586 research outputs found

    Primary structure and spectroscopic studies of Neurospora copper metallothionein.

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    When Neurospora crassa is grown in the presence of Cu(II) ions, it accumulates the metal with the concomitant synthesis of a low molecular weight copper-binding protein. The molecule binds 6 g-atom of copper per mole protein (Mr = 2200) and shows a striking sequence homology to the zinc- and cadmium-binding vertebrate metallothioneins. Absorption, circular dichroism, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of Neurospora metallothionein indicate the copper to be bound to cysteinyl residues as a Cu(I)-thiolate complex of the polymeric mu-thiolate structure [Cu(I)6RS7]-. This metal-binding mode is also in agreement with the unusual luminescence of the protein. Spectral perturbation studies with HgCl2 and p-(chloromercuri)benzoate suggest that the 6 Cu(I)ions are coordinated to the seven cysteinyl residues in the form of a single metal cluster. Neurospora apometallothionein is also capable of binding in vivo group IIB metal ions [Zn(II), Cd(II), and Hg(II)] as well as paramagnetic Co(II) ions with an overall metal-to-protein stoichiometry of 3. The spectroscopic properties of the fully substituted forms are indicative of a distorted tetrahedral coordination. However, metal titration of the apoprotein shows the third metal ion to be differently coordinated than the other two metal ions. This difference can be explained by the presence of only seven cysteine residues in Neurospora metallothionein as opposed to nine cysteine residues in the three-metal cluster of the mammalian metallothioneins

    On hydrogen bond correlations at high pressures

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    In situ high pressure neutron diffraction measured lengths of O H and H O pairs in hydrogen bonds in substances are shown to follow the correlation between them established from 0.1 MPa data on different chemical compounds. In particular, the conclusion by Nelmes et al that their high pressure data on ice VIII differ from it is not supported. For compounds in which the O H stretching frequencies red shift under pressure, it is shown that wherever structural data is available, they follow the stretching frequency versus H O (or O O) distance correlation. For compounds displaying blue shifts with pressure an analogy appears to exist with improper hydrogen bonds.Comment: 12 pages,4 figure

    LACHESIS restricts gametic cell fate in the female gametophyte of Arabidopsis

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    In flowering plants, the egg and sperm cells form within haploid gametophytes. The female gametophyte of Arabidopsis consists of two gametic cells, the egg cell and the central cell, which are flanked by five accessory cells. Both gametic and accessory cells are vital for fertilization; however, the mechanisms that underlie the formation of accessory versus gametic cell fate are unknown. In a screen for regulators of egg cell fate, we isolated the lachesis (lis) mutant which forms supernumerary egg cells. In lis mutants, accessory cells differentiate gametic cell fate, indicating that LIS is involved in a mechanism that prevents accessory cells from adopting gametic cell fate. The temporal and spatial pattern of LIS expression suggests that this mechanism is generated in gametic cells. LIS is homologous to the yeast splicing factor PRP4, indicating that components of the splice apparatus participate in cell fate decisions

    Megathrust shear modulated by Albite Metasomatism in subduction mélanges

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    Aseismic megathrust slip downdip of the seismogenic zone is accommodated by either steady creep or episodic slow slip events (SSEs). However, the geological conditions defining the rheology of megathrust slip remain elusive. We examined exhumed subduction mélanges on Kyushu, Japan, which deformed at ∼370–500°C under greenschist to epidote‐amphibolite facies conditions, comparable to warm‐slab environments. The mélanges recorded fluid release and viscous shear localization associated with metasomatic reactions between juxtaposed metapelitic and metabasaltic rocks. Metasomatic reactions caused albitization of metapelite, resulting in depth‐dependent changes to megathrust rheology. In a mélange deformed at ∼370°C, very fine grained reaction products (metasomatic albite) facilitated grain boundary diffusion creep at stresses of ∼45 MPa, less than those in the surrounding metabasalt. Mineralogical and chemical changes during metasomatic reactions, and their field content, imply an onset of albite metasomatism at ∼350°C. Albite metasomatism therefore potentially contributed to decreased megathrust strength around the inferred thermally controlled base of the seismogenic zone. In a mélange deformed near the mantle wedge corner at ∼500°C, metasomatic reactions promoted local quartz vein formation and localized viscous shear at slow slip strain rates, during which the coarse‐grained metasomatic albite behaved as relatively rigid blocks in a viscous matrix. We suggest that albite metasomatism can facilitate changes in a megathrust slip mode with depth and may explain why slip mode changes from creep to SSEs with tremor with increasing depth

    Interleukin 2 Receptor Signaling Regulates the Perforin Gene through Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (Stat)5 Activation of Two Enhancers

