232 research outputs found

    Urban Vacant Land and Spatial Chaos in Ogbomoso North Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Vacant land is seen as important component of urban environment capable of generating a detrimental effect on quality of life and the living environment The study attempts to examine the characteristics distribution pattern utilization and the attendant challenges of urban vacant land within Ogbomoso north a local government area in Oyo State Southwestern Nigeria with a view to assessing the level of maintenance of the vacant lands In order to achieve these objectives both primary and secondary data were employed Primary data were gathered through direct survey and interviews Simple random sampling was used to purposively select 320 adult interviewed from a compiled list of households obtained from National Population Commission Secondary data were obtained from internet books and journals Data were analyzed making use of descriptive and inferential statistics to present discussio

    An Analysis of Urban Secondary School Studentsa Interest in Teaching Profession in South-Western Nigeria

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    The study analyzed Senior Secondary School Students interest in teaching profession in Oyo city South-western Nigeria Data used for this study were collected through questionnaire administration for 270 students randomly selected in nine secondary schools in the study area A vocational interest inventory of items constructed and validated by the researchers with reliability co-efficient of 0 78 obtained was the instrument used for data collection The data collected from the interviews were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test The result of finding showed that 68 5 of the sampled population had interests in a profession that involved dealing with children while 27 6 had interest in becoming career teacher but 78 3 of sampled population preferred teaching as a career to any other profession if teachers remuneration were highly increased There was no relationship between gender and response to profession that involves dealing with children but there was significant relationship between students interest in teaching profession and increase in teachers remuneration The study concluded that the students have weak feeling of interest to be career teacher owing to poor affinity of their parents and teachers to teaching profession poor work environment and inducement in teaching profession The study therefore recommended the needs for proper coordination of the necessary machineries towards innovation in policies that can arouse young people s interest in teaching professio

    Multiscale Shannon’s entropy modelling of orientation and distance in steel fiber Micro-Tomography data

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    This work is concerned with the modelling and analysis of the orientation and distance between steel fibers in X-ray Micro-Tomography (XCT) data. The advantage of combining both orientation and separation in a model is that it helps provide a detailed understanding of how the steel fibers are arranged, which is easy to compare. The developed models are designed to summarise the randomness of the orientation distribution of the steel fibers both locally and across an entire volume based on multiscale entropy. Theoretical modelling, simulation and application to real imaging data are shown here. The theoretical modelling of multiscale entropy for orientation includes a proof showing the final form of the multiscale taken over a linear range of scales. A series of image processing operations are also included to overcome interslice connectivity issues to help derive the statistical descriptions of the orientation distributions of the steel fibers. The results demonstrate that multiscale entropy provides unique insights into both simulated and real imaging data of steel fiber reinforced concrete

    Modern Methods Of Construction A Technique In Achieving Affordable Housing In Nigeria

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    The urban environment in Nigeria accounts for over 51.16% of the population and is the main source of economic development within the country. With the increase in population as a result of rural-urban migration, population growth, urban development, decrease in mortality rate amongst others, there is a need for affordable housing provision. It is has been argued based on extensive research, that the development of good housing and infrastructure, can increase the average life expectancy of people, quality of life, increase the health standard and also attract investment and thus, further develop the economy. Unfortunately, the discourse on affordable housing has not developed a model that meets the Nigerian urban populace that is in desperate need of housing. With a larger percentage of Nigerians living in these areas, coupled with the continual rise in rural-urban migration, it is imperative to ensure that focus should be placed on the developing modern methods of construction (MMC) that can meet housing needs. Modern methods of construction is a broad terminology that embraces a variety of offsite manufacturing and onsite practices that provides a range of options to traditional house buildings. It is in light of these facts, this paper analyses the effects of affordable housing in the urban environment and the role MMC plays in its development. This qualitative study is based on current knowledge from preliminary research, analysing how affordable housing can be achieved with MMC. The conclusion of this research will suggest the benefits of MMC practices and create an avenue for further research on affordable housing

