation of the students of XI IPS on economic subjects in SMA Negeri 09 Pontianak

    Uji Efek Hepatoprotektor Ekstrak Etanol Daun Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera L.) terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid Plasma Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar yang Diinduksi Parasetamol

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    Latar Belakang : daun lidah buaya (Aloe vera L.) mengandung metabolitsekunder flavonoid yang berfungsi sebagai senyawa antioksidan danmenstimulasi pembentukan GSH (glutation) sehingga memberikan efekhepatoprotektor berupa penurunan kadar MDA. Tujuan : penelitian inibertujuan mengetahui efek hepatoprotektor dan dosis efektif ekstraketanol lidah buaya (Aloe vera L.) pada tikus putih jantan galur Wistardibandingkan kurkuma melalui indikator MDA (Malondialdehid).Metodologi: penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimentalrancang acak lengkap (RAL) dengan desain pretest dan posttest.Sebanyak 30 ekor tikus putih jantan galur wistar dibagi secara acak kedalam 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kontrol negatif (parasetamol180mg/200gBB), kontrol positif (kurkuma), dosis I (1000 mg/kgBB), dosisII (2000 mg/kgBB), dosis III (4000 mg/kgBB) yang diinduksi parasetamolsatu jam kemudian selama 7 hari. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Onewayanova yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Post-Hoc LSD. Hasil :Berdasarkan skrining fitokimia ekstrak etanol lidah buaya (Aloe vera)mengandung flavonoid, alkaloid, tanin, saponin, dan steroid. Hasil analisamenunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada rata-rata kadar MDAkelompok kontrol negatif dan positif dengan kelompok dosis I, II, dan IIIekstrak etanol lidah buaya (Aloe vera L.) (p<0,05) pada pengukuran kadarMDA setelah perlakuan (posttest). Dosis efektif yang didapatkan adalah4000 mg/kgBB. Kesimpulan : Ekstrak etanol lidah buaya (Aloe vera L.)memiliki efek hepatoprotektor berupa penurunan kadar yang lebih baikdibandingkan kurkuma sebagai kontrol positif pada dosis 4000 mg/kgB

    Dilema Pendidikan dan Pendapatan di Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Education is very important aspect in living standard improvement process.Thats believed by most of parents. Most of them have a great effort and struggle to provide a good education for their children. Article 31 UUD 1945 regulated the importance of education for the citizens of the Republic of Indonesia firmly. The government also has an obligation to provide education budget for the Indonesian people. The quetion is great sacrifice of parents and governments that provide funding for education is comparable to that expected. Based on research using two different test average with Susenas data source in 2013 showed that in Grobogan Regency, level of education have a relationship with income levels. Education is one of the variables that have relation with income level and social status level in society. This is relevant with previous studies that have been conducted by researchers and academics

    Optimasi Lapangan β€œX” dengan Menggunakan Simulasi Reservoir

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    Reservoir padaLapangan X Blok 4 merupakan lapangan yang terletak di Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara,Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Studi simulasi reservoir dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai factor perolehan gasterbesar pada masing – masing scenario prediksi produksi yang akan dibuat. dengan meletakkanbeberapa sumur baru pada setiap scenario prediksi terlihat perbedaan kumulatif produksi minyakyang didapatkan serta factor perolehan minyaknya.Tahap proses history matching dilakukan denganmelakukan penyelaraskan performance model dengan data sejarah produksi lapangan sehinggamodel dapat dianggap mewakili dengan kondisi reservoir yang sebenarnya. Tahapan selanjutnyayang dilakukan setelah proses history matching adalah tahapan scenario prediksi. Terdapa tempatscenario prediksi yang dilakukan untuk Lapangan X Blok 4 adalah scenario pertama (basecase),scenario kedua (basecase+ reopening 2 well), scenario ketiga (basecase+ reopening 5 well),scenario keempat (basecase+ reopening 5 well + 1 additional well). Hasil prediksi kumulatif produksiLapangan X Blok 4 untuk scenario pertama, scenario kedua, scenario ketiga dan scenario keempatberturut-turut sebesar 1422 MMSCF, 2928 MMSCF, 2985 MMSCF, 2619 MMSCF, dengan RFberturut-turut sebesar 44.58 %, 91.73 %, 93.52 % , 82.05 %

    Fundamental formulae for wave-energy conversion.

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    The time-average wave power that is absorbed from an incident wave by means of a wave-energy conversion (WEC) unit, or by an array of WEC units-i.e. oscillating immersed bodies and/or oscillating water columns (OWCs)-may be mathematically expressed in terms of the WEC units' complex oscillation amplitudes, or in terms of the generated outgoing (diffracted plus radiated) waves, or alternatively, in terms of the radiated waves alone. Following recent controversy, the corresponding three optional expressions are derived, compared and discussed in this paper. They all provide the correct time-average absorbed power. However, only the first-mentioned expression is applicable to quantify the instantaneous absorbed wave power and the associated reactive power. In this connection, new formulae are derived that relate the 'added-mass' matrix, as well as a couple of additional reactive radiation-parameter matrices, to the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy in the water surrounding the immersed oscillating WEC array. Further, a complex collective oscillation amplitude is introduced, which makes it possible to derive, by a very simple algebraic method, various simple expressions for the maximum time-average wave power that may be absorbed by the WEC array. The real-valued time-average absorbed power is illustrated as an axisymmetric paraboloid defined on the complex collective-amplitude plane. This is a simple illustration of the so-called 'fundamental theorem for wave power'. Finally, the paper also presents a new derivation that extends a recently published result on the direction-average maximum absorbed wave power to cases where the WEC array's radiation damping matrix may be singular and where the WEC array may contain OWCs in addition to oscillating bodies

    Perwujudan/Implementasi Konsep Interaksi Aerotropolis Berbasis Tata Ruang di Indonesia

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    Banyak kegiatan USAha atau jasa komersial di sekitar kawasan bandar udara menjadi dasar terbentuknya konsep/model kota bandara (airport city) yang merupakan embrio terbentuknya konsep aerotropolis. Konsep ini berkembang secara organik dan dimulai dari bandar udara itu sendiri, dimana bandar udara tak hanya sebatas sebagai pendukung kegiatan penerbangan. Lebih dari itu, ada berbagai jenis kegiatan bisnis lainnya, sehingga bandar udara dan wilayah sekitarnya merupakan kawasan komersial yang terintegrasi. Prinsip perencanaan aerotropolis meliputi struktur ruang wilayah, jarak, zonasi, tata guna lahan, Peruntukan utama fungsi kawasan, penyediaan kawasan bisnis, integrasi, dan konektivitas. Dalam perencanaan aerotropolis diperlukan upaya koordinasi dengan para pihak untuk pengembangan terhadap tata guna lahan di sekitar bandar udara. Pendekatan konsep yang ditawarkan sebagai implementasi pengembangan aerotropolis adalah menyelaraskan konsep Aerotropolis ke dalam Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) dan Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) Daerah; mengusulkan regulasi pendukung dari Pemerintah Daerah ke Pemerintah Pusat dalam bentuk Peraturan Presiden mengenai Pengembangan Kawasan Aerotropolis sebagai payung hukumnya; membentuk Badan Hukum Pengelola Kawasan Aerotropolis dalam rangka pelayanan satu pintu manajemen bersama-sama dengan para pemangku kepentingan. [Implementation of Aerotropolis Interaction Concept Based Spatial in Indonesia] Many business activities or commercial services that are involved around the airport serve as the basis of the concept/model of airport city formation which is later become the embryo of the aerotropolis concept. This concept evolved organically and is started from the airport itself, where the airport is not only limited as a proponent of aviation activity. Moreover, there are various kinds of other business activities, so that the airport and the surrounding area constitute as an integrated commercial area. The principle of an aerotropolis planning includes the spatial structure, distance, zoning, land-use, area function main designation, providing business district, integration, and connectivity. The aerotropolis planning requires the coordination efforts from all stakeholders for the development of the land-use around the airport. The approach concepts that are offered as the implementation of aerotropolis development are aligning the concept of aerotropolis into the regional Spatial Plan and Detailed Spatial Plan; proposing the supporting regulations from Local Governments to Central Government in the form of Presidential Regulation as the legal aspect in regard to the development of aerotropolis region; forming the legal entity for managing aerotropolis area in order to serve the users and form the joint management together with the stakeholders

    Penampil Matriks Titik 5x7 Bergerak Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega 8535

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    Telah dibuat penampil matriks titik 5 Γ— 7 berbasis mikrokontroler ATMega8535. Data yang ditampilkan ke layar disimpan dan diolah melalui mikrokontroler ATMega8535. Metode scanning digunakan pada matriks titik ordo 5 Γ— 7 untuk menampilkan efek animasi dan karakter berjalan. Papan penampil matriks titik ordo 5 Γ— 7 mampu menampilkan efek animasi dan karakter berjalan dengan baik tanpa adanya flicker maupun ghosting pada waktu tunda optimal sebesar 0,000463 detik
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