177 research outputs found

    Structural characterization of decomposition in rate-insensitive stochastic Petri nets

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    This paper focuses on stochastic Petri nets that have an equilibrium distribution that is a product form over the number of tokens at the places. We formulate a decomposition result for the class of nets that have a product form solution irrespective of the values of the transition rates. These nets where algebraically characterized by Haddad et al.~as SΠ2S\Pi^2 nets. By providing an intuitive interpretation of this algebraical characterization, and associating state machines to sets of TT-invariants, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between the marking of the original places and the places of the added state machines. This enables us to show that the subclass of stochastic Petri nets under study can be decomposed into subnets that are identified by sets of its TT-invariants

    Taxonomic classification of planning decisions in health care: a review of the state of the art in OR/MS

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    We provide a structured overview of the typical decisions to be made in resource capacity planning and control in health care, and a review of relevant OR/MS articles for each planning decision. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, to position the planning decisions, a taxonomy is presented. This taxonomy provides health care managers and OR/MS researchers with a method to identify, break down and classify planning and control decisions. Second, following the taxonomy, for six health care services, we provide an exhaustive specification of planning and control decisions in resource capacity planning and control. For each planning and control decision, we structurally review the key OR/MS articles and the OR/MS methods and techniques that are applied in the literature to support decision making

    A <i>P</i>- and <i>T</i>-invariant characterization of product form and decomposition in stochastic Petri nets

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    Structural product form and decomposition results for stochastic Petri nets are surveyed,unifed and extended. The contribution is threefold. First, the literature on structural results for product form over the number of tokens at the places is surveyed and rephrased completely in terms of T-invariants. Second, based on the underlying concept of group-local-balance, the product form results for stochastic Petri nets are demarcated and an intuitive explanation is provided of these results based on T-invariants, only. Third, a decomposition result is provided that is completely formulated in terms of both T-invariants and P-invariants

    The role of interfacial energy in zeolite synthesis

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    The thermodn. factors playing a role in the crystn. of Si-rich zeolites are discussed. The Ostwald ripening model for nucleation and the Ostwald law of successive transformations make it possible to describe the kinetic phenomena in terms of the relative stability of the intermediate phases. The contribution of the interfacial free energy between the large internal surface area in the micropores and the intracryst. liquor to the chem. potential of the zeolitic material plays a crucial role. A model for the elementary steps occurring in pentasil zeolite formation is propose

    Designing cyclic appointment schedules for outpatient clinics with scheduled and unscheduled patient arrivals

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    We present a methodology to design appointment systems for outpatient clinics and diagnostic facilities that offer both walk-in and scheduled service. The developed blueprint for the appointment schedule prescribes the number of appointments to plan per day and the moment on the day to schedule the appointments. The method consists of two models that are linked by an algorithm; one for the day process that governs scheduled and unscheduled arrivals on the day and one for the access process of scheduled arrivals. Appointment schedules that balance the waiting time at the facility for unscheduled patients and the access time for scheduled patients, are calculated iteratively using the outcomes of the two models. The method is of general nature and can therefore also be applied to scheduling problems in other sectors than health care

    Genotyping of Giardia in Dutch patients and animals: a phylogenetic analysis of human and animal isolates.

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    Giardia duodenalis (syn. Giardia lamblia, Giardia intestinalis) is a protozoan organism that can infect the intestinal tract of many animal species including mammals. Genetic heterogeneity of G. duodenalis is well described but the zoonotic potential is still not clear. In this study, we analysed 100 Giardia DNA samples directly isolated from human stool specimens, to get more insight in the different G. duodenalis assemblages present in the Dutch human population. Results showed that these human isolates could be divided into two main Assemblages A and B within the G. duodenalis group on the basis of PCR assays specific for the Assemblages A and B and the DNA sequences of 18S ribosomal RNA and the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) genes. Genotyping results showed that G. duodenalis isolates originating from Dutch human patients belonged in 35% of the cases to Assemblage A (34/98) and in 65% of the cases to Assemblage B (64/98) whereas two human cases remained negative in all assays tested. In addition, we compared these human samples with animal samples from the Netherlands and human and animal samples from other countries. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out on the DNA sequences obtained from these Giardia and those available in GenBank. Using gdh DNA sequence analysis, human and animal Assemblage A and B Giardia isolates could be identified. However, phylogenetic analysis revealed different sub-clustering for human and animal isolates where host-species-specific assemblages (C, D, E, F and G) could be identified. The geographic origin of the human and animal samples was not a discriminating factor

    Gastroenteritis in sentinel general practices,The Netherlands.

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    From 1996 to 1999, the incidence of gastroenteritis in general practices and the role of a broad range of pathogens in the Netherlands were studied. All patients with gastroenteritis who had visited a general practitioner were reported. All patients who had visited a general practitioner for gastroenteritis (cases) and an equal number of patients visiting for nongastrointestinal symptoms (controls) were invited to participate in a case-control study. The incidence of gastroenteritis was 79.7 per 10,000 person years. Campylobacter was detected most frequently (10% of cases), followed by Giardia lamblia (5%), rotavirus (5%), Norwalk-like viruses (5%) and Salmonella (4%). Our study found that in the Netherlands (population 15.6 million), an estimated 128,000 persons each year consult their general practitioner for gastroenteritis, slightly less than in a comparable study in 1992 to 1993. A pathogen could be detected in almost 40% of patients (bacteria 16%, viruses 15%, parasites 8%)


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    The volume of geological structures is often calculated by using the definite integral. Though in some cases the integral can be solved analytically, in practice we usually approximate its value by numerical integration techniques. The application of definite integral in volume calculation is illustrated by two examples. The volume of Mount Fuji, the world-known “conic” geomorphological structure, is calculated by analytical integration. Two basic numerical integration methods, that is, the trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule are applied to subsurface hydrocarbon reservoir volume calculation, where irregular anticline is approximated by a frustum of a right circular cone.Pri izračunavanju volumena geoloških struktura često se koristi određeni integral. Iako se u nekim slučajevima integral može riješiti analitički, u praksi se njegova vrijednost obično procjenjuje koristeći tehnike numeričke integracije. Primjena određenog integrala u izračunavanju volumena ilustrirana je dvama primjerima. Volumen planine Fuji, koja je svjetski poznati geomorfološki primjer “stožaste” strukture, izračunat je analitičkom integracijom. Dvije temeljne metode numeričkog integriranja, tj. trapezno i Simpsonovo pravilo, primijenjene su na izračun volumena ležišta ugljikovodika, gdje je struktura nepravilne antiklinale aproksimirana pravilnim krnjim stošcem