438 research outputs found

    Batur pendopo panataran

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    Penelitian atas Candi Panataran yang pertama dilakukan oleh seorang ahli ilmu alam yang bernama Horsfield. Ia berkunjung ke Candi itu pada permulaan abad ke-I9. Uraiannya dimuat dalam History of Java , buku Th . S. Raffles. Di karangannya disebutkannya juga Pendopo Panataran

    Supplementary health insurance in Finland : Consumer preferences and behaviour.

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    This nationally representative questionnaire survey provides insight into the demographics, motivations and behaviour of consumers opting for supplementary health insurance (SHI), and the impact of SHI on consumer utilisation of healthcare services. The data was collected from a combination of online and paper-based surveys (N = 1,620, response rate 41%) in October 2013 – January 2014. The questionnaire covers both adult and children’s SHI. The data comprises information on respondents’ socio-economics, health insurance, motivations for purchasing (or not purchasing) SHI and utilisation of healthcare services. We analyse 1) the current utilisation of and trends in SHI, 2) the preferences and motivations of Finnish consumers in opting for SHI in relation to their background characteristics, and 3) the consequences of SHI on primary healthcare service utilisation. A total of 22.7% of Finnish adults and 52.0% of children had SHI. The reasons for purchasing SHI were faster access, wider choice, better quality and willingness to use private healthcare (PRH) services. For adults, labour market position, level of education, better health and household income were significantly associated with SHI. For children, the most important factor associated with purchasing insurance seems to be the educational level of the (responding) parent. There was a significant interdependence between parents' and children’s SHI. For adults, the insurance decreases the probability they will choose a public provider and increases the utilisation of private services. For children, the insurance increases the probability of choosing a private provider. The SHI decreases the utilisation of public services for adults and increases the utilisation of private services. For children, there seems to be no effect on the utilisation of public services, but a significant increase in the utilisation of private services. Also the mode of purchase, i.e. self-purchased or employer-purchased, seems to influence healthcare utilisation in the working population. Self-purchased SHI increases the utilisation of private services, but employer-purchased SHI has no impact on healthcare utilisation. Tällä väestöä edustavaan otokseen perustuvalla tutkimuksella selvitetään vakuutusten hankkimisen sosio-demografiaa, kansalaisten motivaatioita, käyttäytymistä ja vakuutusten vaikutusta terveyspalvelusten käyttöön. Aineisto on koottu yhdistetyllä verkko- ja paperilomakekyselyllä (N = 1 620, vastausprosentti oli 41 %) lokakuun 2013 ja tammikuun 2014 välisenä aikana. Tutkimus kattaa sekä aikuisten että heidän lastensa terveyteen liittyvät vakuutukset. Aineisto sisältää tietoja vastaajien sosio-ekonomisesta asemasta, terveysvakuutuksista, vakuutuksen valinnan (tai valitsematta jättämisen) motiiveista, vakuutuksen käytöstä ja vaikutuksesta terveyspalvelujen käyttöön. Selvitämme tässä tutkimuksessa; 1) terveysvakuutusten määrää ja niiden käytön trendejä, 2) kansalaisten preferenssejä ja motiiveja vakuutusten hankinnassa ja 3) vakuutusten seurauksia terveyspalvelujen käytössä. Suomalaisista aikuisista 22,7 %:lla ja lapsiperheistä 52,0 %:lla on yksityinen terveysvakuutus. Syyt vakuutuksen hankintaan ovat nopea hoitoon pääsy, laajempi palveluvalikoima ja koettu yksityisten palvelujen parempi laatu. Aikuisten vakuutuksen valintaa selittävät työmarkkina-asema, koulutustaso ja kotitalouden tulot. Aikuisilla vakuutuksen omaajilla on parempi terveydentila kuin ilman vakuutusta olevilla. Aikuisten ja lasten vakuutukset keskittyvät samoihin kotitalouksiin. Lasten vakuutusten valintaa selittää ensisijaisesti vanhemman koulutus. Aikuisten ja lasten vakuuttamista selittävät täten hieman erilaiset seikat. Vakuutus selittää terveyspalvelujen tuottajan valintaa ja palvelujen käytettyä määrää. Vakuutus näyttää johtavan yksityisten palvelujen käyttöön ja lisääntyneeseen palvelukäyttöön erityisesti lapsilla. Aikuisilla vakuutus vähentää julkisen ja lisää yksityisen palveluntuottajan valinnan todennäköisyyttä. Lapsilla taas vakuutus lisää yksityisen tuottajan valinnan todennäköisyyttä. Vakuutus vähentää aikuisilla julkisten ja lisää yksityisen palvelujen käytettyä määrää. Lapsilla julkisten palvelujen käyttö ei vähene, mutta yksityisten palvelujen käyttö lisääntyy. Myös vakuutuksen hankinnan tavalla on yhteys palvelujen käyttöön. Työssäkäyvien aikuisten itse hankkima vakuutus tuottaa lisäyksen yksityisten palvelujen käytetyssä määrässä, mutta työnantajan hankkima vakuutus ei ole yhteydessä julkisten, yksityisten tai työterveyshuollon palvelujen käytettyyn määrään

    Budget impact analysis of cervical cancer screening in Portugal: comparison of cytology and primary HPV screening strategies

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    BACKGROUND: Primary Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) testing is the currently recommended cervical cancer (CxCa) screening strategy by the Portuguese Society of Gynecology (SPG) clinical consensus. However, primary HPV testing has not yet been adopted by the Portuguese organized screening programs. This modelling study compares clinical benefits and costs of replacing the current practice, namely cytology with ASCUS HPV triage, with 2 comparative strategies: 1) HPV (pooled) test with cytology triage, or 2) HPV test with 16/18 genotyping and cytology triage, in organized CxCa screenings in Portugal. METHODS: A budget impact model compares screening performance, clinical outcomes and budget impact of the 3 screening strategies. A hypothetical cohort of 2,078,039 Portuguese women aged 25-64 years old women is followed for two screening cycles. Screening intervals are 3 years for cytology and 5 years for the HPV strategies. Model inputs include epidemiological, test performance and medical cost data. Clinical impacts are assessed with the numbers of CIN2-3 and CxCa detected. Annual costs, budget impact and cost of detecting one CIN2+ were calculated from a public healthcare payer's perspective. RESULTS: HPV testing with HPV16/18 genotyping and cytology triage (comparator 2) shows the best clinical outcomes at the same cost as comparator 1 and is the most cost-effective CxCa screening strategy in the Portuguese context. Compared to screening with cytology, it would reduce annual CxCa incidence from 9.3 to 5.3 per 100,000, and CxCa mortality from 2.7 to 1.1 per 100,000. Further, it generates substantial cost savings by reducing the annual costs by €9.16 million (- 24%). The cost of detecting CIN2+ decreases from the current €15,845 to €12,795. On the other hand, HPV (pooled) test with cytology triage (comparator 1) reduces annual incidence of CxCa to 6.9 per 100,000 and CxCa mortality to 1.6 per 100,000, with a cost of €13,227 per CIN2+ detected with annual savings of €9.36 million (- 24%). The savings are mainly caused by increasing the length of routine screening intervals from three to five years. CONCLUSION: The results support current clinical recommendations to replace cytology with HPV with 16/18 genotyping with cytology triage as screening algorithm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Feasibility of a Pulsed Ponderomotive Phase Plate for Electron Beams

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    We propose a scheme for constructing a phase plate for use in an ultrafast Zernike-type phase contrast electron microscope, based on the interaction of the electron beam with a strongly focused, high-power femtosecond laser pulse and a pulsed electron beam. Analytical expressions for the phase shift using the time-averaged ponderomotive potential and a paraxial approximation for the focused laser beam are presented, as well as more rigorous quasiclassical simulations based on the quantum phase integral along classical, relativistic electron trajectories in an accurate, non-paraxial description of the laser beam. The results are shown to agree well unless the laser beam is focused to a waist size below a wavelength. For realistic (off-the-shelf) laser parameters the optimum phase shift of π/2-\pi/2 is shown to be achievable. When combined with RF-cavity based electron chopping and compression techniques to produce electron pulses, a femtosecond regime pulsed phase contrast microscope can be constructed. The feasibility and robustness of the scheme are further investigated using the simulations, leading to motivated choices for design parameters such as wavelength, focus size and polarization.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Investment case for two-year post university speciality training in family medicine in Tajikistan: how much is needed for continuing and scaling up the improved education of family doctors?