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    Optimal T cell differentiation into effector cells with specialized functions requires the participation of cytokine receptor signals. In T helper cells, this process is controlled by chromatin changes and distal and proximal regulatory elements as well as specific transcription factors. Analogous events during cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) differentiation remain to be identified. This process is known, however, to be crucially regulated by interleukin (IL)-2 receptor (R) signals. It is accompanied by the induction of perforin expression via a mechanism that does not entail proximal regulatory elements. In this report, transgenically expressed human perforin gene locus DNAs demonstrate that IL-2R signals target two IL-2–dependent enhancers ∼15 and 1 kilobase upstream of the promoter. The most distal enhancer may also respond to TCR signals. In transient transfections, both enhancers required two identically spaced Stat-like elements for their activation, which was abolished by expression of a dominant negative signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat)5 molecule, whereas a constitutively active Stat5 molecule bypassed the requirement for IL-2R signals. These results provide a molecular explanation for the activation of the perforin gene during CTL differentiation and complement the analysis of animals deficient in the activation of the IL-2R Stat signaling pathway by establishing perforin as a target gene

    Caspase-Dependent Inhibition of Mousepox Replication by gzmB

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    BACKGROUND: Ectromelia virus is a natural mouse pathogen, causing mousepox. The cytotoxic T (Tc) cell granule serine-protease, granzyme B, is important for its control, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. Using ex vivo virus immune Tc cells, we have previously shown that granzyme B is able to activate several independent pro-apoptotic pathways, including those mediated by Bid/Bak/Bax and caspases-3/-7, in target cells pulsed with Tc cell determinants. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Here we analysed the physiological relevance of those pro-apoptotic pathways in ectromelia infection, by incubating ectromelia-immune ex vivo Tc cells from granzyme A deficient (GzmB(+) Tc cells) or granzyme A and granzyme B deficient (GzmAxB(-/-) Tc cell) mice with ectromelia-infected target cells. We found that gzmB-induced apoptosis was totally blocked in ectromelia infected or peptide pulsed cells lacking caspases-3/-7. However ectromelia inhibited only partially apoptosis in cells deficient for Bid/Bak/Bax and not at all when both pathways were operative suggesting that the virus is able to interfere with apoptosis induced by gzmB in case not all pathways are activated. Importantly, inhibition of viral replication in vitro, as seen with wild type cells, was not affected by the lack of Bid/Bak/Bax but was significantly reduced in caspase-3/-7-deficient cells. Both caspase dependent processes were strictly dependent on gzmB, since Tc cells, lacking both gzms, neither induced apoptosis nor reduced viral titers. SIGNIFICANCE: Out findings present the first evidence on the biological importance of the independent gzmB-inducible pro-apoptotic pathways in a physiological relevant virus infection model

    Modelling the Innate Immune Response against Avian Influenza Virus in Chicken

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    At present there is limited understanding of the host immune response to (low pathogenic) avian influenza virus infections in poultry. Here we develop a mathematical model for the innate immune response to avian influenza virus in chicken lung, describing the dynamics of viral load, interferon-α, -β and -γ, lung (i.e. pulmonary) cells and Natural Killer cells. We use recent results from experimentally infected chickens to validate some of the model predictions. The model includes an initial exponential increase of the viral load, which we show to be consistent with experimental data. Using this exponential growth model we show that the duration until a given viral load is reached in experiments with different inoculation doses is consistent with a model assuming a linear relationship between initial viral load and inoculation dose. Subsequent to the exponential-growth phase, the model results show a decline in viral load caused by both target-cell limitation as well as the innate immune response. The model results suggest that the temporal viral load pattern in the lungs displayed in experimental data cannot be explained by target-cell limitation alone. For biologically plausible parameter values the model is able to qualitatively match to data on viral load in chicken lungs up until approximately 4 days post infection. Comparison of model predictions with data on CD107-mediated degranulation of Natural Killer cells yields some discrepancy also for earlier days post infection

    Lack of MHC class I surface expression on neoplastic cells and poor activation of the secretory pathway of cytotoxic cells in oral squamous cell carcinomas

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer (NK) cells use the secretory pathway of perforin/granzymes to kill their target cells. In contrast to NK cells, CTL responses are MHC class I restricted. In this study we analysed the relative activation of CTL and NK cells in relation with MHC class I expression on oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs). MHC class I expression was investigated in 47 OSCCs by immunohistochemistry using HCA2, HC10 and β2-m antibodies. The presence of CTLs, NK cells, and its activation, was investigated in 21 of these OSCCs using respectively, CD8, CD57 and GrB7 antibodies. The Q-Prodit measuring system was used for quantification of cytotoxic cells. All OSCCs showed weak or absent staining of β2-m on the cell surface. The absence of β2-m was significantly associated with absent expression of MHC class I heavy chain as detected by HC10 antibody (P = 0.004). In tumour infiltrates CTLs always outnumbered NK cells, as reflected by the ratio CD57/CD8 being always inferior to one (mean: 0.19; SD: 0.15). The proportion of activated cytotoxic cells as detected by granzyme B expression was generally low (mean: 8.6%; SD 8.9). A clear correlation between MHC class I expression and the relative proportion of NK cells/CTLs was not found. This study shows that the majority of OSCCs show weak or absent expression of MHC class I molecules on the cell surface, possibly due to alterations in the normal β2-m pathway. The low proportion of granzyme B-positive CTLs/NK cells indicates that the secretory pathway of cytotoxicity is poor in these patients. The lack of correlation between MHC class I expression and CTL/NK cell activation as detected by granzyme B expression suggests that, next to poor antigen presentation, also local factors seem to determine the final outcome of the cytotoxic immune response. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig