1,903 research outputs found

    From Group Recommendations to Group Formation

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    There has been significant recent interest in the area of group recommendations, where, given groups of users of a recommender system, one wants to recommend top-k items to a group that maximize the satisfaction of the group members, according to a chosen semantics of group satisfaction. Examples semantics of satisfaction of a recommended itemset to a group include the so-called least misery (LM) and aggregate voting (AV). We consider the complementary problem of how to form groups such that the users in the formed groups are most satisfied with the suggested top-k recommendations. We assume that the recommendations will be generated according to one of the two group recommendation semantics - LM or AV. Rather than assuming groups are given, or rely on ad hoc group formation dynamics, our framework allows a strategic approach for forming groups of users in order to maximize satisfaction. We show that the problem is NP-hard to solve optimally under both semantics. Furthermore, we develop two efficient algorithms for group formation under LM and show that they achieve bounded absolute error. We develop efficient heuristic algorithms for group formation under AV. We validate our results and demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of our group formation algorithms on two large real data sets.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figure

    On Dust Extinction of Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies

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    Although it is well recognized that gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows are obscured and reddened by dust in their host galaxies, the wavelength-dependence and quantity of dust extinction are still poorly known. Current studies on this mostly rely on fitting the afterglow spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with template extinction models. The inferred extinction (both quantity and wavelength-dependence) and dust-to-gas ratios are often in disagreement with that obtained from dust depletion and X-ray spectroscopy studies. We argue that this discrepancy could result from the prior assumption of a template extinction law. We propose an analytical formula to approximate the GRB host extinction law. With the template extinction laws self-contained, and the capability of revealing extinction laws differing from the conventional ones, it is shown that this is a powerful approach in modeling the afterglow SEDs to derive GRB host extinction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; The Astrophysical Journal, in press (2008 Oct 1 issue

    The environment of the SN-less GRB 111005A at z = 0.0133

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    The collapsar model has proved highly successful in explaining the properties of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), with the most direct confirmation being the detection of a supernova (SN) coincident with the majority of nearby long GRBs. Within this model, a long GRB is produced by the core-collapse of a metal-poor, rapidly rotating, massive star. The detection of some long GRBs in metal-rich environments, and more fundamentally the three examples of long GRBs (GRB 060505, GRB 060614 and GRB 111005A) with no coincident SN detection down to very deep limits is in strong contention with theoretical expectations. In this paper we present MUSE observations of the host galaxy of GRB 111005A, which is the most recent and compelling example yet of a SN-less, long GRB. At z=0.01326, GRB 111005A is the third closest GRB ever detected, and second closest long duration GRB, enabling the nearby environment to be studied at a resolution of 270 pc. From the analysis of the MUSE data cube, we find GRB 111005A to have occurred within a metal-rich environment with little signs of ongoing star formation. Spectral analysis at the position of the GRB indicates the presence of an old stellar population (tau > 10 Myr), which limits the mass of the GRB progenitor to M_ZAMS<15 Msolar, in direct conflict with the collapsar model. Our deep limits on the presence of any SN emission combined with the environmental conditions at the position of GRB 111005A necessitate the exploration of a novel long GRB formation mechanism that is unrelated to massive stars.Comment: Now accepted by A&A. Manuscript replaced to match accepted version. Some additional discussion added, and velocity map of the host galaxy now include

    GRB afterglow light curves in the pre-Swift era - a statistical study

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    We present the results of a systematic analysis of the world sample of optical/near-infrared afterglow light curves observed in the pre-Swift era by the end of 2004. After selecting the best observed 16 afterglows with well-sampled light curves that can be described by a Beuermann equation, we explore the parameter space of the light curve parameters and physical quantities related to them. In addition, we search for correlations between these parameters and the corresponding gamma-ray data, and we use our data set to look for a fine structure in the light curves.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; Version 2: minor changes, one figure adde