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    Background: A new two-year Post University Specialty Training (PUST) programme in family medicine was introduced to improve the quality of postgraduate speciality medical education in Tajikistan. Postgraduate education of family doctors (FDs) needs to be urgently scaled up, as 38% of FD positions in Tajikistan remained unfilled in 2018. Moreover, the international financial support for the PUST programme is ending. This investment case assesses the minimum funding needed for the continuation and scale-up of PUST and establishes the rationale for the investment in the light of a recent evaluation. Methods: The costs of the programme were calculated for 2018 and a scale-up forecast made for the period 2019-2023. The impact of the scale-up on the shortage of FDs was assessed. An evaluation using a Multiple Choice Questionnaire and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) assessed and compared theoretical knowledge, clinical skills and competencies of PUST trained and conventionally trained FDs. Results: The annual costs of the programme were US228,000in2018.ThetotalinvestmentneededforscalingupPUSTfrom31newFDsin2018to100FDgraduateseachyearby2023wasUS 228,000 in 2018. The total investment needed for scaling up PUST from 31 new FDs in 2018 to 100 FD graduates each year by 2023 was US 802,000.However, when the retirement of FDs and population growth are considered, the scale-up will result only in maintaining the current level of FDs working and not solve the country's FD shortage. The PUST FDs demonstrated significantly better clinical skills than the conventionally trained interns, scoring 60 and 45% of OSCE points, respectively. Theoretical knowledge showed a similar trend; PUST FDs answered 44% and interns 38% of the questions correctly. Conclusions: The two-year PUST programme has clearly demonstrated it produces better skilled family doctors than the conventional one-year internship, albeit some enduring quality concerns do still prevail. The discontinuation of international support for PUST would be a major setback and risks potentially losing the benefits of the programme for family medicine and also other specialities. To guarantee the supply of adequately trained FDs and address the FD shortage, the PUST should be continued and scaled up. Therefore, it is essential that international support is extended and a gradual transition to sustainable national financing gets underway

    This Other Eden: Exploring a Sense of Place in Twentieth-Century Reconstructions of Australian Childhoods

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    This thesis explores the sense of place formed during childhood, as remembered by adult Australians who reconstruct their youth through various forms of life writing. While Australian writers do utilize traditional tropes of Western autobiography, such as the mythology of Eden and the Wordsworthian image of the child communing with Nature, these themes are frequently transformed to meet a uniquely Australian context. Isolation and distance from Europe, and the apparent indifference of our landscape towards white settlement, have received much critical attention in Australian studies generally and, indeed, broadly influence the formation of children’s sense of place across the continent. However, writers are also concerned with the role of place on a more local level. Through a comparison of writing from Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria, this thesis explores regional landscape preoccupations that create an awareness of local identity, variously contributing to or frustrating the child’s sense of belonging. Western Australian writing is dominated by images of isolation, the fragility of white settlement in a dry land lacking fresh water, and a pervasive beach culture. A strong sense of the littoral pervades writing from this region. Queensland’s frontier mythology is of a different flavour: warm and tropical, nature here is exuberant, constantly threatening to overwhelm culture, already perceived as transient due to the flimsy aspect of the “Queenslander” house. Writing from Victoria, to some extent, tends to more closely follow English models, juxtaposing country and city environments, although there is a distinctly local flavour to many representations of urban Melbourne and its flat, grid-like organization. As Australian society becomes more concentrated on the coastal fringe, the beach is an increasingly significant environment. Though more prominent in writing from some regions than others, coastal imagery broadly reflects the modern Australian’s sense of inhabiting a liminal zone with negotiable boundaries

    Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism in the Netherlands: Cognitive and motor outcome at 10 years of age

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    Contains fulltext : 35300.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)CONTEXT: Patients with thyroidal congenital hypothyroidism (CH-T) born in The Netherlands in 1981-1982 showed persistent intellectual and motor deficits during childhood and adulthood, despite initiation of T(4) supplementation at a median age of 28 d after birth. OBJECTIVE: The present study examined whether advancement of treatment initiation to 20 d had resulted in improved cognitive and motor outcome. DESIGN/SETTING/PATIENTS: In 82 Dutch CH-T patients, born in 1992 to 1993 and treated at a median age of 20 d (mean, 22 d; range, 2-73 d), cognitive and motor outcome was assessed (mean age, 10.5 yr; range, 9.6-11.4 yr). Severity of CH-T was classified according to pretreatment free T(4) concentration. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Cognitive and motor outcome of the 1992-1993 cohort in comparison to the 1981 to 1982 cohort was the main outcome measure. RESULTS: Patients with severe CH-T had lower full-scale (93.7), verbal (94.9), and performance (93.9) IQ scores than the normative population (P < 0.05), whereas IQ scores of patients with moderate and mild CH-T were comparable to those of the normative population. In all three severity subgroups, significant motor problems were observed, most pronounced in the severe CH-T group. No correlations were found between starting day of treatment and IQ or motor outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Essentially, findings from the 1992-1993 cohort were similar to those of the 1981-1982 cohort. Apparently, advancing initiation of T(4) supplementation from 28 to 20 d after birth did not result in improved cognitive or motor outcome in CH-T patients