    Ethnomedicinal Use of Plant Species in Ijesa Land of Osun State, Nigeria

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    A combination of social survey and direct field observation was used to identify the medicinal plant species used in Ijesa land of Osun State, Nigeria. Voucher specimens of the species were obtained and the relative abundance for each of the identified botanical species was determined. A total of 45 plant species belonging to 30 families were identified. Our survey indicated they were used in the control of 22 diseases. Tribal information of these species is passed from one generation to another. These species were found to have multiple uses in the study area. Only 29% of the species were cultivated in the study area. A considerable proportion of these plant species were extracted predatorily and collections were done indiscriminately without consideration for size and age. At present, only 47% of the medicinal plants fall in the ‘abundant’ category for this study area. Most of these abundant species were cultivated for their fruits, seeds, leaves or vegetables. Finally, strategies that would enhance the conservation of the species in the study area were proposed

    Conservation and Biodiversity Erosion in Ondo State, Nigeria: (2). Assessing Botanicals Used in the Storage of Farm Produce in Akure region

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    Semi-structured questionnaire matrix was used to identify plant species used for storage purposes in five communities situated within 5kilometre radius from Akure, the Ondo State capital, south-western Nigeria. A total of 32 botanical species were found to be commonly used in the preservation of farm produce in the study area. The leaves constituted the major part of the botanical that were widely utilised while the major farm produce common in the study area were kola nuts and bitter kola The descriptions of the indigenous knowledge of the various methods of application of the botanicals were identified and documented. Only nine of the botanicals were cultivated abundantly in the study area. The household farm, forest and common area constituted the major primary sources of the storage botanicals. Strategies that could ensure the continuous supply of the storage botanicals were proposed

    Organisational Culture and Employees Commitment in Public Tertiary Institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    DU study investigated the relationship between organizational culture and employees' C0111111ltment in public tertiary institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria. Four hypotheses were tated In this study. The descriptive research design type was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprises all the non-teaching and teaching employees in public tertiary institutions in Lagos State. The simple random sampling technique was first adopted to select four out of the seven public tertiary institutions in Lagos State for the study. The simple random sampling was fUrther used to select 50 employees from each of the four public tertiary institutions comprising a total of 200 samples for the study. An instrument tagged "Organizational Culture and Employees Commitment Questionnaire" was used to collect data for the study. The instrument was validated and a reliability coefficient of 0. 78 was obtained for the instrument. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results from the data analysis indicated that significant relationship exist between organizational culture and employees' commitment in public tertiary institutions in Lagos State. It was fUrther found that significant difference exist in the commitment of employees of different sex, ages and length of service to their institutions in Lagos State should Management improve on the cu"ent rewards system in their institutions to enhance employees' commitment levels as well as output among other

    Conservation and Biodiversity Erosion in Ondo State, Nigeria: (4). Assessing Botanicals Used in the Cure of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Owo Region

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    A combination of social survey and direct field observation was used to assess the botanicals used in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases in Owo region of Ondo State, Nigeria. A total of 33 belonging to 28 families were identified, 14 of which were found to be rare on the abundance scale used in the study. The need for the conservation of these species was stressed

    An Analysis of Factors Influencing Hiring/ Placement of University Graduates in Nigeria

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    1bia study notes the alarming rate of graduate unemployment and analyses the factors iaftuencing labour market demand for University graduates in Nigeria. A total of II 0 Labour Orpnizations was randomly sampled within Lagos metropolis. The study adopts a descriptive survey design. With the aid of a structured questionnaire and unstructured interview questions, relevant information was collected. Four hypotheses were postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance using the chi-square. Finding shows that there are significant relationships between the experience, Government's economic policies, Quality of degree, Area of specialization and hiring I placement of Labour by Employer. The study concludes by suggesting the way out for the endemic state of unemployment in general and graduates from Nigeria Universities in particular

    Urbalization and the transitional Economy: Impacts and Effects On Africa Regional Growth

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    • lltctwDhtg trend of international trade and investment are primary economic activities """M'Ye as the engine of the world economic growth. We discover that the volume of goods IIWIIedln Nigeria since 1950 has tremendously improved as a reflection of lower tariffs. An lllctwDe In tariff by one country usually triggered retaliatory changes by trading partners ~«~ding to tariff wars with the attendant effect of less trade and employment inhibition. But with Intense trade openness to the world, economic activities have witnessed a significant transition. The geographical spread of the growth has generated controversial debate. The paper Is a discourse of globalization, and the transitional economy. It also reviews the definition of Globalization and examines the impact and effect of the transitional economy on the regional growth with particular reference to Africa, using Niger Delta in Nigeria as a case study. African countries, therefore, should rise to the challenges of globalization as the new Asian Tige
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