    A Novel Capacitive Transducer Based on a Simple Resonant Circuit

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    A novel room temperature capacitive transducer is described, which offers unparalleled signal to noise ratio for detecting small relative changes in capacitance, outperforming the best capacitance bridges. The transducer uses a simple resonant circuit, fashioned from a discrete inductor with small dissipation resonating with the capacitor acting as the sensor, to obtain a relative resolution equal or better than 10-11 in a 1 Hz bandwidth. When used as a mechanical displacement transducer, the predicted position noise is about 3 femtometre per rootHz. The circuit measures the change in capacitance by detecting the corresponding phase modulation at the resonance frequency and is configured to act as a close approximation of an all-pass filter to minimise the effects of amplitude modulation in case the drive signal is imperfectly tuned to the resonance. Some other applications of the proposed circuit are possible such as measuring electric field, where the sensing capacitor depends on the applied electric field. Also, the circuit can be easily adapted to function with very small capacitance values (1 - 2 pF) as is typical in MEMS based transducers.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, preprint prepared for a submission to Nature Electronic

    Differential spot-size focus servo

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    We describe performance of a differential spot-size (wax-wane) focus servo. Crosstalk from the tracks are analyzed in the single detector and differential focus circuits. Magnitude of the crosstalk is reduced by a factor of three in the differential circuit. A false focus-error signal (FES) is present when the spot crosses sector marks at an angle

    Spectrum formation in superluminous supernovae (Type I)

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    The near-maximum spectra of most superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) that are not dominated by interaction with a H-rich circum-stellar medium (SLSN-I) are characterized by a blue spectral peak and a series of absorption lines which have been identified as O II. SN 2011kl, associated with the ultra-long gamma-ray burst GRB111209A, also had a blue peak but a featureless optical/ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. Radiation transport methods are used to show that the spectra (not including SN 2007bi, which has a redder spectrum at peak, like ordinary SNe Ic) can be explained by a rather steep density distribution of the ejecta, whose composition appears to be typical of carbon–oxygen cores of massive stars which can have low metal content. If the photospheric velocity is ∼10 000–15 000 km s−1, several lines form in the UV. O II lines, however, arise from very highly excited lower levels, which require significant departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium to be populated. These SLSNe are not thought to be powered primarily by 56Ni decay. An appealing scenario is that they are energized by X-rays from the shock driven by a magnetar wind into the SN ejecta. The apparent lack of evolution of line velocity with time that characterizes SLSNe up to about maximum is another argument in favour of the magnetar scenario. The smooth UV continuum of SN 2011kl requires higher ejecta velocities (∼20 000 km s−1): line blanketing leads to an almost featureless spectrum. Helium is observed in some SLSNe after maximum. The high-ionization near-maximum implies that both He and H may be present but not observed at early times. The spectroscopic classification of SLSNe should probably reflect that of SNe Ib/c. Extensive time coverage is required for an accurate classification

    Another short-burst host galaxy with an optically obscured high star formation rate: The case of GRB 071227

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    We report on radio continuum observations of the host galaxy of the short gamma-ray burst 071227 (z=0.381) with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We detect the galaxy in the 5.5 GHz band with an integrated flux density of Fnu = 43 +/- 11 microJy, corresponding to an unobscured star-formation rate (SFR) of about 24 Msun/yr, forty times higher than what was found from optical emission lines. Among the ~30 well-identified and studied host galaxies of short bursts this is the third case where the host is found to undergo an episode of intense star formation. This suggests that a fraction of all short-burst progenitors hosted in star-forming galaxies could be physically related to recent star formation activity, implying a relatively short merger time scale.Comment: 6 pages, ApJ, accepted for publicatio

    Phylogenetic analysis to define feline immunodeficiency virus subtypes in 31 domestic cats in South Africa

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    Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a lentivirus, is an important pathogen of domestic cats around the world and has many similarities to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A characteristic of these lentiviruses is their extensive genetic diversity which has been an obstacle in the development of successful vaccines. Of the FIV genes, the envelope gene is the most variable and sequence differences in a portion of this gene have been used to define 5 FIV subtypes (A, B, C, D and E). In this study, the proviral DNA sequence of the V3-V5 region of the envelope gene was determined in blood samples from 31 FIV positive cats from 4 different regions of South Africa. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated the presence of both subtypes A and C, with subtype A predominating. These findings contribute to the understanding of the genetic diversity of FI
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