    Mutations in <i>N</i>-acetylglucosamine (<i>O</i>-GlcNAc) transferase in patients with X-linked intellectual disability

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    Contains fulltext : 177227.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)N-Acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) transferase (OGT) regulates protein O-GlcNAcylation, an essential and dynamic post-translational modification. The O-GlcNAc modification is present on numerous nuclear and cytosolic proteins and has been implicated in essential cellular functions such as signaling and gene expression. Accordingly, altered levels of protein O-GlcNAcylation have been associated with developmental defects and neurodegeneration. However, mutations in the OGT gene have not yet been functionally confirmed in humans. Here, we report on two hemizygous mutations in OGT in individuals with X-linked intellectual disability (XLID) and dysmorphic features: one missense mutation (p.Arg284Pro) and one mutation leading to a splicing defect (c.463-6T>G). Both mutations reside in the tetratricopeptide repeats of OGT that are essential for substrate recognition. We observed slightly reduced levels of OGT protein and reduced levels of its opposing enzyme O-GlcNAcase in both patient-derived fibroblasts, but global O-GlcNAc levels appeared to be unaffected. Our data suggest that mutant cells attempt to maintain global O-GlcNAcylation by down-regulating O-GlcNAcase expression. We also found that the c.463-6T>G mutation leads to aberrant mRNA splicing, but no stable truncated protein was detected in the corresponding patient-derived fibroblasts. Recombinant OGT bearing the p.Arg284Pro mutation was prone to unfolding and exhibited reduced glycosylation activity against a complex array of glycosylation substrates and proteolytic processing of the transcription factor host cell factor 1, which is also encoded by an XLID-associated gene. We conclude that defects in O-GlcNAc homeostasis and host cell factor 1 proteolysis may play roles in mediation of XLID in individuals with OGT mutations

    27874 Correlation of itch response to roflumilast cream with disease severity and patient-reported outcomes in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis

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    Roflumilast cream is a nonsteroidal, selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor in development for plaque psoriasis (PsO). A Phase 2b, double-blinded trial randomized adults with PsO (2-20% body surface area) to once daily roflumilast 0.3%, roflumilast 0.15%, or vehicle for 12 weeks (NCT03638258). Throughout the trial, itch and its impact were evaluated via patient reported outcomes (PROs): Worst Itch Numeric Rating Scale (WI–NRS), Itch related Sleep Loss (IRSL), and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). This posthoc analysis reports correlation of WI–NRS with other PROs and with disease severity. Overall, 331 patients were randomized (109 to roflumilast 0.3%, 113 to 0.15%, and 109 to vehicle). At baseline, the mean WI–NRS score was 5.87. Throughout the trial, both roflumilast doses showed similar improvements in WI–NRS starting at Week 2 and were significantly superior to vehicle (P ≤.002). At baseline, Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs) for WI–NRS and Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) were 0.189, 0.282, 0.205 for roflumilast 0.3%, roflumilast 0.15%, and vehicle, respectively (P ≤.033 for all correlations); for WI–NRS and IRSL: 0.548, 0.646, 0.652 (P ˂.001); for WI–NRS and DLQI: 0.445, 0.617, 0.422 (P ˂.001). At Week 8, PCCs for WI–NRS and PASI were 0.420, 0.409, 0.365 (P ˂.001); for WI–NRS and IRSL: 0.673, 0.725, 0.696 (P ˂.001); for WI–NRS and DLQI: 0.607, 0.823, 0.529. Treatment with roflumilast resulted in rapid and robust improvement in the severity of itch associated with PsO. Itch response to roflumilast was independent of disease severity and positively correlated with patient-reported sleep loss and quality of life improvement